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38О anrik
- День рождения 22.07.1989
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@m619s Устанавливай игру, потом обновление 1, потом удаляешь папку gamedata и ставишь обновление 2, должно работать. @m619s, также посмотри вот этот пост https://www.amk-team.ru/forum/topic/13387-prosectors-project/?do=findComment&comment=1282233
Вроде на бегу магазин не достает, а так после того как достал можно перезаряжаться на бегу.
Это же дефолт ТЧ. Если зачистить АТП самому, то тоже получишь.
anrik ответил на тему форума автора STRIFER в Моды в разработке (ЗП)
@ed_rez А как же 3D прицелы, лазерный целеуказатель? Но опять же, движок тоже в открытом доступе. -
@Madcap, В настройках, галочка "прицелы с линзами"
@mask122, Работает только с 3D прицелами.
@Дядя Вася, Понял, попробую по инструкции. В шапку бы добавить, а то не каждый найдет.
@Дядя Вася, Подожду перезалив, все равно на работе.
Вылет при начале новой игры. Установлена с нуля. [09/02/19 13:13:52] * Detected CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4000M CPU @ 2.40GHz, F6/M60/S3 [09/02/19 13:13:52] * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 [09/02/19 13:13:52] [09/02/19 13:13:52] Initializing File System... [09/02/19 13:13:52] !WARNING: CLocatorAPI::check_for_file not found file fsgame.ltx in files list (size = 33) [09/02/19 13:13:52] !WARNING: CLocatorAPI::check_for_file not found file d:\games\prosectors v1.4\bin\fsgame.ltx in files list (size = 33) [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.db0 [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.db1 [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.db2 [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.db3 [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.db4 [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.db5 [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.db6 [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.db7 [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.db8 [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.db9 [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.dba [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.dbb [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.dbc [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.dbd [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.dbe [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.dbf [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.dbg [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.dbh [09/02/19 13:13:52] CLocatorAPI::ProcessArchive, path = d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata.dbi [09/02/19 13:13:52] using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx [09/02/19 13:13:52] FS: 27809 files cached, 3919Kb memory used. [09/02/19 13:13:52] Init FileSystem 0.576241 sec [13:13:52.428|0] 'xrCore' build 7513, Sep 1 2019 [13:13:52.428|0] [13:13:52.490|0] Initializing Engine... [13:13:52.490|0] Loading DLL: prosectors.dll [13:13:52.816|0] PROSECTORS check: DX10.1 support [13:13:52.816|0] refCount:m_pAdapter 1 [13:13:52.865|0] * D3D11: device creation succeeded with hr=0x00000000 [13:13:52.876|0] Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll [13:13:52.927|0] Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [13:13:52.927|0] !WARNING: CLocatorAPI::check_for_file not found file user.ltx in files list (size = 27809) [13:13:52.927|0] ! Cannot open script file [user.ltx] [13:13:52.927|0] Starting INPUT device... [13:13:52.930|0] Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll [13:13:52.954|0] Loading DLL: xrGame.dll [13:13:52.955|0] SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices... [13:13:53.688|0] SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Software [13:13:53.832|0] devices[0] OpenAL Soft [13:13:53.851|0] actualDeviceName[0] OpenAL Soft [13:13:53.851|0] ~ 'OpenAL Soft': TestDeviceSoft [13:13:53.911|0] devices[1] Generic Software [13:13:53.946|0] actualDeviceName[1] Generic Software [13:13:54.200|0] SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices: [13:13:54.200|0] 1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[yes] soft[yes] [13:13:54.200|0] 2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[2.0] efx[yes] soft[no] [13:13:54.378|0] SOUND: OpenAL:4 successful device Generic Software [13:13:54.487|0] Executing config-script "d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"... [13:13:54.488|0] [d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded. [13:13:54.488|0] Executing config-script "user.ltx"... [13:13:54.488|0] !WARNING: CLocatorAPI::check_for_file not found file user.ltx in files list (size = 27809) [13:13:54.488|0] ! Cannot open script file [user.ltx] [13:13:54.488|0] SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft [13:13:54.498|0] * SOFT: Backend (dsound), Channels (Stereo), Headphones (no) [13:13:54.498|0] psHRTFid >= _cnt (-1 > 3) [13:13:54.498|0] * SOFT: HRTF 0 (2), StereoRender 2, Crossfeed 0 (5) [13:13:54.508|0] * sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl [13:13:54.509|0] * EFX: Supported aux sends per source: 4 [13:13:54.509|0] * sound : EAX 2.0 extension: absent [13:13:54.509|0] * sound : EFX extension: present [13:13:54.509|0] * sound : using EFX [13:13:54.514|0] Starting RENDER device... [13:13:54.547|0] * GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:1140]: NVIDIA GeForce 820M [13:13:54.547|0] * GPU driver: [13:13:55.854|0] * CREATE: DeviceREF: 1 [13:13:55.854|0] * Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE [13:13:55.854|0] * Texture memory: 4081 M [13:13:55.854|0] * DDI-level: 9.0 [13:13:55.885|0] * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) [13:13:55.886|0] * GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16 [13:13:55.892|0] * NVidia MGPU: Logical(1), Physical(1) [13:13:55.894|0] * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. [13:13:55.895|0] * DVB created: 4096K [13:13:55.895|0] * DIB created: 512K [13:13:55.907|0] ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref' [13:13:55.907|0] ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref_noblend' [13:13:55.907|0] ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref_v' [13:13:55.907|0] ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans' [13:13:55.907|0] ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v' [13:13:55.907|0] ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v_tuchi' [13:13:55.907|0] ! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\lod_old' [13:13:55.907|0] ! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world' [13:13:55.947|0] count of .thm files=788 [13:13:55.963|0] load time=54 ms [13:13:55.963|0] * NULLRT supported [13:13:55.963|0] * ...and used [13:13:55.963|0] * HWDST/PCF supported and used [13:13:55.963|0] * NV-DBT supported and used [13:13:56.837|0] - r__tf_aniso 8 [13:13:56.837|0] - r2_tf_mipbias 0. [13:13:56.878|0] LuaJIT 2.0.5 is available [13:13:56.914|0] Starting engine... [13:14:04.927|566] ! Unknown command: on [13:14:05.058|566] * DVB created: 4096K [13:14:05.058|566] * DIB created: 512K [13:14:05.723|566] - r__tf_aniso 8 [13:14:05.723|566] - r2_tf_mipbias 0. [13:14:05.723|566] * GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30) [13:14:05.723|566] * GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24 [13:14:05.723|566] * NVidia MGPU: Logical(1), Physical(1) [13:14:05.725|566] * Starting rendering as 2-GPU. [13:14:05.725|566] *** RESET [0 ms] [13:14:05.735|566] Config-file [d:\games\prosectors v1.4\userdata\user.ltx] saved successfully [13:14:05.735|566] EFX is already active [13:14:05.735|566] apply_SOFT: HRTF 0 (2),StereoRender 2, Crossfeed 0 (5) [13:14:06.022|585] * MEMORY USAGE: 114141 K [13:14:06.022|585] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [13:14:09.595|868] "d:\games\prosectors v1.4\bin\xrengine.exe" -nointro -center_screen [13:14:09.595|868] Кэширование объектов [13:14:09.598|868] Loading models... [13:14:16.150|868] Сервер: Старт [13:14:16.184|868] LuaJIT 2.0.5 is available [13:14:16.319|868] Создание новой игры [13:14:16.345|868] * MEMORY USAGE: 197686 K [13:14:16.345|868] * End of synchronization A[1] R[1] [13:14:16.346|868] * Creating new game... [13:14:16.347|868] * Loading spawn registry... [13:14:16.798|868] * 10879 spawn points are successfully loaded [13:14:17.774|868] ! ERROR :>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [13:14:17.774|868] ! ERROR :>ВНИМАНИЕ! Критическая ошибка! Ниже строка с информацией по ошибке! [13:14:17.774|868] ! ERROR :>ОШИБКА: [13:14:17.774|868] [13:14:17.774|868] ! Описание ошибки: <> [13:14:17.774|868] stack traceback: [13:14:17.774|868] d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata\scripts\m_surge.script:812: in function 'get_phase' [13:14:17.774|868] d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata\scripts\m_surge.script:1178: in function 'surge_is_run' [13:14:17.774|868] d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata\lua\lua_helper_ai.lua:224: in function 'use_rain_path' [13:14:17.774|868] d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata\scripts\m_gulag.script:386: in function 'get_job_path_name' [13:14:17.774|868] d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata\scripts\m_gulag.script:235: in function 'prepare_jobs' [13:14:17.774|868] d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata\scripts\m_gulag.script:198: in function 'initialize' [13:14:17.774|868] ...prosectors v1.4\gamedata\scripts\se_smart_terrain.script:963: in function 'create_gulag' [13:14:17.774|868] ...prosectors v1.4\gamedata\scripts\se_smart_terrain.script:794: in function <...prosectors v1.4\gamedata\scripts\se_smart_terrain.script:753> [13:14:17.774|868] [C]: in function 'update' [13:14:17.774|868] d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata\scripts\se_stalker.script:153: in function <d:\games\prosectors v1.4\gamedata\scripts\se_stalker.script:136> [13:14:17.775|868] [13:14:17.775|868] ! SCRIPT ERROR: [13:14:17.803|868] *** break by StackWalk *** [13:14:17.803|868] 0023:7218D89B (0x081DA340 0x082A0008 0x00000001 0x00000000) xrCore.dll, LogStackTrace() [13:14:17.803|868] 0023:705E5417 (0x082A0008 0x705E4230 0x723AB840 0x082A0110) xrGame.dll, export_classes() [13:14:17.803|868] 0023:723AB8DF (0x082A0008 0x082A00C8 0x013380F0 0x12CE9F88) Luabind.dll, luabind::detail::free_functions::function_dispatcher() [13:14:17.803|868] 0023:724175ED (0x082A0008 0x0133824C 0x00000001 0x00000000) LuaJIT.dll, luaL_openlibs() [13:14:17.803|868] 0023:723CBF54 (0x082A0008 0x00000002 0x00000000 0x00000000) LuaJIT.dll, lua_pcall() [13:14:17.803|868] ! ERROR :>ВНИМАНИЕ! ЭТИ ДАННЫЕ НУЖНО ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ОТПРАВИТЬ РАЗРАБОТЧИКУ! [13:14:17.803|868] ! ERROR :>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [13:14:17.803|868] * Log file has been saved successfully! [13:14:17.803|868] Destroying Direct3D... [13:14:17.974|868] DeviceREF: 151 [13:14:17.974|868] [13:14:17.974|868] FATAL ERROR [13:14:17.974|868] [13:14:17.974|868] [error]Expression : fatal error [13:14:17.974|868] [error]Function : FatalError [13:14:17.974|868] [error]File : script_engine_script.cpp [13:14:17.974|868] [error]Line : 214 [13:14:17.974|868] [error]Description : <no expression> [13:14:17.974|868] [error]Arguments : SCRIPT ERROR: Отправьте SAVE и *.log-файлы разработчику! ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ПО ОШИБКЕ НАХОДИТСЯ ВЫШЕ! [13:14:17.974|868] [13:14:17.974|868] [13:14:17.974|868] #DEBUG CONTEXT DUMP: [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.974|868] # [13:14:17.986|868] *** break by StackWalk *** [13:14:17.986|868] !stack trace: [13:14:17.986|868] [13:14:17.986|868] ! 0023:7218DDBE (0x011A3298 0x01337C80 0x00000000 0x708CF448) xrCore.dll, xrDebug::backend() [13:14:17.986|868] ! 0023:721A32A8 (0x01337C80 0x00000000 0x708CF448 0x000000D6) xrCore.dll, IReaderBase<CStreamReader>::`vftable'() [13:14:17.986|868] ! 0023:011A3298 (0x00000000 0x708CF448 0x000000D6 0x708CF428) xrEngine.exe [13:14:17.986|868] ! 0023:01337C80 (0x708CF448 0x000000D6 0x708CF428 0x01336C58) xrEngine.exe
Дублирую свою ссылку на ЯД - https://yadi.sk/d/wvV6TQ_nxbgaYA Оружейка с последним патчем не совместима. Как адаптируют обновлю.
@ratomir, нужно угол подобрать, немного усилий и пойдет.
Есть кнопка "X" которая делает тоже самое.
@dsh, я наоборот хотел поправить его. Не смог упаковщик подобрать. Запаковываю, вылетает на рабочий стол. Папка геймлата тут в приоритете? Если просто папкой сделать.
@dsh, В инвентаре оп 2.1 не влезают характеристики костюма. Разрешение 1024х768. Если повесить артефакт то не все проценты видны полностью, например химический ожог.
@Дядя Вася, Много еще тестить апдейт?
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