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Gulag Problem


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i have a problem when i make a gualg my npc´s go away


but it give not a crash or a fault


my gualg in the all.spwan

; cse_abstract properties
section_name = smart_terrain
name = mar_lager
position = -57.9094772338867,1.24590361118317,283.974090576172
direction = 0.062321275472641,0.00316426996141672,0.0140644172206521

; cse_alife_object properties
game_vertex_id = 3402
distance = 4.19999980926514
level_vertex_id = 109085
object_flags = 0xffffffbe
custom_data = <<END
type = mar_lager
capacity = 3
squad = 1
groups = 5

; cse_shape properties
shapes = shape0
shape0:type = box
shape0:axis_x = 5.05180025100708,0,0
shape0:axis_y = 0,3.38140106201172,0
shape0:axis_z = 0,0,5.05180025100708
shape0:offset = 0,0,0

; cse_alife_space_restrictor properties
restrictor_type = 3

; se_smart_terrain properties

my npc´s

; cse_abstract properties
section_name = stalker
name = mar_clear_sky_kamper_000
position = -61.9960556030273,0.920579314231873,293.677429199219
direction = -0.693360865116119,0,-0.608751595020294

; cse_alife_trader_abstract properties
character_profile = mar_clear_sky

; cse_alife_object properties
game_vertex_id = 3402
distance = 9.80000019073486
level_vertex_id = 106182
object_flags = 0xffffffbf
custom_data = <<END
mar_lager = true

; cse_visual properties
visual_name = actors\neytral\stalker_neytral_balon_1

; cse_alife_creature_abstract properties
g_team = 0
g_squad = 0
g_group = 0
health = 1
dynamic_out_restrictions = 
dynamic_in_restrictions = 

upd:health = 1
upd:timestamp = 0
upd:creature_flags = 0
upd:position = -61.9960556030273,0.920579314231873,293.677429199219
upd:o_model = 0
upd:o_torso = -0.793360888957977,0,-0.608751595020294
upd:g_team = 0
upd:g_squad = 0
upd:g_group = 0

; cse_alife_monster_abstract properties

upd:next_game_vertex_id = 65535
upd:prev_game_vertex_id = 65535
upd:distance_from_point = 0
upd:distance_to_point = 0

; cse_alife_human_abstract properties
predicate5 = 2,0,2,1,1
predicate4 = 2,2,2,0

; cse_ph_skeleton properties

upd:start_dialog = 

; se_stalker properties

; cse_abstract properties
section_name = stalker
name = mar_clear_sky_kamper_001
position = -51.3453941345215,1.1859278678894,296.545593261719
direction = -0.693360865116119,0,-0.608751595020294

; cse_alife_trader_abstract properties
character_profile = mar_clear_sky

; cse_alife_object properties
game_vertex_id = 3402
distance = 9.80000019073486
level_vertex_id = 114134
object_flags = 0xffffffbf
custom_data = <<END
mar_lager = true

; cse_visual properties
visual_name = actors\neytral\stalker_neytral_balon_1

; cse_alife_creature_abstract properties
g_team = 0
g_squad = 0
g_group = 0
health = 1
dynamic_out_restrictions = 
dynamic_in_restrictions = 

upd:health = 1
upd:timestamp = 0
upd:creature_flags = 0
upd:position = -51.3453941345215,1.1859278678894,296.545593261719
upd:o_model = 0
upd:o_torso = -0.793360888957977,0,-0.608751595020294
upd:g_team = 0
upd:g_squad = 0
upd:g_group = 0

; cse_alife_monster_abstract properties

upd:next_game_vertex_id = 65535
upd:prev_game_vertex_id = 65535
upd:distance_from_point = 0
upd:distance_to_point = 0

; cse_alife_human_abstract properties
predicate5 = 2,0,2,1,1
predicate4 = 2,2,2,0

; cse_ph_skeleton properties

upd:start_dialog = 

; se_stalker properties

; cse_abstract properties
section_name = stalker
name = mar_clear_sky_kamper_002
position = -57.9094772338867,1.24590361118317,283.974090576172
direction = -0.693360865116119,0,-0.608751595020294

; cse_alife_trader_abstract properties
character_profile = mar_clear_sky

; cse_alife_object properties
game_vertex_id = 3402
distance = 9.80000019073486
level_vertex_id = 109085
object_flags = 0xffffffbf
custom_data = <<END
mar_lager = true

; cse_visual properties
visual_name = actors\neytral\stalker_neytral_balon_1

; cse_alife_creature_abstract properties
g_team = 0
g_squad = 0
g_group = 0
health = 1
dynamic_out_restrictions = 
dynamic_in_restrictions = 

upd:health = 1
upd:timestamp = 0
upd:creature_flags = 0
upd:position = -57.9094772338867,1.24590361118317,283.974090576172
upd:o_model = 0
upd:o_torso = -0.793360888957977,0,-0.608751595020294
upd:g_team = 0
upd:g_squad = 0
upd:g_group = 0

; cse_alife_monster_abstract properties

upd:next_game_vertex_id = 65535
upd:prev_game_vertex_id = 65535
upd:distance_from_point = 0
upd:distance_to_point = 0

; cse_alife_human_abstract properties
predicate5 = 2,0,2,1,1
predicate4 = 2,2,2,0

; cse_ph_skeleton properties

upd:start_dialog = 

; se_stalker properties


and this is my gulag script

if type == "mar_clear_sky_lager" then
    t = { section = "logic@mar_clear_sky_lager_kamper_001", 
      idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0},
      squad = squad, group = groups[1],
      in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
    table.insert(sj, t)
    t = { section = "logic@mar_clear_sky_lager_kamper_002", 
      idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0},
      squad = squad, group = groups[1],
      in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
    table.insert(sj, t)
    t = { section = "logic@mar_clear_sky_lager_kamper_003",
      idle = 0, prior = 5, state = {0},
      squad = squad, group = groups[1],
      in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
    table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "mar_clear_sky_lager" then
    return function(gulag)
        if level.get_time_hours() >= 7 and level.get_time_hours() <= 22 then
            return 0  -- day
            return 1  -- night

if gulag_type == "mar_clear_sky_lager" then
        return npc_community == "stalker"



and this are my point for the kamp point in the gulag ltx


active = kamp@mar_clear_sky_lager_kamper_001

center_point = kamp

active = kamp@mar_clear_sky_lager_kamper_002

center_point = kamp

active = kamp@mar_clear_sky_lager_kamper_003

center_point = kamp



and this are my points in the all.spwan


points = p0
p0:name = wp00
p0:position = -61.9960556030273,0.920579314231873,293.677429199219
p0:game_vertex_id = 3402
p0:level_vertex_id = 106182

points = p0
p0:name = wp00
p0:position = -51.3453941345215,1.1859278678894,296.545593261719
p0:game_vertex_id = 3402
p0:level_vertex_id = 114134

points = p0
p0:name = wp00
p0:position = -57.9094772338867,1.24590361118317,283.974090576172
p0:game_vertex_id = 3402
p0:level_vertex_id = 109085


i hope that anyone can help me and can say what is the problem in this gualg


thank you

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