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  1. I saw on VK you were searching for artists who could make you a world map? I have a concept. Original texture is 4096x4096. Album: http://imgur.com/a/HacRI Simple: http://i.imgur.com/to0of6c.jpg Detailed: http://i.imgur.com/QOEx55m.jpg I was planning on making this for my own mod until I saw your post on VK. I am happy to share once I am done.
  2. LoNer1

    Ищу файлы / моды / аддоны

    Any shaders like these?
  3. LoNer1

    Все о партиклах

    Hello, this is my kind of thread I am making a new Particle Paradise for Call of Chernobyl. Here is a download for those who want to take a look at RADIUM particles already. Download Particles
  4. LoNer1


    Sorry for asking in this thread, but does someone have a link to shaders like these?
  5. LoNer1

    SAP - новые артефакты

    @FantomICW, Yes! I included those lovely icons and posted them here so people using these wonderful artefacts have the right icons for them, too. Too bad my mod is now cancelled, but I still have the artefacts and I love them. Thanks to everyone here
  6. LoNer1

    SAP - новые артефакты

    Thanks to everyone who made these beautiful artefacts! If anyone needs them I made icons for most of them from screenshots. Keep up the good work!
  7. LoNer1

    SAP - новые артефакты

    EN: Thank you VERY much Fantom! Good luck with your projects. I'm a follower of them all RU: Большое спасибо, Fantom! Удачи вашим проектам. Я слежу за ними всеми.
  8. LoNer1

    SAP - новые артефакты

    Hey guys, glad I could be of help. I'm using all your beautiful artefacts in my mod package which is almost done. Thanks for all your hard work. Artefacts and anomalies are my favorite thing in stalker series! I had one question, is it possible to create "phantom" artefacts? Like "phantom mutants" in Radar? Thanks in advance!!
  9. LoNer1

    SAP - новые артефакты

    I want to contribute to this. Here's something I've compiled for you guys. I love artefacts, so please make good use of these textures. Download link (54.1MB)
  10. LoNer1

    Dynamic Trade Listings

    I'm sorry if I come of as stupid, but where can I download this? It looks really good.
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