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OGSE - Технические проблемы


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@ASSASIN64 мод хороший. Но в ОГСЕ по сути, поддерживается только патч 2.10R, да то, на уровне поиска по разделу т.к. на все вопросы уже по несколько раз ответили. А форум огсе.ру не так давно закрыли и по патчу 2.12 ТП не получить и инфу не найти. Выбор в общем-то небольшой.

  • Нравится 1
  • Полезно 2

Desktop: i7-11700k/Gigabyte Z590 D/64 Гб DDR4-3600 (2х32Гб)/GTX 1070Ti 8Гб/30" WQXGA+24" WUXGA (portrait)/ADATA Legend 960 4 Тб + 3HDD (13 Тб)/Thermaltake smart BM2 - 650Вт/Win10+QtTab

\\\ Дополнения к ОГСЕ 0693 /// \\\ OGSRmod ///\\\АМК-дискорд///\\\Балкон///

Ссылка на комментарий

Установлена версия 2.10Revised. Напрягает то, что не убираются трупы. Может есть какая консольная команда, чтобы вручную запустить уборку трупов мутантов и сталкеров?

Ссылка на комментарий

@Сталкер_Василий Уборщик есть и он работает. Но не сразу.


Desktop: i7-11700k/Gigabyte Z590 D/64 Гб DDR4-3600 (2х32Гб)/GTX 1070Ti 8Гб/30" WQXGA+24" WUXGA (portrait)/ADATA Legend 960 4 Тб + 3HDD (13 Тб)/Thermaltake smart BM2 - 650Вт/Win10+QtTab

\\\ Дополнения к ОГСЕ 0693 /// \\\ OGSRmod ///\\\АМК-дискорд///\\\Балкон///

Ссылка на комментарий

@Опричник да, все же уборщик отрабатывает, но хотелось бы более быстрой его работы. Никак нельзя его подкрутить? Просто сейчас приходится между локами бегать начальными часто, начало игры, квесты выполняю самые первые - трупов гора просто, глазу неприятно и как подлаги из-за этого есть, кажется во всяком случае так.

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Помогите ogse мод. Патч 2.12 При выборе диалога с Генералом Ворониным когда нажимаю на то что я принес m202 игра вылетает

Добавлено  HellRatz,

В случаях вылета показывают ошибку из лога. Так, не глядя, никто не поймет причину.

Ссылка на комментарий

@Opasnosst Патч 2.12 не поддерживается (даже сайт ogse.ru прекратил существование). Только 2.10R (ссылки в соседних темах). Новая игра обязательна.

И второе. Спрашивать надо там, откуда скачивал.

  • Полезно 1

Desktop: i7-11700k/Gigabyte Z590 D/64 Гб DDR4-3600 (2х32Гб)/GTX 1070Ti 8Гб/30" WQXGA+24" WUXGA (portrait)/ADATA Legend 960 4 Тб + 3HDD (13 Тб)/Thermaltake smart BM2 - 650Вт/Win10+QtTab

\\\ Дополнения к ОГСЕ 0693 /// \\\ OGSRmod ///\\\АМК-дискорд///\\\Балкон///

Ссылка на комментарий
2 часа назад, Opasnosst сказал:

Помогите ogse мод. Патч 2.12 При выборе диалога с Генералом Ворониным когда нажимаю на то что я принес m202 игра вылетает

Вам нужен фикс, там этот вылет исправлен: https://disk.yandex.by/d/m_9GAWrdkdLaYQ (или https://disk.yandex.by/d/H6U2S9y93Sn7Fp )

Скрытый текст

патч OGSE_2.12_alpha_3

* исправлен вылет : Can't find variable burn_immunity in [af_klondike_хх_absorbation] при раскрытии Клондайка Артефактов

патч OGSE_2.12_alpha_2

* исправлен вылет : \shaders\r2\deffer_base_lmh_aref_bump_d_steep-hq.ps при заходе в ПЖД
* исправлен вылет : Can't open section '=dix' при сдаче задания Боцману
+ добавлены недостающие фразы Боцмана на задания
* исправлен спавн одного аномального болта (только при НИ)
= снижен лут денег с трупов (Пак дополнений V2A)

патч OGSE_2.12_alpha_1

* исправлен вылет при попытке сдать гранатомет М202 Воронину
* исправлена ошибка конфигуратора при попытке включить фоновую музыку появляется сообщение "Недопустимое значение свойства"
+ включен "исправление ошибок текста OGSE" (front210). Пока переносил, подивился тому объёму нудной работы, которая была проделана. Респект!
+ При исчерпании энергии, полтергейст выходит из энергетической формы в физическую, в которой он более уязвим
+ добавлены недостающие текстуры и файлы настроек текстур
~ мелочи разные



ПС: @Opasnosst , рекомендуется для прохождения OGSR Mod, это дальнейшее развитие OGSE, на новом движке и с актуальной техподдержкой.


Изменено пользователем Vek Tor
Ссылка на комментарий
26 минут назад, Vek Tor сказал:

Вам нужен фикс, там этот вылет исправлен: https://disk.yandex.by/d/m_9GAWrdkdLaYQ (или https://disk.yandex.by/d/H6U2S9y93Sn7Fp )


патч OGSE_2.12_alpha_3

* исправлен вылет : Can't find variable burn_immunity in [af_klondike_хх_absorbation] при раскрытии Клондайка Артефактов

патч OGSE_2.12_alpha_2

* исправлен вылет : \shaders\r2\deffer_base_lmh_aref_bump_d_steep-hq.ps при заходе в ПЖД
* исправлен вылет : Can't open section '=dix' при сдаче задания Боцману
+ добавлены недостающие фразы Боцмана на задания
* исправлен спавн одного аномального болта (только при НИ)
= снижен лут денег с трупов (Пак дополнений V2A)

патч OGSE_2.12_alpha_1

* исправлен вылет при попытке сдать гранатомет М202 Воронину
* исправлена ошибка конфигуратора при попытке включить фоновую музыку появляется сообщение "Недопустимое значение свойства"
+ включен "исправление ошибок текста OGSE" (front210). Пока переносил, подивился тому объёму нудной работы, которая была проделана. Респект!
+ При исчерпании энергии, полтергейст выходит из энергетической формы в физическую, в которой он более уязвим
+ добавлены недостающие текстуры и файлы настроек текстур
~ мелочи разные



ПС: @Opasnosst , рекомендуется для прохождения OGSR Mod, это дальнейшее развитие OGSE, на новом движке и с актуальной техподдержкой.


После установки фикса я смогу продолжить с сейва? Или придется заново начинать новую игру? Просто уже сколько всего прошел второй раз одно и тоже

Ссылка на комментарий

@Opasnosst Новая игра обязательна. Они несовместимы. Попытка играть на прошлых сейвах чревата большими проблемами.

 Изучите "Правила цитирования". https://www.amk-team.ru/forum/topic/13514-obyavleniya/


Desktop: i7-11700k/Gigabyte Z590 D/64 Гб DDR4-3600 (2х32Гб)/GTX 1070Ti 8Гб/30" WQXGA+24" WUXGA (portrait)/ADATA Legend 960 4 Тб + 3HDD (13 Тб)/Thermaltake smart BM2 - 650Вт/Win10+QtTab

\\\ Дополнения к ОГСЕ 0693 /// \\\ OGSRmod ///\\\АМК-дискорд///\\\Балкон///

Ссылка на комментарий

День добрый, не отображаются динамические новости, да и вообще никакие оповещения в игре не приходят, даже сюжетные сообщения, звук есть, а надписей нет, может кто сталкивался с этим? 

Играю в 2.10r с фиксом v3+ и фиксом на текста

Может тут уже задавали этот вопрос но листать 59 страниц это слишком для меня

@DaniilSki Еще заметил что видны только сообщения о сборе денег с трупов, и иногда, один раз через десять, об автоматической разрядке подбираемого оружия

Изменено пользователем DaniilSki
Дописал версию на которой играю
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@DaniilSki возможно дело  в нестандартном разрешении экрана. Попробуйте в настройках выставить одно из типичных.

  • Спасибо 1

Desktop: i7-11700k/Gigabyte Z590 D/64 Гб DDR4-3600 (2х32Гб)/GTX 1070Ti 8Гб/30" WQXGA+24" WUXGA (portrait)/ADATA Legend 960 4 Тб + 3HDD (13 Тб)/Thermaltake smart BM2 - 650Вт/Win10+QtTab

\\\ Дополнения к ОГСЕ 0693 /// \\\ OGSRmod ///\\\АМК-дискорд///\\\Балкон///

Ссылка на комментарий

1920x1080  - это типичное разрешения монитора? Сталкерую на ней, и у меня тоже очень редкие новости :unknw:

Заранее извиняюсь за возможные ошибки, русский для меня не родной язык.

Ссылка на комментарий

@AubedA типичное. У меня не совсем - 1920х1200, всё видно. Но так-то эта проблема не новая и не уникальная, и во многих модах встречается.

  • Полезно 1

Desktop: i7-11700k/Gigabyte Z590 D/64 Гб DDR4-3600 (2х32Гб)/GTX 1070Ti 8Гб/30" WQXGA+24" WUXGA (portrait)/ADATA Legend 960 4 Тб + 3HDD (13 Тб)/Thermaltake smart BM2 - 650Вт/Win10+QtTab

\\\ Дополнения к ОГСЕ 0693 /// \\\ OGSRmod ///\\\АМК-дискорд///\\\Балкон///

Ссылка на комментарий

@DaniilSki нету. Но машины можно чинить ремкомплектами (если осталось 40% и менее - чинить бесполезно).

И где там на машинах броня? Обычные легковушки, со  всеми вытекающими...

  • Полезно 1

Desktop: i7-11700k/Gigabyte Z590 D/64 Гб DDR4-3600 (2х32Гб)/GTX 1070Ti 8Гб/30" WQXGA+24" WUXGA (portrait)/ADATA Legend 960 4 Тб + 3HDD (13 Тб)/Thermaltake smart BM2 - 650Вт/Win10+QtTab

\\\ Дополнения к ОГСЕ 0693 /// \\\ OGSRmod ///\\\АМК-дискорд///\\\Балкон///

Ссылка на комментарий

@Опричник Бесполезно чинить когда любой чувачек вражеский за 1 очередь ее взрывает xD

Блин, что ж мне так не везет в игре, в общем то выполнил я квест бродяги дика, получил артефакт свет, надел его и только отошел от дома лесника в центре экрана появилась надпись, сбой в игре отошлите полный лог разработчикам

К счастью квиксейв помог, отмена паники

Ссылка на комментарий

@DaniilSki , попробуй тут:

gamedata\config\models\vehicles\ABC.ltx - для нужного вида транспорта покрутить:

explosion_immunity        = 0.25 ;--* это чтобы не взрывало
fire_wound_immunity       = 0.09 ;--* это чтобы пулей не убивало

Чем меньше число (положительное значение), тем прочнее тарабайка.

Изменено пользователем Купер
  • Полезно 2
Ссылка на комментарий

Всем привет!

Команде, работавшей когда-то над модом - отдельный салют и спасибо! :smile_gitara:

Вдруг тут есть энтузиасты и кто-то из старой команды разрабов, кто захочет решить задачку.

Столкнулся с проблемой в OGSE - игра загружает ядро процессора почти на 100%, даже просто находясь в меню! Само собой, в игре производительность тоже нестабильная. На максимальном пресете и после подстройки по видео от SimplyYuri всё равно стабильных 60+ нет: постоянно просадки до 50-40 к/с и ниже. Облегчение настроек особой разницы не приносит (оно и так понятно, что что-то не то, раз уже в меню ядро под сотку).


Знаю, что мод старый, но сразу предупрежу все вопросы:

- Проходил мод на старом компе по чуть-чуть на протяжении нескольких лет. Сохранение почти в конце - нет желания проходить всё заново. Хочется попробовать починить мод и допройти с кайфом.

- Какая точно версия мода, не понимаю. В логах 2.10, а в меню - 2.11 build 4248. Когда ставил, не знал про разделение мода на две ветки. Так бы убедился лишний раз, что ставлю чистую 2.10 и только необходимые фиксы. Но в те времена ещё работал тот самый сайт и форум ОГСЕ, я туда приходил на форум за советами.

- Раньше производительность не смущала, потому что играл на слабом компе (Phenom II x4 955 @3,2 GHz + GTX 260/550 Ti). Там было столько же кадров на средних настройках, а что где грузится, я либо не мониторил, либо ничего не удивляло.

- Сейчас конфиг: i7 6700 + RTX 3060 + SSD m.2 с win10 и игрой в отдельной папке, так что на максималках всё должно летать (как минимум, стабильные 60 должны быть).

- Гуглить пробовал. Не нашёл ни одного упоминания своей проблемы.


Лог прикладываю.

Могу прислать что угодно ещё, хоть папку с игрой :)


Буду крайне благодарен за любую помощь!





[03/17/23 19:55:08]    --SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: .
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: ..
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    --try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    fname: LuaXML_lib
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    --try to load ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    fname: ogse
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    open_global_ns - start
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    open_global_ns - end
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: ogse.pdb
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    file: xp
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ~~        _G : os.clock() = 2.8220000267029    math.randomseed()
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    luaxml1
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    luaxml2
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    !!OGSE_vers = Final_2.10(22/05/2016)**
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    !!INFO: LuaXML library loading successful.
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ##called from function 'void __cdecl xrDebug::my_fatal(const char *,int,const char *,const char *,...)' in file '_main.cpp' on line 65
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    --stack traceback:
[03/17/23 19:55:08]        [string "log1('--' .. debug.traceback())"]:1: in main chunk
[03/17/23 19:55:08]        [C]: in function 'translate_string'
[03/17/23 19:55:08]        c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:1267: in main chunk
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    E:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrGame\string_table.cpp
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    CStringTable::Load
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    string table xml file not found %s, for language %s
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    ui_mm_efx.xml
[03/17/23 19:55:08]    Starting engine...
[03/17/23 19:55:09]    Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:09]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] creatures
[03/17/23 19:55:09]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
[03/17/23 19:55:09]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] tuning
[03/17/23 19:55:09]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] ui
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * DVB created: 6144K
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * DIB created: 512K
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    - r__tf_aniso 14
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    - r2_tf_mipbias 0.
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    *** RESET [177 ms]
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    "c:\stalker ogse\bin\xr_3da.exe" -dsound -nointro -noprefetch -smap4096
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase time: 0 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase cmem: 129845 K
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    [–––––––––––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase time: 18 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase cmem: 109584 K
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    [*––––––––––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    --SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: .
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: ..
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    --try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    fname: LuaXML_lib
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    --try to load ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    fname: ogse
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    open_global_ns - start
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    open_global_ns - end
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: ogse.pdb
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    file: xp
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    ~~        _G : os.clock() = 11.937999725342    math.randomseed()
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    luaxml1
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    luaxml2
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    !!OGSE_vers = Final_2.10(22/05/2016)**
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    !!INFO: LuaXML library loading successful.
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    ! Cannot find saved game ~~~ sandbox initialized
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * Log file has been saved successfully!
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase time: 56 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * phase cmem: 109296 K
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    [**–––––––––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:17]    * Loading spawn registry...
[03/17/23 19:55:18]    * 11631 spawn points are successfully loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:18]    * Loading objects...
[03/17/23 19:55:18]    Ðàçìåð íåòïàêåòà Ñèäîðîâè÷à 2867
[03/17/23 19:55:18]    * 28513 objects are successfully loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * Game 54 peacemaking 6 bar is successfully loaded from file 'c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\savedgames\54 peacemaking 6 bar.sav' (1.771s)
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase time: 1772 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase cmem: 182346 K
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    [*********––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    MaxPlayers = 32
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase time: 217 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase cmem: 182378 K
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    [*********––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    # Player not found. New player created.
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * client : connection accepted - <>
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase time: 5 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase cmem: 182403 K
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    [*********––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase time: 2 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    * phase cmem: 182403 K
[03/17/23 19:55:19]    [*********––––––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase time: 1437 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase cmem: 237410 K
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    [*************––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase time: 178 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase cmem: 246279 K
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    [*************––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65437 verts, 2044 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 24324 verts, 760 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 8016 verts, 250 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 24097 verts, 753 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 467268 indices, 912 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading VB] 4731 verts, 55 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * [Loading IB] 64551 indices, 126 Kb
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase time: 206 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    * phase cmem: 246480 K
[03/17/23 19:55:21]    [*************––––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase time: 440 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase cmem: 250602 K
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    [***************––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(80)
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * [DETAILS] 53360 v(20), 34560 p
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * [DETAILS] Batch(80), VB(1042K), IB(202K)
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase time: 20 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase cmem: 250612 K
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    [***************––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * Loading HOM: c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\levels\l05_bar\level.hom
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase time: 12 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase cmem: 250836 K
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    [***************––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase time: 8 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase cmem: 250895 K
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    [***************––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    - Game configuring : Started 
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    - Game configuring : Finished 
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase time: 141 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    * phase cmem: 268602 K
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    [***************––––––]
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det1_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det1_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_u_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_u_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_metall_det1_v_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_metall_det1_v_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_stucco_det3_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_stucco_det3_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_wood_det1_u_bump
[03/17/23 19:55:22]    ! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_wood_det1_u_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    !! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_aksu'
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    !! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_svd'
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * t-report - base: 1506, 745642 K
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * t-report - lmap: 16, 16386 K
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ***FATAL***: Too many lmap-textures (limit: 8 textures or 32M).
[03/17/23 19:55:25]            Reduce pixel density (worse) or use more vertex lighting (better).
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * phase time: 2973 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * phase cmem: 268602 K
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    [*******************––]
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * phase time: 6 ms
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * phase cmem: 268602 K
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * [win32]: free[2436836 K], reserved[201920 K], committed[1555484 K]
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * [ D3D ]: textures[762028 K]
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * [x-ray]: crt heap[268581 K], process heap[960086 K], game lua[48474 K], engine lua[329 K], render[0 K]
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    * [x-ray]: economy: strings[7913 K], smem[0 K]
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    --SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: .
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: ..
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    --try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    fname: LuaXML_lib
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    --try to load ogse.dll
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    fname: ogse
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ~~    loaded
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: ogse.pdb
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    file: xp
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ~~        _G : os.clock() = 19.708000183105    math.randomseed()
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\scenario\superkontroler\avaaa.ogg
[03/17/23 19:55:25]    ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\scenario\superkontroler\fooooood.ogg
[03/17/23 19:55:26]    load_main_variable_tbl: INFO: main_variable_tbl load is succesful
[03/17/23 19:55:26]    INFO: There is an 28512 ID's in use at that moment
[03/17/23 19:55:26]    [KD] applying graphics settings
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_first_patient]
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_first_patient_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_first_patient_walk for izgoy_first_patient
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_first_patient_walk VTX [27015] for izgoy_first_patient
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_barman]
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_barman_hole_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_barman_hole_look
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_barman_hole_walk for bar_barman
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_barman_hole_walk VTX [49725] for bar_barman
[03/17/23 19:55:28]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:30]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    ! auto-generated bump map: act\act_green_stalker_head_3_nova_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_visitors_3_3]
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_3_look
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk for bar_bar_visitors_3_3
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk VTX [50839] for bar_bar_visitors_3_3
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:32]    ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human_01\dolg\fight\backup\backup_4.ogg
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    ! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human_01\dolg\reactions\story\cool_teller_7.ogg
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_guard_3
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor FOR bar_zastava_guard_3
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_commander_1_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_commander_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_commander_1_walk for bar_zastava_guard_3
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_commander_1_walk VTX [71103] for bar_zastava_guard_3
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0009]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0010]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0011]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0012]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0013]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0014]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0015]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0016]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0017]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0018]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0019]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0020]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0021]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_petrenko]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_petrenko_look_new
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new for bar_dolg_petrenko
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new VTX [66373] for bar_dolg_petrenko
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_lider]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating izgioy_lider_walk for izgoy_lider
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgioy_lider_walk VTX [26131] for izgoy_lider
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_pomoshnik]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_pomoshnik_walk for izgoy_pomoshnik
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_pomoshnik_walk VTX [28287] for izgoy_pomoshnik
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_second_patient]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_second_patient_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_second_patient_walk for izgoy_second_patient
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_second_patient_walk VTX [27018] for izgoy_second_patient
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_angar_zoneguard]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating angar_zoneguard_walk for bar_angar_zoneguard
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path angar_zoneguard_walk VTX [61403] for bar_angar_zoneguard
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_drunk_dolg]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_dolg_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk for bar_bar_drunk_dolg
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk VTX [49943] for bar_bar_drunk_dolg
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_guard]
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_door_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_door_look
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_guard_door_walk for bar_bar_guard
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_guard_door_walk VTX [48870] for bar_bar_guard
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:33]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_guard_2]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_guard_walk for bar_bar_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_guard_walk VTX [47631] for bar_bar_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_lisiy]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk for bar_bar_lisiy
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk VTX [50677] for bar_bar_lisiy
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_osvedomitel]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_osvedomitel_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk for bar_bar_osvedomitel
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk VTX [50052] for bar_bar_osvedomitel
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_stalker]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_1_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_1_walk for bar_bar_stalker
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_1_walk VTX [52149] for bar_bar_stalker
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_visitor_hunter]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk for bar_bar_visitor_hunter
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk VTX [49333] for bar_bar_visitor_hunter
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_0001]
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_look
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_0001
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk VTX [68646] for bar_dolg_bunker_0001
[03/17/23 19:55:34]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_0002]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_0002
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk VTX [69592] for bar_dolg_bunker_0002
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_2]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_2
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk VTX [67572] for bar_dolg_bunker_2
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_ivancov]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_ivancov_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_ivancov_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_ivancov_walk for bar_dolg_ivancov
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_ivancov_walk VTX [60984] for bar_dolg_ivancov
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_center_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk for bar_dolg_regular_5
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk VTX [60055] for bar_dolg_regular_5
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_guider]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_guider_walk for bar_guider
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_guider_walk VTX [50386] for bar_guider
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_leader]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_leader_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_leader_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_leader_walk for bar_dolg_leader
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_leader_walk VTX [72325] for bar_dolg_leader
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [stalker_hvost]
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_hvost_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_hvost_look
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_hvost_walk for stalker_hvost
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_hvost_walk VTX [49737] for stalker_hvost
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:35]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:36]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:36]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:36]    ! auto-generated bump map: wpn\upgrades\mag_cmag_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:37]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:37]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:37]    !! cannot load texture 'bino\bino_bpos_10x42'
[03/17/23 19:55:37]    !! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_l85'
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    ! auto-generated bump map: act\act_bandi7_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_sinyak28203]
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR validating sinyak_walk_work for bar_sinyak28203
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path sinyak_walk_work VTX [54938] for bar_sinyak28203
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    [AEM MANAGER] REMOVING ALL RESTRICTIONS FOR aem_arny28303
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [aem_arny28303]
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    [XR EFFECTS] REMOVING ALL RESTRICTIONS FOR aem_arny28303
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_arena_man_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_arena_man_look
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_arena_man_walk for aem_arny28303
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_arena_man_walk VTX [53540] for aem_arny28303
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    ! auto-generated bump map: item\item_bioradar_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:38]    ! auto-generated bump map: arsenal_mod\556x45_clip_ar15_bump#
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [stalker_tikar41969]
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_walk1
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_look1
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    MOVE_MGR validating tikar_walk1 for stalker_tikar41969
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path tikar_walk1 VTX [52676] for stalker_tikar41969
[03/17/23 19:55:39]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    !!MUSBOX [characters_voice\scenario\mbox\mbox_track6_7]
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_left_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk VTX [60220] for bar_dolg_regular_1
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_right_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk VTX [60117] for bar_dolg_regular_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk for bar_dolg_veteran_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk VTX [63366] for bar_dolg_veteran_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk for bar_dolg_veteran_3
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk VTX [63361] for bar_dolg_veteran_3
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk VTX [42495] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk VTX [42828] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk VTX [42488] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:41]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:55:42]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] creatures
[03/17/23 19:55:42]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
[03/17/23 19:55:42]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] tuning
[03/17/23 19:55:42]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] ui
[03/17/23 19:55:42]    * MEMORY USAGE: 467051 K
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[stalker][novice]: set default
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_walk2
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_look2
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    MOVE_MGR validating tikar_walk2 for stalker_tikar41969
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path tikar_walk2 VTX [46060] for stalker_tikar41969
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    MOVE_MGR checked point
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[guider][veteran]: set default
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_look
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[stalker][experienced]: set default
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[quest_stalker][experienced]: set default
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    ph_button:reset_scheme: lab_primary_switcher_idle
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_look_1
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[ecolog][experienced]: set default
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    ph_button:reset_scheme: lab_primary_switcher_idle
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_9x18_fmj')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_12x70_kart')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x54_ap')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x54_7h1')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_5.45x39_ap')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_5.56x45_ss190')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x39_ap')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_gauss')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x39_fmj')
[03/17/23 19:55:44]    !!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_12x76_zhekan')
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1025][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1045][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1048][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1049][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1051][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1053][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1054][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1060][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1064][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1065][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1066][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1068][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1069][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1070][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1071][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1072][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1199][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1200][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1209][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1210][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1211][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1212][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1213][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1214][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1215][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1216][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1219][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1220][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1221][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1222][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1225][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1226][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1227][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1230][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1231][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1233][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1234][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1236][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1237][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1238][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1239][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1242][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1243][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1244][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1245][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1246][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1247][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1248][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1249][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1250][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1251][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1252][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1253][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1254][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1255][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1256][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1257][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1260][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1261][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1262][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1263][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1264][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1265][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1266][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1267][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1268][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1269][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1274][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1277][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1278][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1279][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [1301][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [14339][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [14340][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17664][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17665][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17666][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17667][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17668][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17679][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17680][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17681][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17682][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17683][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17684][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17685][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17686][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17687][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17689][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17690][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17691][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17692][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17693][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17694][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17695][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17721][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17722][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17723][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17725][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17727][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17728][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17729][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17730][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17731][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17732][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17733][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17734][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17735][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17736][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17738][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17740][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17741][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17742][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17743][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17747][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17749][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17764][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17767][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17768][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17769][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17770][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17771][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17772][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17773][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17774][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17775][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17776][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17777][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17778][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17779][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17780][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17781][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17782][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17783][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17784][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17785][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17786][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17787][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17793][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17796][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17805][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17807][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17808][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17809][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17810][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17811][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17812][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17813][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17814][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17815][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17816][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17817][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17820][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17821][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17822][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17823][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17824][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17825][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17826][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17827][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17828][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17829][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17832][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17833][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17834][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17835][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17836][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17837][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17838][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17839][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17840][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17843][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17844][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17845][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17846][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17847][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17848][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17849][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17850][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17851][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17852][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17853][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17856][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17857][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17858][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17868][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17869][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17876][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17889][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17890][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17891][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17892][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17893][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17894][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17896][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17897][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17900][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17901][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17902][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17903][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17905][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17906][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17907][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17908][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17909][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17910][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17911][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17912][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17913][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17914][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17915][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17916][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17917][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17918][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17919][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17932][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17933][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17934][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17935][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17936][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17937][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17938][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17939][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17940][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17964][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17965][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17966][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17967][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17968][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17969][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17970][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [17972][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18017][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18018][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18019][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18020][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18021][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18024][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18025][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [18026][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19566][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19567][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19568][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19569][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19570][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19571][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19832][21093]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    skip
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19472][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19473][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19474][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19475][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19476][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19477][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19478][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19479][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19480][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19481][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19482][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19483][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19484][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19485][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19486][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19487][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19488][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19489][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19490][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19491][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19492][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19493][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19494][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19495][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19496][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19497][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19521][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19522][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19523][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19524][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19525][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19526][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19527][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19528][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19529][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19530][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19531][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19532][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19533][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19534][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19535][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19536][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19537][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19538][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19539][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19540][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19541][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19542][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19543][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19544][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19545][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19546][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19547][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19548][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19549][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19550][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19551][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19552][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19553][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19554][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19555][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19556][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19557][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19558][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19559][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19560][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19561][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19562][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19563][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19564][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19565][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19572][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19573][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19574][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19575][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19576][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19577][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19578][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19579][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19580][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19581][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19582][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19583][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19584][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19585][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19586][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19587][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19588][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19589][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19590][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19591][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19592][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19593][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19594][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19595][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19596][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19597][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19598][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19599][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19600][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19601][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19602][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19617][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19618][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19619][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19620][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19621][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19622][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19623][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19624][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19625][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19626][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19627][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19629][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19631][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19632][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19633][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19634][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19635][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19638][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19639][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19642][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19643][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19644][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19645][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19646][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19647][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19648][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19649][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19650][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19651][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19652][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19653][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19654][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19655][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19656][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19657][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19663][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19664][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19671][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19804][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19805][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19806][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19807][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19808][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19809][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19810][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19811][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19812][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19813][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19814][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19815][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19816][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19817][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19818][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19819][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19820][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19821][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19822][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19823][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19824][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19825][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19826][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19827][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19828][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19829][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19830][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19831][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [19833][21095]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [4934][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32514][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32061][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32023][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [28440][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10855][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10854][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10853][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10852][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10851][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10850][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10849][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10848][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10847][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10846][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10845][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10844][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10843][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10842][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10841][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10840][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10839][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10838][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10837][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [4935][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [34100][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32062][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32060][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10874][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10873][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10872][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10871][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10870][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10869][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10868][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10867][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10866][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10865][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10864][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10863][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10862][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10861][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10860][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10859][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10858][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10857][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10856][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [4936][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [47374][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32059][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [32002][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10889][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10888][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10887][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10886][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10885][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10884][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10883][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10882][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10881][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10880][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10879][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10878][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10877][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10876][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:45]    cl setDestroy [10875][21099]
[03/17/23 19:55:46]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:55:46]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:55:46]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:55:54]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:55:54]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
[03/17/23 19:55:59]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4(Ñàâà Ìàíüÿê)]
[03/17/23 19:55:59]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6(Ñåâêà Ìåñòíûé)]
[03/17/23 19:55:59]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2(Âàäèì Êèðïè÷)]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [4905][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [32047][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9841][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9840][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9839][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9838][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9837][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9836][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9835][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9834][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9833][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9832][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    cl setDestroy [9831][21909]
[03/17/23 19:56:01]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [4999][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [46094][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32054][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32049][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32048][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32044][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9830][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9829][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9828][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9827][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9826][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9825][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9824][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9823][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9822][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9821][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [141][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9820][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [4906][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [34325][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32055][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32053][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32052][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32046][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9848][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9847][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9846][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9845][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9844][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9843][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9842][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [4907][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32051][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32050][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [32045][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [31585][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9858][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9857][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9856][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9855][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9854][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9853][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9852][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9851][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9850][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:02]    cl setDestroy [9849][21981]
[03/17/23 19:56:03]    cl setDestroy [9623][22029]
[03/17/23 19:56:04]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:56:04]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
[03/17/23 19:56:04]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:04]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:04]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:08]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_lider(Àññèñòåíò Ìàëûøåâ)]
[03/17/23 19:56:08]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_pomoshnik(Íåäîòåïà)]
[03/17/23 19:56:08]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_second_patient(Òèõîí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:08]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_first_patient(Ñîêîë)]
[03/17/23 19:56:14]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:56:14]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
[03/17/23 19:56:14]    cl setDestroy [9627][22803]
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_first_patient]
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_first_patient_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    skip
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_lider]
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_pomoshnik]
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    !!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_second_patient]
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_second_patient_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:16]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
[03/17/23 19:56:19]    cl setDestroy [9612][23111]
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:56:22]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_look
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    skip
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    [XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    [XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    cl setDestroy [53254][23402]
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    cl setDestroy [40961][23402]
[03/17/23 19:56:23]    cl setDestroy [9613][23402]
[03/17/23 19:56:24]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:56:24]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [4903][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [43695][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [33546][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [33432][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10147][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10146][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10145][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10144][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10143][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10142][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10141][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10140][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10139][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10138][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10137][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10136][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10135][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10134][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [7711][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:25]    cl setDestroy [10133][23562]
[03/17/23 19:56:26]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:29]    cl setDestroy [9614][23849]
[03/17/23 19:56:32]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_visitors_3_3(Ôåäüêà Íåìàòîä)]
[03/17/23 19:56:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:56:34]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
[03/17/23 19:56:36]    cl setDestroy [11137][24264]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [4917][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [41992][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [35593][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [33407][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [33084][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10203][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10202][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10201][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10200][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10199][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10198][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10197][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10196][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10195][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10194][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10193][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10192][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10191][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10190][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10189][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10188][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10187][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10186][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10185][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:39]    cl setDestroy [10184][24438]
[03/17/23 19:56:41]    rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    _bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] creatures
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] tuning
[03/17/23 19:56:45]    [INTEGRITY CHECK] ui
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    - Disconnect
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4998][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [65280][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [64262][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [64000][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [62723][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [61826][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [57619][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [55817][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [55569][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [55568][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [53257][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [51222][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49671][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49448][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49430][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49429][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49428][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [49427][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48128][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47888][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47652][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47113][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46594][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46363][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46221][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46220][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [45079][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42540][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42276][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42037][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41730][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41475][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40736][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40734][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40386][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38419][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38169][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38020][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [37647][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [37154][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36617][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36368][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36137][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35840][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35231][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34837][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34583][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34582][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34581][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34565][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34069][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32788][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32787][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32572][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32560][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32549][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32285][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32280][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32268][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32259][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31749][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31543][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31503][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30881][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30646][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30420][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29973][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29807][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29457][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29188][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29187][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [29016][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28868][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28183][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27923][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27920][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27917][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27914][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27899][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27770][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25950][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25816][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25385][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25337][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25302][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24998][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24412][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24411][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24410][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24409][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24317][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23447][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23113][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22619][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22409][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22099][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [21719][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [21312][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20022][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [19400][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [19320][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [19126][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [18799][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [18501][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [18418][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17638][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17635][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17624][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17623][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17622][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17527][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17526][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17525][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17309][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [17040][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [16942][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [16838][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [16422][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [16175][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15396][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15237][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15131][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14318][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14219][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14035][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14032][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14005][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14004][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14003][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13969][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13961][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13960][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13959][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13666][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13349][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13087][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12901][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12714][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12343][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12247][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12087][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11568][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11331][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11138][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9985][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9351][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [8531][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [8378][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7684][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7674][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7413][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7412][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7411][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7409][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7402][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7401][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7400][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7399][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7357][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7341][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7340][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7338][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7335][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7312][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7091][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6679][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6627][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6149][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5856][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5583][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5196][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5195][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5194][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5193][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4738][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4344][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4343][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [3928][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [3312][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2807][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2432][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2246][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [1937][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [1881][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [1781][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [1570][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [543][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [390][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [0][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [802][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [803][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [804][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [886][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43476][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43461][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4496][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4495][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4494][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4493][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4492][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4491][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4490][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4489][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4488][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4487][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4486][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4485][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4484][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4483][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4422][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4378][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4267][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4377][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5004][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47378][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [45353][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43494][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43481][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43029][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43027][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43026][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34173][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13380][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4480][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4479][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4478][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4477][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4476][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4475][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4474][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4473][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4472][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4471][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4470][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4469][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4468][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4467][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4466][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4465][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4464][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4268][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4463][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4898][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30018][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4511][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4509][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4508][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4507][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4506][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4505][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4502][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4500][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4499][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4428][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4425][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4389][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4373][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4280][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4275][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4196][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4498][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4899][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4529][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4528][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4527][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4525][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4524][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4519][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4516][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4514][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4513][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4399][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4398][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4395][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4394][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4392][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4391][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4382][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4381][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4380][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4274][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4197][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4512][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5145][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7681][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7682][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7694][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7695][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7696][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7697][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7698][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7699][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7700][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7701][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7702][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7703][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7704][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7705][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7706][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7707][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7708][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7709][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7712][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7713][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9407][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9408][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9409][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9410][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9411][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9412][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9413][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9414][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9415][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9416][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9417][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9418][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9419][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9420][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9421][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9422][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9423][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9424][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9425][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9426][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9427][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9428][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9429][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9430][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9431][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9432][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9433][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9434][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9435][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9436][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9437][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9438][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9439][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9440][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9441][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9442][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9443][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9444][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9445][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9446][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9447][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9448][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9449][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9450][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9451][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9452][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9453][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9454][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9457][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9458][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9459][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9460][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9461][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9462][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9463][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9464][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9465][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9466][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9467][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9468][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9469][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9470][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9471][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9472][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9473][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9474][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9475][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9476][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9477][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9478][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9479][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9480][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9481][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9482][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9483][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9484][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9485][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9486][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9487][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9488][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9490][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9493][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9494][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9495][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9496][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9497][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9498][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9499][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9500][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9501][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9502][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9503][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9504][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9505][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9506][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9507][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9508][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9509][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9510][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9511][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9512][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9513][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9514][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9515][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9516][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9517][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9518][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9519][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9520][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9521][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9522][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9523][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9524][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9525][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9526][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9527][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9528][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9529][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9530][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9531][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9532][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9533][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9534][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9535][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9536][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9537][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9538][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9539][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9540][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9541][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9542][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9543][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9544][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9545][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9546][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9547][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9548][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9549][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9550][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9551][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9552][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9553][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9554][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9555][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9556][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9557][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9558][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9559][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9560][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9561][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9562][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9563][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9564][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9565][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9566][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9567][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9568][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9569][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9570][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9571][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9572][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9573][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9574][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9575][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9576][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9577][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9578][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9579][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9580][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9581][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9582][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9583][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9584][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9585][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9586][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9587][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9588][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9589][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9590][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9591][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9592][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9593][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9594][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9595][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9596][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9598][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9600][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9602][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9604][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63233][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [61698][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [61481][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [61187][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [60422][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [57351][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [57350][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [57349][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [57348][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [54532][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [53269][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [53264][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [53262][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52116][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52115][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52114][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52113][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52112][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52111][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [52110][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [51735][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [51734][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [51460][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [51208][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [50198][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48922][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47650][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47645][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47644][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47641][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47640][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [45348][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [44552][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [44303][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43693][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43450][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42792][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42760][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [42247][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41236][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40735][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40705][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40529][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39965][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39964][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39686][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39434][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39433][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39432][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39431][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39430][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39429][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39427][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39426][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [39177][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38701][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38680][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38667][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36967][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36880][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36356][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35300][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35287][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35152][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35149][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35145][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35127][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35085][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35079][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35075][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34586][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34585][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34584][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33929][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33928][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32289][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32288][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32286][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32263][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31591][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31275][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31272][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31003][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30747][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30746][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30743][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30223][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28983][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28982][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28913][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28729][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28681][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28472][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28468][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27657][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27654][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27651][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27650][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27649][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27635][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27634][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27604][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27573][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27460][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [18384][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15774][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15493][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [14908][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13996][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13995][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13994][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13980][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13979][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13978][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13977][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13976][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [13975][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10983][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10519][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10476][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9971][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9391][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [8715][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7907][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7460][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7459][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7458][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7321][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6952][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6951][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6946][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6922][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6919][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4418][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4411][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4349][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [3484][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [3393][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2951][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [2841][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [720][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [718][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [413][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [3][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9605][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27633][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27632][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27631][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27630][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9606][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9607][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9608][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9615][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9616][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9617][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9618][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9619][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9620][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9621][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9622][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9623][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [25004][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12360][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9624][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9625][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9626][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9628][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9629][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9630][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9631][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9632][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9633][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9634][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9635][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9636][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9637][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9638][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9639][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9640][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9641][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9642][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9643][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9644][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9645][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9646][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9647][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9648][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9649][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9650][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9651][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9652][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9653][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9654][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9655][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9657][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9658][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9659][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9660][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9661][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9662][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9663][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9664][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9665][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9666][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9667][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9668][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9669][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9670][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9671][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9672][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9673][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9674][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9675][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9676][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9677][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9678][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9679][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9680][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9681][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9682][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9683][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9684][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9685][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9686][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9687][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9688][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9689][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9690][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9691][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9692][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9693][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9694][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9695][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24668][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22887][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22886][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22789][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22882][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22881][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22880][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22788][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22878][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22804][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22876][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22875][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22874][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22873][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22872][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22871][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22870][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22869][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22868][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22803][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22866][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22802][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22864][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22863][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22862][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22861][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22860][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22859][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22858][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22857][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22856][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22855][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22854][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22801][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22852][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22800][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22850][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22849][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22848][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22847][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22846][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22845][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22844][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22843][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22842][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22799][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22840][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22787][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22838][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22837][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22836][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22835][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22834][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22833][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22832][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22831][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22797][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22829][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22796][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22827][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22826][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22945][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22943][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22942][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22941][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22940][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22939][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22825][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22824][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22823][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22935][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22934][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22933][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22932][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22931][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22930][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22929][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22928][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22927][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22822][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22821][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22923][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22820][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22921][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22920][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22919][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22795][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22818][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20991][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20830][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20829][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20781][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20780][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20826][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20779][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20778][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20777][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20776][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20775][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20774][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20750][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20871][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20772][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20771][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20770][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20749][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20973][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20737][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20757][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20756][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20969][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20968][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20967][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20966][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20965][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20964][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20963][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20962][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20961][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20960][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20959][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20958][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20957][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20956][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20955][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20954][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20953][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20952][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20755][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20950][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20754][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20753][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20785][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20945][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20943][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20942][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20941][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20752][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20751][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20782][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5946][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5897][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5915][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6066][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6065][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5914][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6007][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6085][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6084][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6024][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6023][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6006][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5964][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [6103][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5963][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5962][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5903][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5907][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5906][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5985][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4997][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4996][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4995][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4994][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5115][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4993][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4992][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4896][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4990][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4895][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4988][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4987][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4986][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4985][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4984][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4983][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4982][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4981][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4980][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4894][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4893][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4892][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4976][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4891][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4866][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4973][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4889][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4865][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4887][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4886][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4966][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4883][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4882][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4963][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5083][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4962][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5081][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5080][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5079][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5078][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5077][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5076][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5075][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5074][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5073][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5072][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5071][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5070][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5069][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5068][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4864][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4960][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4871][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4870][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4957][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4956][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4955][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4954][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4953][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4952][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4951][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4950][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4946][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4945][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4943][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4942][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4941][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4897][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9697][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9696][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9721][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9722][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9723][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9724][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9725][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9726][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9727][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9728][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9729][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9730][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9731][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9732][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9733][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9737][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9738][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9739][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9740][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9741][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9742][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9743][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9744][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9745][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9746][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9747][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9748][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9749][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9750][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9752][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9753][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9754][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9755][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9756][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9757][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9758][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9759][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9760][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9761][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9762][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9763][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9764][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9765][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9766][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9767][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9768][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9769][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9770][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9771][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9772][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9773][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9774][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9775][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9776][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9777][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9778][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9779][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9780][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9781][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9782][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9783][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9784][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9785][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9786][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9787][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9788][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9789][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9790][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9791][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9792][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9793][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9794][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9795][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9796][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9797][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9798][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9799][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9800][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9801][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9802][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9803][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9804][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24669][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24667][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24666][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24665][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24664][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24607][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24662][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24606][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24660][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24659][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24658][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24657][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24656][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24655][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24654][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24653][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24652][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24605][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24650][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24604][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24648][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24647][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24646][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24645][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24644][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24643][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24642][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24641][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24603][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24639][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24602][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24637][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24636][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24635][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24634][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24633][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24632][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24063][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24062][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23936][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23935][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24058][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24057][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24056][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24055][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24053][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24051][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24050][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24049][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23934][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23933][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24044][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24043][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24042][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24041][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23932][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24039][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24038][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24037][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23931][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23930][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23808][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24033][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24032][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24031][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24030][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24029][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24027][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24026][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23823][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24024][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23822][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24022][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24021][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24020][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24019][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24018][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24017][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24016][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24015][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24014][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23926][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23924][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23821][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23820][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23813][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23920][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23919][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23826][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23916][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23825][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23914][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23913][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23999][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23912][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23997][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23996][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23995][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23994][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23993][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23911][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23991][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23990][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23989][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23910][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23987][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23909][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23985][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23908][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23983][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23982][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23981][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23980][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23979][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23978][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23907][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23976][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23906][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23974][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23973][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23972][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23971][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23970][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23905][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22916][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22794][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22816][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22815][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22814][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22911][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22910][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22909][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22786][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22907][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22906][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22905][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22785][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22784][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22810][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22901][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22899][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22898][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22897][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22809][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22895][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22894][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22893][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22892][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22808][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22890][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22790][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [22888][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [23010][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4904][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9806][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9805][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24670][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46094][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32049][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32048][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32044][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9830][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9829][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9828][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9827][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9826][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9825][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9824][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9823][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9822][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9821][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [141][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9820][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24671][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9841][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9840][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9839][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9838][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9837][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9836][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9835][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9834][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9833][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9832][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9831][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24608][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34325][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32055][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32053][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32046][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9848][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9847][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9846][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9845][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9844][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9843][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9842][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [24673][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32051][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32050][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31585][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9858][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9857][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9856][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9855][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9854][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9853][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9852][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9851][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9850][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9849][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9859][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9860][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9861][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9862][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9863][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9864][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9865][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9866][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9867][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9868][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9869][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9870][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9871][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9872][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9873][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9874][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9875][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9876][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9877][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9878][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9879][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9880][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9881][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9882][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9883][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9886][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9887][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9888][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9889][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9890][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9891][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9892][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9893][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9894][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9895][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9896][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9897][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9898][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9899][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9901][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9902][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9903][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9904][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9905][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9906][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9907][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9908][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9909][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9910][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9911][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9912][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9913][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9914][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9915][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9916][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9917][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9919][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9920][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9921][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9922][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9923][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9924][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9926][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9927][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9928][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9929][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9930][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9931][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9932][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9933][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9934][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9935][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9936][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9937][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9938][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9939][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9940][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4908][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38216][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34900][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34899][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33014][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9961][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9960][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9959][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9958][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9957][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9956][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9955][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9954][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9953][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9952][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9951][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9950][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9946][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9945][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9943][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9942][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9941][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4909][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33287][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31048][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31044][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31020][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9986][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9984][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9983][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9982][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9981][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9980][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9979][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9978][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9977][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4910][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35377][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35376][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33016][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10001][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10000][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9999][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9998][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9997][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9996][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9995][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9994][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9993][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9992][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9991][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9990][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9989][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9988][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9987][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4867][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41515][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35855][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33083][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33061][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10015][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10014][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10013][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10012][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10011][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10010][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10009][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10008][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10007][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10006][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10005][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10004][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10003][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10002][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4912][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31057][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31022][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10032][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10031][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10030][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10029][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10027][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10026][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10025][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10024][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10023][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10022][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10021][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10020][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10019][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10018][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10017][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10016][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4913][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33010][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31059][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31050][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31026][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10044][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10043][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10042][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10041][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10040][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10039][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10038][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10037][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10036][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10035][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10034][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10033][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4914][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41985][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [40457][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33015][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10065][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10064][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10063][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10062][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10061][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10059][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10058][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10057][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10056][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10055][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10053][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10051][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10050][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10049][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10048][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10046][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4915][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31053][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [30481][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28973][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11337][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10077][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10076][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10075][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10074][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10073][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10072][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10071][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10070][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10069][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10068][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10067][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10066][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4916][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33091][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33075][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10183][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10182][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10181][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10180][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10179][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10178][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10177][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10176][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10175][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10174][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10173][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10172][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10171][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10170][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10169][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10168][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10167][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10166][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10165][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33082][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10241][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10240][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10239][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10238][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10237][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10236][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10235][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10234][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10233][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10232][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10231][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10230][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10229][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10228][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10227][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10226][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10225][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10224][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10223][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10222][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10221][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4919][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [43696][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34901][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31058][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31024][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10321][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10320][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10319][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10318][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10317][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10316][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10315][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10314][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10313][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10312][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10311][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10310][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10309][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10308][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10307][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10306][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10305][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10304][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4930][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38217][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35865][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33401][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10338][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10337][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10336][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10335][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10334][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10333][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10332][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10331][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10330][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10329][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10328][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10327][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10326][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10325][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10324][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10323][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10322][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4931][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35863][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35380][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33055][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10357][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10356][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10355][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10354][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10353][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10352][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10351][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10350][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10349][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10348][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10347][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10346][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10345][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10344][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10343][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10342][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10341][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10340][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10339][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4920][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31023][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10377][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10376][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10375][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10374][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10373][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10372][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10371][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10370][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10369][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10368][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10367][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10366][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10365][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10364][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10363][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10362][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10361][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10360][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10359][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10358][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4932][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [37383][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33062][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10392][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10391][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10390][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10389][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10388][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10387][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10386][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10385][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10384][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10383][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10382][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10381][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10380][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10379][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10378][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4933][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [53760][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35864][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34904][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33059][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10409][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10408][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10407][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10406][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10405][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10404][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10403][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10402][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10401][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10400][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10399][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10398][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10397][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10396][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10395][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10394][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10393][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4921][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [37125][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33087][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33067][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33018][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10415][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10414][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10413][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10412][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10411][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10410][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4924][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10442][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4923][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33420][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33410][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10727][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10726][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10725][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10724][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10723][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10722][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10721][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10720][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10719][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10718][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10717][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10716][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10715][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10714][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10713][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10712][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10711][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10710][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10709][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10435][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10708][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4902][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [35361][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34903][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33408][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28445][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28444][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28443][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28442][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10759][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10758][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10757][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10756][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10755][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10754][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10753][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10752][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10751][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10750][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10748][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10747][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10746][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10515][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10514][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7472][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10745][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4901][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36112][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33064][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10778][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10777][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10776][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10775][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10774][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10773][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10772][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10771][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10770][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10769][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10768][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10767][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10766][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10765][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10764][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10763][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10762][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10761][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7966][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7096][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10760][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4876][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38930][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38926][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38921][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38918][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38917][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38913][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38912][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [37126][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33540][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33415][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32112][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [20037][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10996][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10994][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10835][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10798][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10797][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10796][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10795][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10794][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10793][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10792][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10791][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10790][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10789][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10788][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10787][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10786][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10785][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10784][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10783][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10781][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10780][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10437][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10428][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10420][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10779][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5008][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36358][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36357][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36354][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [36353][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33065][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28249][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12270][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [12084][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10836][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10817][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10816][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10815][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10814][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10813][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10812][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10811][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10810][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10808][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10807][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10806][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10805][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10804][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10803][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10802][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10801][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10800][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10744][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10743][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10732][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [9125][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [7967][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10799][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [44827][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32514][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32061][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32023][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28440][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10855][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10854][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10853][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10852][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10851][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10850][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10849][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10848][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10847][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10846][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10845][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10844][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10843][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10842][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10841][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10840][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10839][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10838][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10837][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [44828][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [34100][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32062][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10874][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10873][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10872][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10871][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10870][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10869][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10868][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10867][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10866][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10865][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10864][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10863][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10862][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10861][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10860][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10859][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10858][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10857][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10856][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [44829][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [47374][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32059][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [32002][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10889][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10888][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10887][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10886][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10885][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10883][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10882][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10881][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10880][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10879][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10878][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10877][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10876][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10875][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [5009][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [45579][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33422][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31021][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10961][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10960][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10959][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10958][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10957][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10956][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10955][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10954][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10953][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10952][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10951][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10950][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10947][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10946][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10945][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [8487][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [10944][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4925][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [56577][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31029][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [26884][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15949][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [15948][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11029][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11028][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11027][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11026][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11025][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11024][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11023][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11022][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11021][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11020][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11019][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11018][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11017][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11016][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11015][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11032][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11033][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11034][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11035][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11036][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11037][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11038][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11039][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11040][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11041][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11042][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11043][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11044][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11045][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11046][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11048][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11049][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11050][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11051][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11053][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11054][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11055][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11056][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11057][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11058][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11059][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11061][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11062][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11063][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11064][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11065][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11066][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11067][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11068][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11069][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11070][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11071][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11072][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11073][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11074][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11075][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11076][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11077][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11078][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11079][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11080][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11081][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11082][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11083][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11084][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11085][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11086][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11087][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11088][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11089][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11090][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11091][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11092][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11093][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11094][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11095][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11096][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11097][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11098][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11099][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11100][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11101][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11102][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11103][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11104][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11105][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11106][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11107][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11108][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11109][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11110][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11111][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11112][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11113][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11114][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11115][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11116][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11117][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11118][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11119][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11120][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11121][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11122][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11123][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11125][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11126][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11127][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11128][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11129][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11130][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11131][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11132][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11133][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11134][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11135][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11136][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11142][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11143][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11144][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4868][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33431][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31052][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31051][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31027][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11156][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11155][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11154][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11153][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11152][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11151][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11150][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11149][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11148][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11147][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11146][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11145][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11157][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11158][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11159][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11160][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11161][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [11162][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4869][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4939][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4938][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4937][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [27890][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4927][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [38214][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31047][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31046][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31043][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [31019][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28957][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28204][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28202][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28203][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28205][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4928][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [33060][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28312][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28311][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28310][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28309][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28308][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28307][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28306][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28305][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28304][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [28303][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [4929][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48649][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48646][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [48640][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [46219][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41970][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [41969][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [45854][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63008][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63009][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63010][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63011][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63012][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63013][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    cl setDestroy [63014][29636]
[03/17/23 19:56:48]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_0002(Äàíÿ Çåíèò÷èê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2(Âàäèì Êèðïè÷)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4(Ñàâà Ìàíüÿê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6(Ñåâêà Ìåñòíûé)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_first_patient(Ñîêîë)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_lider(Àññèñòåíò Ìàëûøåâ)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_pomoshnik(Íåäîòåïà)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_second_patient(Òèõîí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_7(Þðèê Ýëåêòðèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_2(Ïàøà Òðóáî÷èñò)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_14377(Âàäèê Ñèäð)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_respawn_24463(Âèòüêà Òàðàí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_13(Ãåíà Àéáîëèò)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_14512(Âàäÿ Äæàêîíäà)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_4(Ïàøêà Êðàá)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_24498(˸íÿ Ìàãíàò)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_10(Ñàâà Ïåëüìåíü)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_veteran_3(Ìàêñ Ïàðòèçàí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_1(Ãåîðã Ãðîçíûé)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_veteran_2(Ïàøêà Àëëèãàòîð)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_leader(Ãåíåðàë Âîðîíèí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_barman(Áàðìåí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_guard_3(Ñåðæàíò Êèöåíêî)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_petrenko(Ïîëêîâíèê Ïåòðåíêî)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[stalker_hvost(Õâîñò)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_angar_zoneguard(ßøà Ñåêðåòàðü)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_drunk_dolg(Áðîì)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_guard(Ãàðèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_guard_2(Æîðèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_lisiy(Ëûñûé)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_osvedomitel(Îñâåäîìèòåëü)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_stalker(Âàäèì Ìîãèëüùèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_visitor_hunter(Îõîòíèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_0001(Ãåðìàí Ãåðöîã)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_2(Åãîðêà Ôèëèí)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_sinyak28203(Ñèíÿê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_ivancov(Êàïèòàí Èâàíöîâ)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[aem_arny28303(Àðíè)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_5(Ñåðæàíò Ïëè÷êî)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_guider(Ïðîâîäíèê)]
[03/17/23 19:56:49]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[stalker_tikar41969(Òûêàðü)]
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    - Destroying level
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_4(Ãðèøà Àëüïèíèñò)]
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    Input:  1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    Config-file [c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\user.ltx] saved successfully
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    Destroying Direct3D...
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: textures  : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    *        :   1: ui\ui_common
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: rtargets  : 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: rtargetsc : 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: vs        : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    *        :   1: null
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: ps        : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    *        :   1: null
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: dcl       : 5
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: states    : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: tex_list  : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: matrices  : 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: v_passes  : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: v_elements: 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    * RM_Dump: v_shaders : 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    refCount:pBaseZB 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    refCount:pBaseRT 1
[03/17/23 19:56:50]    DeviceREF: 71




* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel P3 family, F6/M14/S3, 3405.00 mhz, 37-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 47141 files cached, 6607Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 0.620425 sec
'xrCore' build 3312, Feb 27 2008

Initializing Engine...
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
using OGSE.DLL rev.64 build Mar 29 2016
Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
* [win32]: free[3999708 K], reserved[52288 K], committed[142244 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[10703 K], process heap[4008 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[4891 K], smem[0 K]
Executing config-script "c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
! cant convert dik_name for dik[16], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[17], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[18], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[19], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[20], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[21], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[22], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[23], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[24], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[25], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[26], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[27], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[30], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[31], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[32], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[33], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[34], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[35], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[36], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[37], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[38], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[39], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[40], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[41], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[44], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[45], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[46], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[47], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[48], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[49], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[50], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[51], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[52], prop=[
[c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx"...
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
! Unknown command:  ;
[c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
DirectSound: Create device successfully.
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
* sound : cache: 65538 kb, 7609 lines, 8820 bpl
Starting RENDER device...
Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
* GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:2487]: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
*     Texture memory: 4069 M
*          DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 512K
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref_noblend'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref_v'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v_tuchi'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\lod_old'
! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world'
! Version conflict in shader 'effects\watertest-1'
count of .thm files=1052
load time=35 ms
* NULLRT supported
* ...and used
* HWDST/PCF supported and used
* NV-DBT supported and used
Shadow Map resolution: 4096x4096
- r__tf_aniso 14
- r2_tf_mipbias 0.
--SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
file: .
file: ..
file: LuaXML_lib.dll
--try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
fname: LuaXML_lib
~~    loaded
file: ogse.dll
--try to load ogse.dll
fname: ogse
open_global_ns - start
open_global_ns - end
~~    loaded
file: ogse.pdb
file: xp
~~        _G : os.clock() = 2.8220000267029    math.randomseed()
!!OGSE_vers = Final_2.10(22/05/2016)**
!!INFO: LuaXML library loading successful.
##called from function 'void __cdecl xrDebug::my_fatal(const char *,int,const char *,const char *,...)' in file '_main.cpp' on line 65
--stack traceback:
    [string "log1('--' .. debug.traceback())"]:1: in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'translate_string'
    c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\scripts\_g.script:1267: in main chunk
string table xml file not found %s, for language %s
Starting engine...
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
[INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 512K
- r__tf_aniso 14
- r2_tf_mipbias 0.
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
*** RESET [177 ms]
"c:\stalker ogse\bin\xr_3da.exe" -dsound -nointro -noprefetch -smap4096
* phase time: 0 ms
* phase cmem: 129845 K
* phase time: 18 ms
* phase cmem: 109584 K
--SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
file: .
file: ..
file: LuaXML_lib.dll
--try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
fname: LuaXML_lib
~~    loaded
file: ogse.dll
--try to load ogse.dll
fname: ogse
open_global_ns - start
open_global_ns - end
~~    loaded
file: ogse.pdb
file: xp
~~        _G : os.clock() = 11.937999725342    math.randomseed()
!!OGSE_vers = Final_2.10(22/05/2016)**
!!INFO: LuaXML library loading successful.
! Cannot find saved game ~~~ sandbox initialized
* Log file has been saved successfully!
* phase time: 56 ms
* phase cmem: 109296 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 11631 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
Ðàçìåð íåòïàêåòà Ñèäîðîâè÷à 2867
* 28513 objects are successfully loaded
* Game 54 peacemaking 6 bar is successfully loaded from file 'c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\savedgames\54 peacemaking 6 bar.sav' (1.771s)
* phase time: 1772 ms
* phase cmem: 182346 K
MaxPlayers = 32
* phase time: 217 ms
* phase cmem: 182378 K
# Player not found. New player created.
* client : connection accepted - <>
* phase time: 5 ms
* phase cmem: 182403 K
* phase time: 2 ms
* phase cmem: 182403 K
* phase time: 1437 ms
* phase cmem: 237410 K
* phase time: 178 ms
* phase cmem: 246279 K
* [Loading VB] 65530 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65437 verts, 2044 Kb
* [Loading VB] 24324 verts, 760 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65526 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 8016 verts, 250 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 24097 verts, 753 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 467268 indices, 912 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 4731 verts, 55 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 64551 indices, 126 Kb
* phase time: 206 ms
* phase cmem: 246480 K
* phase time: 440 ms
* phase cmem: 250602 K
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(80)
* [DETAILS] 53360 v(20), 34560 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(80), VB(1042K), IB(202K)
* phase time: 20 ms
* phase cmem: 250612 K
* Loading HOM: c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\levels\l05_bar\level.hom
* phase time: 12 ms
* phase cmem: 250836 K
* phase time: 8 ms
* phase cmem: 250895 K
- Game configuring : Started 
- Game configuring : Finished 
* phase time: 141 ms
* phase cmem: 268602 K
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det1_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det1_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_u_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_beton_det3_u_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_metall_det1_v_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_metall_det1_v_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_stucco_det3_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_stucco_det3_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_wood_det1_u_bump
! auto-generated bump map: detail\detail_wood_det1_u_bump#
!! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_aksu'
!! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_svd'
* t-report - base: 1506, 745642 K
* t-report - lmap: 16, 16386 K
***FATAL***: Too many lmap-textures (limit: 8 textures or 32M).
        Reduce pixel density (worse) or use more vertex lighting (better).
* phase time: 2973 ms
* phase cmem: 268602 K
* phase time: 6 ms
* phase cmem: 268602 K
* [win32]: free[2436836 K], reserved[201920 K], committed[1555484 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[762028 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[268581 K], process heap[960086 K], game lua[48474 K], engine lua[329 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[7913 K], smem[0 K]
--SetLogCallback to file c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\logs\_ogse.log
Loaded: extensions\ogse.dll
file: .
file: ..
file: LuaXML_lib.dll
--try to load LuaXML_lib.dll
fname: LuaXML_lib
~~    loaded
file: ogse.dll
--try to load ogse.dll
fname: ogse
~~    loaded
file: ogse.pdb
file: xp
~~        _G : os.clock() = 19.708000183105    math.randomseed()
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\scenario\superkontroler\avaaa.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\scenario\superkontroler\fooooood.ogg
load_main_variable_tbl: INFO: main_variable_tbl load is succesful
INFO: There is an 28512 ID's in use at that moment
[KD] applying graphics settings
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_first_patient]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_first_patient_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_first_patient_walk for izgoy_first_patient
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_first_patient_walk VTX [27015] for izgoy_first_patient
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_barman]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_barman_hole_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_barman_hole_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_barman_hole_walk for bar_barman
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_barman_hole_walk VTX [49725] for bar_barman
MOVE_MGR checked point
! auto-generated bump map: act\act_green_stalker_head_3_nova_bump#
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_visitors_3_3]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_3_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk for bar_bar_visitors_3_3
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_square_3_place_3_walk VTX [50839] for bar_bar_visitors_3_3
MOVE_MGR checked point
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human_01\dolg\fight\backup\backup_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file:  c:\stalker ogse\gamedata\sounds\characters_voice\human_01\dolg\reactions\story\cool_teller_7.ogg
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor FOR bar_zastava_guard_3
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_commander_1_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_commander_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_commander_1_walk for bar_zastava_guard_3
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_commander_1_walk VTX [71103] for bar_zastava_guard_3
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0009]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0010]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0011]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0012]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0013]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0014]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0015]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0016]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0017]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0018]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0019]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0020]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_m_dog_e_0021]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_petrenko]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_petrenko_look_new
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new for bar_dolg_petrenko
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_petrenko_walk_new VTX [66373] for bar_dolg_petrenko
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_lider]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
MOVE_MGR validating izgioy_lider_walk for izgoy_lider
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgioy_lider_walk VTX [26131] for izgoy_lider
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_pomoshnik]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_pomoshnik_walk for izgoy_pomoshnik
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_pomoshnik_walk VTX [28287] for izgoy_pomoshnik
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_second_patient]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_second_patient_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
MOVE_MGR validating izgoy_second_patient_walk for izgoy_second_patient
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path izgoy_second_patient_walk VTX [27018] for izgoy_second_patient
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_angar_zoneguard]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
MOVE_MGR validating angar_zoneguard_walk for bar_angar_zoneguard
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path angar_zoneguard_walk VTX [61403] for bar_angar_zoneguard
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_drunk_dolg RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_drunk_dolg]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_dolg_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk for bar_bar_drunk_dolg
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_visitor_dolg_walk VTX [49943] for bar_bar_drunk_dolg
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_guard]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_door_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_door_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_guard_door_walk for bar_bar_guard
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_guard_door_walk VTX [48870] for bar_bar_guard
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_guard_2]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_guard_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_guard_walk for bar_bar_guard_2
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_guard_walk VTX [47631] for bar_bar_guard_2
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_lisiy RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_lisiy]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_square_3_place_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk for bar_bar_lisiy
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_square_3_place_1_walk VTX [50677] for bar_bar_lisiy
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_osvedomitel RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_osvedomitel]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_osvedomitel_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk for bar_bar_osvedomitel
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_osvedomitel_walk VTX [50052] for bar_bar_osvedomitel
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_stalker]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_1_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_1_walk for bar_bar_stalker
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_1_walk VTX [52149] for bar_bar_stalker
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC bar_bar_visitor_hunter RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_bar_visitor_hunter]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk for bar_bar_visitor_hunter
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk VTX [49333] for bar_bar_visitor_hunter
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0001 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_0001]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_0001
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_4_walk VTX [68646] for bar_dolg_bunker_0001
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_0002 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_0002]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_0002
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_5_walk VTX [69592] for bar_dolg_bunker_0002
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_bunker_2 RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_bunker_2]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk for bar_dolg_bunker_2
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_bunker_guard_1_walk VTX [67572] for bar_dolg_bunker_2
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_ivancov]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_ivancov_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_ivancov_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_ivancov_walk for bar_dolg_ivancov
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_ivancov_walk VTX [60984] for bar_dolg_ivancov
MOVE_MGR checked point
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_center_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk for bar_dolg_regular_5
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_center_walk VTX [60055] for bar_dolg_regular_5
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_guider]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_guider_walk for bar_guider
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_guider_walk VTX [50386] for bar_guider
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
NPC bar_dolg_leader RESTRICTOR bar_dolg_bunker_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_dolg_leader]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_leader_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_leader_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_leader_walk for bar_dolg_leader
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_leader_walk VTX [72325] for bar_dolg_leader
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
NPC stalker_hvost RESTRICTOR bar_restrictor
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [stalker_hvost]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_hvost_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_hvost_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_hvost_walk for stalker_hvost
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_hvost_walk VTX [49737] for stalker_hvost
MOVE_MGR checked point
! auto-generated bump map: wpn\upgrades\mag_cmag_bump#
!! cannot load texture 'bino\bino_bpos_10x42'
!! cannot load texture 'wpn\wpn_l85'
! auto-generated bump map: act\act_bandi7_bump#
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [bar_sinyak28203]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
MOVE_MGR validating sinyak_walk_work for bar_sinyak28203
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path sinyak_walk_work VTX [54938] for bar_sinyak28203
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [aem_arny28303]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_arena_man_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_arena_man_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_arena_man_walk for aem_arny28303
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_arena_man_walk VTX [53540] for aem_arny28303
MOVE_MGR checked point
! auto-generated bump map: item\item_bioradar_bump#
! auto-generated bump map: arsenal_mod\556x45_clip_ar15_bump#
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [stalker_tikar41969]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_walk1
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_look1
MOVE_MGR validating tikar_walk1 for stalker_tikar41969
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path tikar_walk1 VTX [52676] for stalker_tikar41969
MOVE_MGR checked point
!!MUSBOX [characters_voice\scenario\mbox\mbox_track6_7]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_left_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_left_walk VTX [60220] for bar_dolg_regular_1
MOVE_MGR checked point
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_general_guard_right_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_general_guard_right_walk VTX [60117] for bar_dolg_regular_4
MOVE_MGR checked point
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk for bar_dolg_veteran_2
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_2_walk VTX [63366] for bar_dolg_veteran_2
MOVE_MGR checked point
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk for bar_dolg_veteran_3
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_dolg_veterans_guard_bunker_1_walk VTX [63361] for bar_dolg_veteran_3
MOVE_MGR checked point
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk VTX [42495] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
MOVE_MGR checked point
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk VTX [42828] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
MOVE_MGR checked point
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
MOVE_MGR validating bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR found anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR removed anomaly zone_burning_fuzz1 on point bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk VTX [42488] for bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
MOVE_MGR checked point
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
* MEMORY USAGE: 467051 K
rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[stalker][novice]: set default
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_walk2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =tikar_look2
MOVE_MGR validating tikar_walk2 for stalker_tikar41969
MOVE_MGR verifying point [0] on path tikar_walk2 VTX [46060] for stalker_tikar41969
MOVE_MGR checked point
rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[guider][veteran]: set default
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_guider_look
rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[stalker][experienced]: set default
rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[quest_stalker][experienced]: set default
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
ph_button:reset_scheme: lab_primary_switcher_idle
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_bar_visitor_hunter_look_1
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =angar_zoneguard_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
rx_aiwm:read_wm_modes[ecolog][experienced]: set default
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
ph_button:reset_scheme: lab_primary_switcher_idle
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_9x18_fmj')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_12x70_kart')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x54_ap')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x54_7h1')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_5.45x39_ap')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_5.56x45_ss190')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x39_ap')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_gauss')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_7.62x39_fmj')
!!AMMO_DEBUG repack_ammo('ammo_12x76_zhekan')
cl setDestroy [1025][21093]
cl setDestroy [1045][21093]
cl setDestroy [1048][21093]
cl setDestroy [1049][21093]
cl setDestroy [1051][21093]
cl setDestroy [1053][21093]
cl setDestroy [1054][21093]
cl setDestroy [1060][21093]
cl setDestroy [1064][21093]
cl setDestroy [1065][21093]
cl setDestroy [1066][21093]
cl setDestroy [1068][21093]
cl setDestroy [1069][21093]
cl setDestroy [1070][21093]
cl setDestroy [1071][21093]
cl setDestroy [1072][21093]
cl setDestroy [1199][21093]
cl setDestroy [1200][21093]
cl setDestroy [1209][21093]
cl setDestroy [1210][21093]
cl setDestroy [1211][21093]
cl setDestroy [1212][21093]
cl setDestroy [1213][21093]
cl setDestroy [1214][21093]
cl setDestroy [1215][21093]
cl setDestroy [1216][21093]
cl setDestroy [1219][21093]
cl setDestroy [1220][21093]
cl setDestroy [1221][21093]
cl setDestroy [1222][21093]
cl setDestroy [1225][21093]
cl setDestroy [1226][21093]
cl setDestroy [1227][21093]
cl setDestroy [1230][21093]
cl setDestroy [1231][21093]
cl setDestroy [1233][21093]
cl setDestroy [1234][21093]
cl setDestroy [1236][21093]
cl setDestroy [1237][21093]
cl setDestroy [1238][21093]
cl setDestroy [1239][21093]
cl setDestroy [1242][21093]
cl setDestroy [1243][21093]
cl setDestroy [1244][21093]
cl setDestroy [1245][21093]
cl setDestroy [1246][21093]
cl setDestroy [1247][21093]
cl setDestroy [1248][21093]
cl setDestroy [1249][21093]
cl setDestroy [1250][21093]
cl setDestroy [1251][21093]
cl setDestroy [1252][21093]
cl setDestroy [1253][21093]
cl setDestroy [1254][21093]
cl setDestroy [1255][21093]
cl setDestroy [1256][21093]
cl setDestroy [1257][21093]
cl setDestroy [1260][21093]
cl setDestroy [1261][21093]
cl setDestroy [1262][21093]
cl setDestroy [1263][21093]
cl setDestroy [1264][21093]
cl setDestroy [1265][21093]
cl setDestroy [1266][21093]
cl setDestroy [1267][21093]
cl setDestroy [1268][21093]
cl setDestroy [1269][21093]
cl setDestroy [1274][21093]
cl setDestroy [1277][21093]
cl setDestroy [1278][21093]
cl setDestroy [1279][21093]
cl setDestroy [1301][21093]
cl setDestroy [14339][21093]
cl setDestroy [14340][21093]
cl setDestroy [17664][21093]
cl setDestroy [17665][21093]
cl setDestroy [17666][21093]
cl setDestroy [17667][21093]
cl setDestroy [17668][21093]
cl setDestroy [17679][21093]
cl setDestroy [17680][21093]
cl setDestroy [17681][21093]
cl setDestroy [17682][21093]
cl setDestroy [17683][21093]
cl setDestroy [17684][21093]
cl setDestroy [17685][21093]
cl setDestroy [17686][21093]
cl setDestroy [17687][21093]
cl setDestroy [17689][21093]
cl setDestroy [17690][21093]
cl setDestroy [17691][21093]
cl setDestroy [17692][21093]
cl setDestroy [17693][21093]
cl setDestroy [17694][21093]
cl setDestroy [17695][21093]
cl setDestroy [17721][21093]
cl setDestroy [17722][21093]
cl setDestroy [17723][21093]
cl setDestroy [17725][21093]
cl setDestroy [17727][21093]
cl setDestroy [17728][21093]
cl setDestroy [17729][21093]
cl setDestroy [17730][21093]
cl setDestroy [17731][21093]
cl setDestroy [17732][21093]
cl setDestroy [17733][21093]
cl setDestroy [17734][21093]
cl setDestroy [17735][21093]
cl setDestroy [17736][21093]
cl setDestroy [17738][21093]
cl setDestroy [17740][21093]
cl setDestroy [17741][21093]
cl setDestroy [17742][21093]
cl setDestroy [17743][21093]
cl setDestroy [17747][21093]
cl setDestroy [17749][21093]
cl setDestroy [17764][21093]
cl setDestroy [17767][21093]
cl setDestroy [17768][21093]
cl setDestroy [17769][21093]
cl setDestroy [17770][21093]
cl setDestroy [17771][21093]
cl setDestroy [17772][21093]
cl setDestroy [17773][21093]
cl setDestroy [17774][21093]
cl setDestroy [17775][21093]
cl setDestroy [17776][21093]
cl setDestroy [17777][21093]
cl setDestroy [17778][21093]
cl setDestroy [17779][21093]
cl setDestroy [17780][21093]
cl setDestroy [17781][21093]
cl setDestroy [17782][21093]
cl setDestroy [17783][21093]
cl setDestroy [17784][21093]
cl setDestroy [17785][21093]
cl setDestroy [17786][21093]
cl setDestroy [17787][21093]
cl setDestroy [17793][21093]
cl setDestroy [17796][21093]
cl setDestroy [17805][21093]
cl setDestroy [17807][21093]
cl setDestroy [17808][21093]
cl setDestroy [17809][21093]
cl setDestroy [17810][21093]
cl setDestroy [17811][21093]
cl setDestroy [17812][21093]
cl setDestroy [17813][21093]
cl setDestroy [17814][21093]
cl setDestroy [17815][21093]
cl setDestroy [17816][21093]
cl setDestroy [17817][21093]
cl setDestroy [17820][21093]
cl setDestroy [17821][21093]
cl setDestroy [17822][21093]
cl setDestroy [17823][21093]
cl setDestroy [17824][21093]
cl setDestroy [17825][21093]
cl setDestroy [17826][21093]
cl setDestroy [17827][21093]
cl setDestroy [17828][21093]
cl setDestroy [17829][21093]
cl setDestroy [17832][21093]
cl setDestroy [17833][21093]
cl setDestroy [17834][21093]
cl setDestroy [17835][21093]
cl setDestroy [17836][21093]
cl setDestroy [17837][21093]
cl setDestroy [17838][21093]
cl setDestroy [17839][21093]
cl setDestroy [17840][21093]
cl setDestroy [17843][21093]
cl setDestroy [17844][21093]
cl setDestroy [17845][21093]
cl setDestroy [17846][21093]
cl setDestroy [17847][21093]
cl setDestroy [17848][21093]
cl setDestroy [17849][21093]
cl setDestroy [17850][21093]
cl setDestroy [17851][21093]
cl setDestroy [17852][21093]
cl setDestroy [17853][21093]
cl setDestroy [17856][21093]
cl setDestroy [17857][21093]
cl setDestroy [17858][21093]
cl setDestroy [17868][21093]
cl setDestroy [17869][21093]
cl setDestroy [17876][21093]
cl setDestroy [17889][21093]
cl setDestroy [17890][21093]
cl setDestroy [17891][21093]
cl setDestroy [17892][21093]
cl setDestroy [17893][21093]
cl setDestroy [17894][21093]
cl setDestroy [17896][21093]
cl setDestroy [17897][21093]
cl setDestroy [17900][21093]
cl setDestroy [17901][21093]
cl setDestroy [17902][21093]
cl setDestroy [17903][21093]
cl setDestroy [17905][21093]
cl setDestroy [17906][21093]
cl setDestroy [17907][21093]
cl setDestroy [17908][21093]
cl setDestroy [17909][21093]
cl setDestroy [17910][21093]
cl setDestroy [17911][21093]
cl setDestroy [17912][21093]
cl setDestroy [17913][21093]
cl setDestroy [17914][21093]
cl setDestroy [17915][21093]
cl setDestroy [17916][21093]
cl setDestroy [17917][21093]
cl setDestroy [17918][21093]
cl setDestroy [17919][21093]
cl setDestroy [17932][21093]
cl setDestroy [17933][21093]
cl setDestroy [17934][21093]
cl setDestroy [17935][21093]
cl setDestroy [17936][21093]
cl setDestroy [17937][21093]
cl setDestroy [17938][21093]
cl setDestroy [17939][21093]
cl setDestroy [17940][21093]
cl setDestroy [17964][21093]
cl setDestroy [17965][21093]
cl setDestroy [17966][21093]
cl setDestroy [17967][21093]
cl setDestroy [17968][21093]
cl setDestroy [17969][21093]
cl setDestroy [17970][21093]
cl setDestroy [17972][21093]
cl setDestroy [18017][21093]
cl setDestroy [18018][21093]
cl setDestroy [18019][21093]
cl setDestroy [18020][21093]
cl setDestroy [18021][21093]
cl setDestroy [18024][21093]
cl setDestroy [18025][21093]
cl setDestroy [18026][21093]
cl setDestroy [19566][21093]
cl setDestroy [19567][21093]
cl setDestroy [19568][21093]
cl setDestroy [19569][21093]
cl setDestroy [19570][21093]
cl setDestroy [19571][21093]
cl setDestroy [19832][21093]
cl setDestroy [19472][21095]
cl setDestroy [19473][21095]
cl setDestroy [19474][21095]
cl setDestroy [19475][21095]
cl setDestroy [19476][21095]
cl setDestroy [19477][21095]
cl setDestroy [19478][21095]
cl setDestroy [19479][21095]
cl setDestroy [19480][21095]
cl setDestroy [19481][21095]
cl setDestroy [19482][21095]
cl setDestroy [19483][21095]
cl setDestroy [19484][21095]
cl setDestroy [19485][21095]
cl setDestroy [19486][21095]
cl setDestroy [19487][21095]
cl setDestroy [19488][21095]
cl setDestroy [19489][21095]
cl setDestroy [19490][21095]
cl setDestroy [19491][21095]
cl setDestroy [19492][21095]
cl setDestroy [19493][21095]
cl setDestroy [19494][21095]
cl setDestroy [19495][21095]
cl setDestroy [19496][21095]
cl setDestroy [19497][21095]
cl setDestroy [19521][21095]
cl setDestroy [19522][21095]
cl setDestroy [19523][21095]
cl setDestroy [19524][21095]
cl setDestroy [19525][21095]
cl setDestroy [19526][21095]
cl setDestroy [19527][21095]
cl setDestroy [19528][21095]
cl setDestroy [19529][21095]
cl setDestroy [19530][21095]
cl setDestroy [19531][21095]
cl setDestroy [19532][21095]
cl setDestroy [19533][21095]
cl setDestroy [19534][21095]
cl setDestroy [19535][21095]
cl setDestroy [19536][21095]
cl setDestroy [19537][21095]
cl setDestroy [19538][21095]
cl setDestroy [19539][21095]
cl setDestroy [19540][21095]
cl setDestroy [19541][21095]
cl setDestroy [19542][21095]
cl setDestroy [19543][21095]
cl setDestroy [19544][21095]
cl setDestroy [19545][21095]
cl setDestroy [19546][21095]
cl setDestroy [19547][21095]
cl setDestroy [19548][21095]
cl setDestroy [19549][21095]
cl setDestroy [19550][21095]
cl setDestroy [19551][21095]
cl setDestroy [19552][21095]
cl setDestroy [19553][21095]
cl setDestroy [19554][21095]
cl setDestroy [19555][21095]
cl setDestroy [19556][21095]
cl setDestroy [19557][21095]
cl setDestroy [19558][21095]
cl setDestroy [19559][21095]
cl setDestroy [19560][21095]
cl setDestroy [19561][21095]
cl setDestroy [19562][21095]
cl setDestroy [19563][21095]
cl setDestroy [19564][21095]
cl setDestroy [19565][21095]
cl setDestroy [19572][21095]
cl setDestroy [19573][21095]
cl setDestroy [19574][21095]
cl setDestroy [19575][21095]
cl setDestroy [19576][21095]
cl setDestroy [19577][21095]
cl setDestroy [19578][21095]
cl setDestroy [19579][21095]
cl setDestroy [19580][21095]
cl setDestroy [19581][21095]
cl setDestroy [19582][21095]
cl setDestroy [19583][21095]
cl setDestroy [19584][21095]
cl setDestroy [19585][21095]
cl setDestroy [19586][21095]
cl setDestroy [19587][21095]
cl setDestroy [19588][21095]
cl setDestroy [19589][21095]
cl setDestroy [19590][21095]
cl setDestroy [19591][21095]
cl setDestroy [19592][21095]
cl setDestroy [19593][21095]
cl setDestroy [19594][21095]
cl setDestroy [19595][21095]
cl setDestroy [19596][21095]
cl setDestroy [19597][21095]
cl setDestroy [19598][21095]
cl setDestroy [19599][21095]
cl setDestroy [19600][21095]
cl setDestroy [19601][21095]
cl setDestroy [19602][21095]
cl setDestroy [19617][21095]
cl setDestroy [19618][21095]
cl setDestroy [19619][21095]
cl setDestroy [19620][21095]
cl setDestroy [19621][21095]
cl setDestroy [19622][21095]
cl setDestroy [19623][21095]
cl setDestroy [19624][21095]
cl setDestroy [19625][21095]
cl setDestroy [19626][21095]
cl setDestroy [19627][21095]
cl setDestroy [19629][21095]
cl setDestroy [19631][21095]
cl setDestroy [19632][21095]
cl setDestroy [19633][21095]
cl setDestroy [19634][21095]
cl setDestroy [19635][21095]
cl setDestroy [19638][21095]
cl setDestroy [19639][21095]
cl setDestroy [19642][21095]
cl setDestroy [19643][21095]
cl setDestroy [19644][21095]
cl setDestroy [19645][21095]
cl setDestroy [19646][21095]
cl setDestroy [19647][21095]
cl setDestroy [19648][21095]
cl setDestroy [19649][21095]
cl setDestroy [19650][21095]
cl setDestroy [19651][21095]
cl setDestroy [19652][21095]
cl setDestroy [19653][21095]
cl setDestroy [19654][21095]
cl setDestroy [19655][21095]
cl setDestroy [19656][21095]
cl setDestroy [19657][21095]
cl setDestroy [19663][21095]
cl setDestroy [19664][21095]
cl setDestroy [19671][21095]
cl setDestroy [19804][21095]
cl setDestroy [19805][21095]
cl setDestroy [19806][21095]
cl setDestroy [19807][21095]
cl setDestroy [19808][21095]
cl setDestroy [19809][21095]
cl setDestroy [19810][21095]
cl setDestroy [19811][21095]
cl setDestroy [19812][21095]
cl setDestroy [19813][21095]
cl setDestroy [19814][21095]
cl setDestroy [19815][21095]
cl setDestroy [19816][21095]
cl setDestroy [19817][21095]
cl setDestroy [19818][21095]
cl setDestroy [19819][21095]
cl setDestroy [19820][21095]
cl setDestroy [19821][21095]
cl setDestroy [19822][21095]
cl setDestroy [19823][21095]
cl setDestroy [19824][21095]
cl setDestroy [19825][21095]
cl setDestroy [19826][21095]
cl setDestroy [19827][21095]
cl setDestroy [19828][21095]
cl setDestroy [19829][21095]
cl setDestroy [19830][21095]
cl setDestroy [19831][21095]
cl setDestroy [19833][21095]
cl setDestroy [4934][21099]
cl setDestroy [32514][21099]
cl setDestroy [32061][21099]
cl setDestroy [32023][21099]
cl setDestroy [28440][21099]
cl setDestroy [10855][21099]
cl setDestroy [10854][21099]
cl setDestroy [10853][21099]
cl setDestroy [10852][21099]
cl setDestroy [10851][21099]
cl setDestroy [10850][21099]
cl setDestroy [10849][21099]
cl setDestroy [10848][21099]
cl setDestroy [10847][21099]
cl setDestroy [10846][21099]
cl setDestroy [10845][21099]
cl setDestroy [10844][21099]
cl setDestroy [10843][21099]
cl setDestroy [10842][21099]
cl setDestroy [10841][21099]
cl setDestroy [10840][21099]
cl setDestroy [10839][21099]
cl setDestroy [10838][21099]
cl setDestroy [10837][21099]
cl setDestroy [4935][21099]
cl setDestroy [34100][21099]
cl setDestroy [32062][21099]
cl setDestroy [32060][21099]
cl setDestroy [10874][21099]
cl setDestroy [10873][21099]
cl setDestroy [10872][21099]
cl setDestroy [10871][21099]
cl setDestroy [10870][21099]
cl setDestroy [10869][21099]
cl setDestroy [10868][21099]
cl setDestroy [10867][21099]
cl setDestroy [10866][21099]
cl setDestroy [10865][21099]
cl setDestroy [10864][21099]
cl setDestroy [10863][21099]
cl setDestroy [10862][21099]
cl setDestroy [10861][21099]
cl setDestroy [10860][21099]
cl setDestroy [10859][21099]
cl setDestroy [10858][21099]
cl setDestroy [10857][21099]
cl setDestroy [10856][21099]
cl setDestroy [4936][21099]
cl setDestroy [47374][21099]
cl setDestroy [32059][21099]
cl setDestroy [32002][21099]
cl setDestroy [10889][21099]
cl setDestroy [10888][21099]
cl setDestroy [10887][21099]
cl setDestroy [10886][21099]
cl setDestroy [10885][21099]
cl setDestroy [10884][21099]
cl setDestroy [10883][21099]
cl setDestroy [10882][21099]
cl setDestroy [10881][21099]
cl setDestroy [10880][21099]
cl setDestroy [10879][21099]
cl setDestroy [10878][21099]
cl setDestroy [10877][21099]
cl setDestroy [10876][21099]
cl setDestroy [10875][21099]
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4(Ñàâà Ìàíüÿê)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6(Ñåâêà Ìåñòíûé)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2(Âàäèì Êèðïè÷)]
cl setDestroy [4905][21909]
cl setDestroy [32047][21909]
cl setDestroy [9841][21909]
cl setDestroy [9840][21909]
cl setDestroy [9839][21909]
cl setDestroy [9838][21909]
cl setDestroy [9837][21909]
cl setDestroy [9836][21909]
cl setDestroy [9835][21909]
cl setDestroy [9834][21909]
cl setDestroy [9833][21909]
cl setDestroy [9832][21909]
cl setDestroy [9831][21909]
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
cl setDestroy [4999][21981]
cl setDestroy [46094][21981]
cl setDestroy [32054][21981]
cl setDestroy [32049][21981]
cl setDestroy [32048][21981]
cl setDestroy [32044][21981]
cl setDestroy [9830][21981]
cl setDestroy [9829][21981]
cl setDestroy [9828][21981]
cl setDestroy [9827][21981]
cl setDestroy [9826][21981]
cl setDestroy [9825][21981]
cl setDestroy [9824][21981]
cl setDestroy [9823][21981]
cl setDestroy [9822][21981]
cl setDestroy [9821][21981]
cl setDestroy [141][21981]
cl setDestroy [9820][21981]
cl setDestroy [4906][21981]
cl setDestroy [34325][21981]
cl setDestroy [32055][21981]
cl setDestroy [32053][21981]
cl setDestroy [32052][21981]
cl setDestroy [32046][21981]
cl setDestroy [9848][21981]
cl setDestroy [9847][21981]
cl setDestroy [9846][21981]
cl setDestroy [9845][21981]
cl setDestroy [9844][21981]
cl setDestroy [9843][21981]
cl setDestroy [9842][21981]
cl setDestroy [4907][21981]
cl setDestroy [32051][21981]
cl setDestroy [32050][21981]
cl setDestroy [32045][21981]
cl setDestroy [31585][21981]
cl setDestroy [9858][21981]
cl setDestroy [9857][21981]
cl setDestroy [9856][21981]
cl setDestroy [9855][21981]
cl setDestroy [9854][21981]
cl setDestroy [9853][21981]
cl setDestroy [9852][21981]
cl setDestroy [9851][21981]
cl setDestroy [9850][21981]
cl setDestroy [9849][21981]
cl setDestroy [9623][22029]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_lider(Àññèñòåíò Ìàëûøåâ)]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
cl setDestroy [9627][22803]
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_first_patient]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_first_patient_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_lider]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_pomoshnik]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
!!ERROR: XR_GULAG cannot find SOBJ [65535] for obj [izgoy_second_patient]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_second_patient_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_patients_look
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgoy_pomoshnik_look
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =izgioy_lider_look
cl setDestroy [9612][23111]
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_2_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_6_look
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
NPC bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6 RESTRICTOR bar_zastava_restrictor_2
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_4_walk
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =bar_zastava_2_square_1_place_1_look
[XR GULAG] ADDING IN RESTRICTION  FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
[XR GULAG] ADDING OUT RESTRICTION bar_zastava_restrictor_2 FOR bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6
cl setDestroy [53254][23402]
cl setDestroy [40961][23402]
cl setDestroy [9613][23402]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
cl setDestroy [4903][23562]
cl setDestroy [43695][23562]
cl setDestroy [33546][23562]
cl setDestroy [33432][23562]
cl setDestroy [10147][23562]
cl setDestroy [10146][23562]
cl setDestroy [10145][23562]
cl setDestroy [10144][23562]
cl setDestroy [10143][23562]
cl setDestroy [10142][23562]
cl setDestroy [10141][23562]
cl setDestroy [10140][23562]
cl setDestroy [10139][23562]
cl setDestroy [10138][23562]
cl setDestroy [10137][23562]
cl setDestroy [10136][23562]
cl setDestroy [10135][23562]
cl setDestroy [10134][23562]
cl setDestroy [7711][23562]
cl setDestroy [10133][23562]
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
cl setDestroy [9614][23849]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_visitors_3_3(Ôåäüêà Íåìàòîä)]
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sit
cl setDestroy [11137][24264]
cl setDestroy [4917][24438]
cl setDestroy [41992][24438]
cl setDestroy [35593][24438]
cl setDestroy [33407][24438]
cl setDestroy [33084][24438]
cl setDestroy [10203][24438]
cl setDestroy [10202][24438]
cl setDestroy [10201][24438]
cl setDestroy [10200][24438]
cl setDestroy [10199][24438]
cl setDestroy [10198][24438]
cl setDestroy [10197][24438]
cl setDestroy [10196][24438]
cl setDestroy [10195][24438]
cl setDestroy [10194][24438]
cl setDestroy [10193][24438]
cl setDestroy [10192][24438]
cl setDestroy [10191][24438]
cl setDestroy [10190][24438]
cl setDestroy [10189][24438]
cl setDestroy [10188][24438]
cl setDestroy [10187][24438]
cl setDestroy [10186][24438]
cl setDestroy [10185][24438]
cl setDestroy [10184][24438]
rx_aiget_storage:not npc storage!
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_walk_work
_bp: path_parse_waypoints: pathname =sinyak_look_sleep
[INTEGRITY CHECK] game_maps_single.mus
- Disconnect
cl setDestroy [4998][29636]
cl setDestroy [65280][29636]
cl setDestroy [64262][29636]
cl setDestroy [64000][29636]
cl setDestroy [62723][29636]
cl setDestroy [61826][29636]
cl setDestroy [57619][29636]
cl setDestroy [55817][29636]
cl setDestroy [55569][29636]
cl setDestroy [55568][29636]
cl setDestroy [53257][29636]
cl setDestroy [51222][29636]
cl setDestroy [49944][29636]
cl setDestroy [49671][29636]
cl setDestroy [49448][29636]
cl setDestroy [49430][29636]
cl setDestroy [49429][29636]
cl setDestroy [49428][29636]
cl setDestroy [49427][29636]
cl setDestroy [48918][29636]
cl setDestroy [48656][29636]
cl setDestroy [48128][29636]
cl setDestroy [47888][29636]
cl setDestroy [47652][29636]
cl setDestroy [47113][29636]
cl setDestroy [46594][29636]
cl setDestroy [46363][29636]
cl setDestroy [46221][29636]
cl setDestroy [46220][29636]
cl setDestroy [45079][29636]
cl setDestroy [42540][29636]
cl setDestroy [42276][29636]
cl setDestroy [42037][29636]
cl setDestroy [41730][29636]
cl setDestroy [41475][29636]
cl setDestroy [40736][29636]
cl setDestroy [40734][29636]
cl setDestroy [40386][29636]
cl setDestroy [38419][29636]
cl setDestroy [38169][29636]
cl setDestroy [38020][29636]
cl setDestroy [37647][29636]
cl setDestroy [37154][29636]
cl setDestroy [36617][29636]
cl setDestroy [36368][29636]
cl setDestroy [36137][29636]
cl setDestroy [35840][29636]
cl setDestroy [35231][29636]
cl setDestroy [34837][29636]
cl setDestroy [34583][29636]
cl setDestroy [34582][29636]
cl setDestroy [34581][29636]
cl setDestroy [34565][29636]
cl setDestroy [34069][29636]
cl setDestroy [32788][29636]
cl setDestroy [32787][29636]
cl setDestroy [32572][29636]
cl setDestroy [32560][29636]
cl setDestroy [32549][29636]
cl setDestroy [32285][29636]
cl setDestroy [32280][29636]
cl setDestroy [32268][29636]
cl setDestroy [32259][29636]
cl setDestroy [31749][29636]
cl setDestroy [31543][29636]
cl setDestroy [31503][29636]
cl setDestroy [30881][29636]
cl setDestroy [30646][29636]
cl setDestroy [30420][29636]
cl setDestroy [29973][29636]
cl setDestroy [29807][29636]
cl setDestroy [29457][29636]
cl setDestroy [29188][29636]
cl setDestroy [29187][29636]
cl setDestroy [29016][29636]
cl setDestroy [28868][29636]
cl setDestroy [28183][29636]
cl setDestroy [27925][29636]
cl setDestroy [27923][29636]
cl setDestroy [27920][29636]
cl setDestroy [27918][29636]
cl setDestroy [27917][29636]
cl setDestroy [27914][29636]
cl setDestroy [27900][29636]
cl setDestroy [27899][29636]
cl setDestroy [27770][29636]
cl setDestroy [25950][29636]
cl setDestroy [25816][29636]
cl setDestroy [25385][29636]
cl setDestroy [25337][29636]
cl setDestroy [25302][29636]
cl setDestroy [24998][29636]
cl setDestroy [24412][29636]
cl setDestroy [24411][29636]
cl setDestroy [24410][29636]
cl setDestroy [24409][29636]
cl setDestroy [24317][29636]
cl setDestroy [23447][29636]
cl setDestroy [23113][29636]
cl setDestroy [22619][29636]
cl setDestroy [22409][29636]
cl setDestroy [22099][29636]
cl setDestroy [21719][29636]
cl setDestroy [21312][29636]
cl setDestroy [20052][29636]
cl setDestroy [20022][29636]
cl setDestroy [19400][29636]
cl setDestroy [19320][29636]
cl setDestroy [19126][29636]
cl setDestroy [18799][29636]
cl setDestroy [18501][29636]
cl setDestroy [18418][29636]
cl setDestroy [17638][29636]
cl setDestroy [17635][29636]
cl setDestroy [17624][29636]
cl setDestroy [17623][29636]
cl setDestroy [17622][29636]
cl setDestroy [17527][29636]
cl setDestroy [17526][29636]
cl setDestroy [17525][29636]
cl setDestroy [17309][29636]
cl setDestroy [17040][29636]
cl setDestroy [16942][29636]
cl setDestroy [16838][29636]
cl setDestroy [16422][29636]
cl setDestroy [16175][29636]
cl setDestroy [15396][29636]
cl setDestroy [15237][29636]
cl setDestroy [15131][29636]
cl setDestroy [14318][29636]
cl setDestroy [14219][29636]
cl setDestroy [14035][29636]
cl setDestroy [14032][29636]
cl setDestroy [14005][29636]
cl setDestroy [14004][29636]
cl setDestroy [14003][29636]
cl setDestroy [13969][29636]
cl setDestroy [13961][29636]
cl setDestroy [13960][29636]
cl setDestroy [13959][29636]
cl setDestroy [13666][29636]
cl setDestroy [13349][29636]
cl setDestroy [13087][29636]
cl setDestroy [12901][29636]
cl setDestroy [12714][29636]
cl setDestroy [12343][29636]
cl setDestroy [12247][29636]
cl setDestroy [12087][29636]
cl setDestroy [11656][29636]
cl setDestroy [11568][29636]
cl setDestroy [11331][29636]
cl setDestroy [11138][29636]
cl setDestroy [9985][29636]
cl setDestroy [9351][29636]
cl setDestroy [8531][29636]
cl setDestroy [8378][29636]
cl setDestroy [7684][29636]
cl setDestroy [7674][29636]
cl setDestroy [7413][29636]
cl setDestroy [7412][29636]
cl setDestroy [7411][29636]
cl setDestroy [7409][29636]
cl setDestroy [7402][29636]
cl setDestroy [7401][29636]
cl setDestroy [7400][29636]
cl setDestroy [7399][29636]
cl setDestroy [7357][29636]
cl setDestroy [7341][29636]
cl setDestroy [7340][29636]
cl setDestroy [7338][29636]
cl setDestroy [7335][29636]
cl setDestroy [7312][29636]
cl setDestroy [7091][29636]
cl setDestroy [6679][29636]
cl setDestroy [6656][29636]
cl setDestroy [6627][29636]
cl setDestroy [6149][29636]
cl setDestroy [5856][29636]
cl setDestroy [5583][29636]
cl setDestroy [5196][29636]
cl setDestroy [5195][29636]
cl setDestroy [5194][29636]
cl setDestroy [5193][29636]
cl setDestroy [4738][29636]
cl setDestroy [4344][29636]
cl setDestroy [4343][29636]
cl setDestroy [3928][29636]
cl setDestroy [3312][29636]
cl setDestroy [2807][29636]
cl setDestroy [2432][29636]
cl setDestroy [2246][29636]
cl setDestroy [1937][29636]
cl setDestroy [1881][29636]
cl setDestroy [1781][29636]
cl setDestroy [1570][29636]
cl setDestroy [543][29636]
cl setDestroy [390][29636]
cl setDestroy [2][29636]
cl setDestroy [0][29636]
cl setDestroy [802][29636]
cl setDestroy [803][29636]
cl setDestroy [804][29636]
cl setDestroy [884][29636]
cl setDestroy [885][29636]
cl setDestroy [886][29636]
cl setDestroy [4900][29636]
cl setDestroy [43476][29636]
cl setDestroy [43461][29636]
cl setDestroy [4496][29636]
cl setDestroy [4495][29636]
cl setDestroy [4494][29636]
cl setDestroy [4493][29636]
cl setDestroy [4492][29636]
cl setDestroy [4491][29636]
cl setDestroy [4490][29636]
cl setDestroy [4489][29636]
cl setDestroy [4488][29636]
cl setDestroy [4487][29636]
cl setDestroy [4486][29636]
cl setDestroy [4485][29636]
cl setDestroy [4484][29636]
cl setDestroy [4483][29636]
cl setDestroy [4422][29636]
cl setDestroy [4378][29636]
cl setDestroy [4267][29636]
cl setDestroy [4377][29636]
cl setDestroy [5004][29636]
cl setDestroy [47378][29636]
cl setDestroy [45353][29636]
cl setDestroy [43494][29636]
cl setDestroy [43481][29636]
cl setDestroy [43029][29636]
cl setDestroy [43028][29636]
cl setDestroy [43027][29636]
cl setDestroy [43026][29636]
cl setDestroy [34173][29636]
cl setDestroy [13380][29636]
cl setDestroy [4480][29636]
cl setDestroy [4479][29636]
cl setDestroy [4478][29636]
cl setDestroy [4477][29636]
cl setDestroy [4476][29636]
cl setDestroy [4475][29636]
cl setDestroy [4474][29636]
cl setDestroy [4473][29636]
cl setDestroy [4472][29636]
cl setDestroy [4471][29636]
cl setDestroy [4470][29636]
cl setDestroy [4469][29636]
cl setDestroy [4468][29636]
cl setDestroy [4467][29636]
cl setDestroy [4466][29636]
cl setDestroy [4465][29636]
cl setDestroy [4464][29636]
cl setDestroy [4268][29636]
cl setDestroy [4463][29636]
cl setDestroy [4898][29636]
cl setDestroy [30018][29636]
cl setDestroy [4511][29636]
cl setDestroy [4509][29636]
cl setDestroy [4508][29636]
cl setDestroy [4507][29636]
cl setDestroy [4506][29636]
cl setDestroy [4505][29636]
cl setDestroy [4502][29636]
cl setDestroy [4500][29636]
cl setDestroy [4499][29636]
cl setDestroy [4428][29636]
cl setDestroy [4425][29636]
cl setDestroy [4389][29636]
cl setDestroy [4373][29636]
cl setDestroy [4280][29636]
cl setDestroy [4275][29636]
cl setDestroy [4196][29636]
cl setDestroy [4498][29636]
cl setDestroy [4899][29636]
cl setDestroy [4529][29636]
cl setDestroy [4528][29636]
cl setDestroy [4527][29636]
cl setDestroy [4525][29636]
cl setDestroy [4524][29636]
cl setDestroy [4519][29636]
cl setDestroy [4516][29636]
cl setDestroy [4514][29636]
cl setDestroy [4513][29636]
cl setDestroy [4399][29636]
cl setDestroy [4398][29636]
cl setDestroy [4395][29636]
cl setDestroy [4394][29636]
cl setDestroy [4392][29636]
cl setDestroy [4391][29636]
cl setDestroy [4382][29636]
cl setDestroy [4381][29636]
cl setDestroy [4380][29636]
cl setDestroy [4274][29636]
cl setDestroy [4197][29636]
cl setDestroy [4512][29636]
cl setDestroy [5145][29636]
cl setDestroy [7681][29636]
cl setDestroy [7682][29636]
cl setDestroy [7694][29636]
cl setDestroy [7695][29636]
cl setDestroy [7696][29636]
cl setDestroy [7697][29636]
cl setDestroy [7698][29636]
cl setDestroy [7699][29636]
cl setDestroy [7700][29636]
cl setDestroy [7701][29636]
cl setDestroy [7702][29636]
cl setDestroy [7703][29636]
cl setDestroy [7704][29636]
cl setDestroy [7705][29636]
cl setDestroy [7706][29636]
cl setDestroy [7707][29636]
cl setDestroy [7708][29636]
cl setDestroy [7709][29636]
cl setDestroy [7712][29636]
cl setDestroy [7713][29636]
cl setDestroy [9407][29636]
cl setDestroy [9408][29636]
cl setDestroy [9409][29636]
cl setDestroy [9410][29636]
cl setDestroy [9411][29636]
cl setDestroy [9412][29636]
cl setDestroy [9413][29636]
cl setDestroy [9414][29636]
cl setDestroy [9415][29636]
cl setDestroy [9416][29636]
cl setDestroy [9417][29636]
cl setDestroy [9418][29636]
cl setDestroy [9419][29636]
cl setDestroy [9420][29636]
cl setDestroy [9421][29636]
cl setDestroy [9422][29636]
cl setDestroy [9423][29636]
cl setDestroy [9424][29636]
cl setDestroy [9425][29636]
cl setDestroy [9426][29636]
cl setDestroy [9427][29636]
cl setDestroy [9428][29636]
cl setDestroy [9429][29636]
cl setDestroy [9430][29636]
cl setDestroy [9431][29636]
cl setDestroy [9432][29636]
cl setDestroy [9433][29636]
cl setDestroy [9434][29636]
cl setDestroy [9435][29636]
cl setDestroy [9436][29636]
cl setDestroy [9437][29636]
cl setDestroy [9438][29636]
cl setDestroy [9439][29636]
cl setDestroy [9440][29636]
cl setDestroy [9441][29636]
cl setDestroy [9442][29636]
cl setDestroy [9443][29636]
cl setDestroy [9444][29636]
cl setDestroy [9445][29636]
cl setDestroy [9446][29636]
cl setDestroy [9447][29636]
cl setDestroy [9448][29636]
cl setDestroy [9449][29636]
cl setDestroy [9450][29636]
cl setDestroy [9451][29636]
cl setDestroy [9452][29636]
cl setDestroy [9453][29636]
cl setDestroy [9454][29636]
cl setDestroy [9457][29636]
cl setDestroy [9458][29636]
cl setDestroy [9459][29636]
cl setDestroy [9460][29636]
cl setDestroy [9461][29636]
cl setDestroy [9462][29636]
cl setDestroy [9463][29636]
cl setDestroy [9464][29636]
cl setDestroy [9465][29636]
cl setDestroy [9466][29636]
cl setDestroy [9467][29636]
cl setDestroy [9468][29636]
cl setDestroy [9469][29636]
cl setDestroy [9470][29636]
cl setDestroy [9471][29636]
cl setDestroy [9472][29636]
cl setDestroy [9473][29636]
cl setDestroy [9474][29636]
cl setDestroy [9475][29636]
cl setDestroy [9476][29636]
cl setDestroy [9477][29636]
cl setDestroy [9478][29636]
cl setDestroy [9479][29636]
cl setDestroy [9480][29636]
cl setDestroy [9481][29636]
cl setDestroy [9482][29636]
cl setDestroy [9483][29636]
cl setDestroy [9484][29636]
cl setDestroy [9485][29636]
cl setDestroy [9486][29636]
cl setDestroy [9487][29636]
cl setDestroy [9488][29636]
cl setDestroy [9490][29636]
cl setDestroy [9493][29636]
cl setDestroy [9494][29636]
cl setDestroy [9495][29636]
cl setDestroy [9496][29636]
cl setDestroy [9497][29636]
cl setDestroy [9498][29636]
cl setDestroy [9499][29636]
cl setDestroy [9500][29636]
cl setDestroy [9501][29636]
cl setDestroy [9502][29636]
cl setDestroy [9503][29636]
cl setDestroy [9504][29636]
cl setDestroy [9505][29636]
cl setDestroy [9506][29636]
cl setDestroy [9507][29636]
cl setDestroy [9508][29636]
cl setDestroy [9509][29636]
cl setDestroy [9510][29636]
cl setDestroy [9511][29636]
cl setDestroy [9512][29636]
cl setDestroy [9513][29636]
cl setDestroy [9514][29636]
cl setDestroy [9515][29636]
cl setDestroy [9516][29636]
cl setDestroy [9517][29636]
cl setDestroy [9518][29636]
cl setDestroy [9519][29636]
cl setDestroy [9520][29636]
cl setDestroy [9521][29636]
cl setDestroy [9522][29636]
cl setDestroy [9523][29636]
cl setDestroy [9524][29636]
cl setDestroy [9525][29636]
cl setDestroy [9526][29636]
cl setDestroy [9527][29636]
cl setDestroy [9528][29636]
cl setDestroy [9529][29636]
cl setDestroy [9530][29636]
cl setDestroy [9531][29636]
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cl setDestroy [9534][29636]
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cl setDestroy [9536][29636]
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cl setDestroy [9538][29636]
cl setDestroy [9539][29636]
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cl setDestroy [9541][29636]
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cl setDestroy [9544][29636]
cl setDestroy [9545][29636]
cl setDestroy [9546][29636]
cl setDestroy [9547][29636]
cl setDestroy [9548][29636]
cl setDestroy [9549][29636]
cl setDestroy [9550][29636]
cl setDestroy [9551][29636]
cl setDestroy [9552][29636]
cl setDestroy [9553][29636]
cl setDestroy [9554][29636]
cl setDestroy [9555][29636]
cl setDestroy [9556][29636]
cl setDestroy [9557][29636]
cl setDestroy [9558][29636]
cl setDestroy [9559][29636]
cl setDestroy [9560][29636]
cl setDestroy [9561][29636]
cl setDestroy [9562][29636]
cl setDestroy [9563][29636]
cl setDestroy [9564][29636]
cl setDestroy [9565][29636]
cl setDestroy [9566][29636]
cl setDestroy [9567][29636]
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cl setDestroy [9569][29636]
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cl setDestroy [9593][29636]
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cl setDestroy [9600][29636]
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cl setDestroy [61187][29636]
cl setDestroy [60422][29636]
cl setDestroy [57351][29636]
cl setDestroy [57350][29636]
cl setDestroy [57349][29636]
cl setDestroy [57348][29636]
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cl setDestroy [53264][29636]
cl setDestroy [53262][29636]
cl setDestroy [52116][29636]
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cl setDestroy [52111][29636]
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cl setDestroy [45348][29636]
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cl setDestroy [42760][29636]
cl setDestroy [42247][29636]
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cl setDestroy [10869][29636]
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cl setDestroy [10867][29636]
cl setDestroy [10866][29636]
cl setDestroy [10865][29636]
cl setDestroy [10864][29636]
cl setDestroy [10863][29636]
cl setDestroy [10862][29636]
cl setDestroy [10861][29636]
cl setDestroy [10860][29636]
cl setDestroy [10859][29636]
cl setDestroy [10858][29636]
cl setDestroy [10857][29636]
cl setDestroy [10856][29636]
cl setDestroy [44829][29636]
cl setDestroy [47374][29636]
cl setDestroy [32059][29636]
cl setDestroy [32002][29636]
cl setDestroy [10889][29636]
cl setDestroy [10888][29636]
cl setDestroy [10887][29636]
cl setDestroy [10886][29636]
cl setDestroy [10885][29636]
cl setDestroy [10884][29636]
cl setDestroy [10883][29636]
cl setDestroy [10882][29636]
cl setDestroy [10881][29636]
cl setDestroy [10880][29636]
cl setDestroy [10879][29636]
cl setDestroy [10878][29636]
cl setDestroy [10877][29636]
cl setDestroy [10876][29636]
cl setDestroy [10875][29636]
cl setDestroy [5009][29636]
cl setDestroy [45579][29636]
cl setDestroy [33422][29636]
cl setDestroy [31021][29636]
cl setDestroy [10961][29636]
cl setDestroy [10960][29636]
cl setDestroy [10959][29636]
cl setDestroy [10958][29636]
cl setDestroy [10957][29636]
cl setDestroy [10956][29636]
cl setDestroy [10955][29636]
cl setDestroy [10954][29636]
cl setDestroy [10953][29636]
cl setDestroy [10952][29636]
cl setDestroy [10951][29636]
cl setDestroy [10950][29636]
cl setDestroy [10949][29636]
cl setDestroy [10948][29636]
cl setDestroy [10947][29636]
cl setDestroy [10946][29636]
cl setDestroy [10945][29636]
cl setDestroy [8487][29636]
cl setDestroy [10944][29636]
cl setDestroy [4925][29636]
cl setDestroy [56577][29636]
cl setDestroy [31060][29636]
cl setDestroy [31054][29636]
cl setDestroy [31029][29636]
cl setDestroy [26884][29636]
cl setDestroy [15949][29636]
cl setDestroy [15948][29636]
cl setDestroy [11029][29636]
cl setDestroy [11028][29636]
cl setDestroy [11027][29636]
cl setDestroy [11026][29636]
cl setDestroy [11025][29636]
cl setDestroy [11024][29636]
cl setDestroy [11023][29636]
cl setDestroy [11022][29636]
cl setDestroy [11021][29636]
cl setDestroy [11020][29636]
cl setDestroy [11019][29636]
cl setDestroy [11018][29636]
cl setDestroy [11017][29636]
cl setDestroy [11016][29636]
cl setDestroy [11015][29636]
cl setDestroy [11032][29636]
cl setDestroy [11033][29636]
cl setDestroy [11034][29636]
cl setDestroy [11035][29636]
cl setDestroy [11036][29636]
cl setDestroy [11037][29636]
cl setDestroy [11038][29636]
cl setDestroy [11039][29636]
cl setDestroy [11040][29636]
cl setDestroy [11041][29636]
cl setDestroy [11042][29636]
cl setDestroy [11043][29636]
cl setDestroy [11044][29636]
cl setDestroy [11045][29636]
cl setDestroy [11046][29636]
cl setDestroy [11047][29636]
cl setDestroy [11048][29636]
cl setDestroy [11049][29636]
cl setDestroy [11050][29636]
cl setDestroy [11051][29636]
cl setDestroy [11052][29636]
cl setDestroy [11053][29636]
cl setDestroy [11054][29636]
cl setDestroy [11055][29636]
cl setDestroy [11056][29636]
cl setDestroy [11057][29636]
cl setDestroy [11058][29636]
cl setDestroy [11059][29636]
cl setDestroy [11060][29636]
cl setDestroy [11061][29636]
cl setDestroy [11062][29636]
cl setDestroy [11063][29636]
cl setDestroy [11064][29636]
cl setDestroy [11065][29636]
cl setDestroy [11066][29636]
cl setDestroy [11067][29636]
cl setDestroy [11068][29636]
cl setDestroy [11069][29636]
cl setDestroy [11070][29636]
cl setDestroy [11071][29636]
cl setDestroy [11072][29636]
cl setDestroy [11073][29636]
cl setDestroy [11074][29636]
cl setDestroy [11075][29636]
cl setDestroy [11076][29636]
cl setDestroy [11077][29636]
cl setDestroy [11078][29636]
cl setDestroy [11079][29636]
cl setDestroy [11080][29636]
cl setDestroy [11081][29636]
cl setDestroy [11082][29636]
cl setDestroy [11083][29636]
cl setDestroy [11084][29636]
cl setDestroy [11085][29636]
cl setDestroy [11086][29636]
cl setDestroy [11087][29636]
cl setDestroy [11088][29636]
cl setDestroy [11089][29636]
cl setDestroy [11090][29636]
cl setDestroy [11091][29636]
cl setDestroy [11092][29636]
cl setDestroy [11093][29636]
cl setDestroy [11094][29636]
cl setDestroy [11095][29636]
cl setDestroy [11096][29636]
cl setDestroy [11097][29636]
cl setDestroy [11098][29636]
cl setDestroy [11099][29636]
cl setDestroy [11100][29636]
cl setDestroy [11101][29636]
cl setDestroy [11102][29636]
cl setDestroy [11103][29636]
cl setDestroy [11104][29636]
cl setDestroy [11105][29636]
cl setDestroy [11106][29636]
cl setDestroy [11107][29636]
cl setDestroy [11108][29636]
cl setDestroy [11109][29636]
cl setDestroy [11110][29636]
cl setDestroy [11111][29636]
cl setDestroy [11112][29636]
cl setDestroy [11113][29636]
cl setDestroy [11114][29636]
cl setDestroy [11115][29636]
cl setDestroy [11116][29636]
cl setDestroy [11117][29636]
cl setDestroy [11118][29636]
cl setDestroy [11119][29636]
cl setDestroy [11120][29636]
cl setDestroy [11121][29636]
cl setDestroy [11122][29636]
cl setDestroy [11123][29636]
cl setDestroy [11125][29636]
cl setDestroy [11126][29636]
cl setDestroy [11127][29636]
cl setDestroy [11128][29636]
cl setDestroy [11129][29636]
cl setDestroy [11130][29636]
cl setDestroy [11131][29636]
cl setDestroy [11132][29636]
cl setDestroy [11133][29636]
cl setDestroy [11134][29636]
cl setDestroy [11135][29636]
cl setDestroy [11136][29636]
cl setDestroy [11142][29636]
cl setDestroy [11143][29636]
cl setDestroy [11144][29636]
cl setDestroy [4868][29636]
cl setDestroy [33431][29636]
cl setDestroy [31052][29636]
cl setDestroy [31051][29636]
cl setDestroy [31027][29636]
cl setDestroy [11156][29636]
cl setDestroy [11155][29636]
cl setDestroy [11154][29636]
cl setDestroy [11153][29636]
cl setDestroy [11152][29636]
cl setDestroy [11151][29636]
cl setDestroy [11150][29636]
cl setDestroy [11149][29636]
cl setDestroy [11148][29636]
cl setDestroy [11147][29636]
cl setDestroy [11146][29636]
cl setDestroy [11145][29636]
cl setDestroy [11157][29636]
cl setDestroy [11158][29636]
cl setDestroy [11159][29636]
cl setDestroy [11160][29636]
cl setDestroy [11161][29636]
cl setDestroy [11162][29636]
cl setDestroy [4869][29636]
cl setDestroy [4939][29636]
cl setDestroy [4938][29636]
cl setDestroy [4937][29636]
cl setDestroy [27890][29636]
cl setDestroy [4927][29636]
cl setDestroy [38214][29636]
cl setDestroy [31047][29636]
cl setDestroy [31046][29636]
cl setDestroy [31043][29636]
cl setDestroy [31019][29636]
cl setDestroy [28957][29636]
cl setDestroy [28204][29636]
cl setDestroy [28202][29636]
cl setDestroy [28203][29636]
cl setDestroy [28205][29636]
cl setDestroy [4928][29636]
cl setDestroy [33060][29636]
cl setDestroy [28312][29636]
cl setDestroy [28311][29636]
cl setDestroy [28310][29636]
cl setDestroy [28309][29636]
cl setDestroy [28308][29636]
cl setDestroy [28307][29636]
cl setDestroy [28306][29636]
cl setDestroy [28305][29636]
cl setDestroy [28304][29636]
cl setDestroy [28303][29636]
cl setDestroy [4929][29636]
cl setDestroy [48649][29636]
cl setDestroy [48646][29636]
cl setDestroy [48640][29636]
cl setDestroy [46219][29636]
cl setDestroy [41970][29636]
cl setDestroy [41969][29636]
cl setDestroy [45854][29636]
cl setDestroy [63008][29636]
cl setDestroy [63009][29636]
cl setDestroy [63010][29636]
cl setDestroy [63011][29636]
cl setDestroy [63012][29636]
cl setDestroy [63013][29636]
cl setDestroy [63014][29636]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_0002(Äàíÿ Çåíèò÷èê)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_2(Âàäèì Êèðïè÷)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_4(Ñàâà Ìàíüÿê)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_2_square_1_guard_6(Ñåâêà Ìåñòíûé)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[izgoy_lider(Àññèñòåíò Ìàëûøåâ)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_7(Þðèê Ýëåêòðèê)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_2(Ïàøà Òðóáî÷èñò)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_14377(Âàäèê Ñèäð)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_respawn_24463(Âèòüêà Òàðàí)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_13(Ãåíà Àéáîëèò)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_14512(Âàäÿ Äæàêîíäà)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_4(Ïàøêà Êðàá)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_stalker_respawn_24498(˸íÿ Ìàãíàò)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_visitor_10(Ñàâà Ïåëüìåíü)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_veteran_3(Ìàêñ Ïàðòèçàí)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_1(Ãåîðã Ãðîçíûé)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_veteran_2(Ïàøêà Àëëèãàòîð)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_leader(Ãåíåðàë Âîðîíèí)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_zastava_guard_3(Ñåðæàíò Êèöåíêî)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_petrenko(Ïîëêîâíèê Ïåòðåíêî)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_angar_zoneguard(ßøà Ñåêðåòàðü)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_bar_stalker(Âàäèì Ìîãèëüùèê)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_0001(Ãåðìàí Ãåðöîã)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_bunker_2(Åãîðêà Ôèëèí)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_ivancov(Êàïèòàí Èâàíöîâ)]
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_5(Ñåðæàíò Ïëè÷êî)]
- Destroying level
rx_aiwm:__finalize[bar_dolg_regular_4(Ãðèøà Àëüïèíèñò)]
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
Input:  1
Config-file [c:\stalker ogse\_appdata_\user.ltx] saved successfully
Destroying Direct3D...
* RM_Dump: textures  : 1
*        :   1: ui\ui_common
* RM_Dump: rtargets  : 0
* RM_Dump: rtargetsc : 0
* RM_Dump: vs        : 1
*        :   1: null
* RM_Dump: ps        : 1
*        :   1: null
* RM_Dump: dcl       : 5
* RM_Dump: states    : 1
* RM_Dump: tex_list  : 1
* RM_Dump: matrices  : 0
* RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0
* RM_Dump: v_passes  : 1
* RM_Dump: v_elements: 1
* RM_Dump: v_shaders : 1
refCount:pBaseZB 1
refCount:pBaseRT 1
DeviceREF: 71


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