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  1. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Pretty clear this mod is dead. Ashame. That being said, however, has anyone heard anything from Skullhunter?
  2. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Koki, OH SHIT, Radius? k Wait first you said radius then you said range. Did you mean radius? I tried it but it didn't seem to be working. Do I need to start a new game?
  3. Lucan

    Changeing AMK

    This is off topic but what, may I ask, are you guarding? (reference to your name_
  4. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Koki, Hey, could you upload that file of yours? I for the life of me can not find min_range anywhere, only min radius. Also: bump. Is Skullhunter still alive?
  5. Lucan

    AMK 2.0 FAQ

    I lol'ed at the "NEVER!"
  6. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    This mod's dead, isn't it? Shame, it was a good mod too.
  7. Lucan

    What do I download

    There's already an arsenal mod for AMK, and it is vastly improved. Why not get that?
  8. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    You do have common sense, right? If I was talking about AMK 2.0, I would talk about it in the AMK General discussion thread, not in the AMK Weapon Add On thread.
  9. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    So, how's 2.0 coming along?
  10. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Okay, so for clarification, if I want NPCs not to use pistols if they have assualt rifles, smgs, ect I go into the weapon file and set the min range to 0? Because I don't want NPCs who don't have assualt rifles but do have pistols to not use the pistols.
  11. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Yeah, but what is the file name and where is it located?
  12. My reputation is excelent, I'm an expert, and I'm in freeplay. So I doubt it's that. I've never noticed that option. Next time it comes up, I'll check.
  13. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Question: What file is the setting for the pistol use based on range in, and how can I remove it without breaking the game? If I can't remove it, then how can I make it so that the NPCs never use pistols? Like set the max and min range to 0?
  14. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    What. Fox has been dead for you? Huh. I've saved him every time, but he always gets raped by Spetsnaz patrols after I save him. Wait wait before the bridge pass? Who?! Also, anyone know where people who leave gifts for you leave them? In Sid's and the Barman's place EDIT: THIS IS GETTING WIERDER AND WIERDER. MERC IN CORDON COMING FROM GARBAGE :IO Oh, you mean Tolik. If he's usually dead for you, you're doing something wrong. Or the dogs really hate him. Mercs, mercs everywhere! This one got killed by Psudeodogs and snorks, I killed another one coming from the direction of the Dark Valley. Here is said Merc.
  15. Lucan

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Huh, it was something to do with the DV, because I reloaded an earlier savei n the Cordon rookie camp and it ran fine.
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