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  1. marlin

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Anyone working on this? http://world.guns.ru/grenade/gl38-e.htm Or even better http://world.guns.ru/grenade/gl44-e.htm
  2. marlin

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Yeah the guy with they yellow exo-suit at the entry to the freedom base has one. You should put the RPK-74 in your next release.
  3. marlin

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Well the RPG-7 has the advantage of being reusable & has multiple different warheads (the FAE warhead would be awesome in game). What are the better alternatives you mean? Unless you mean western launchers I don't know which you could be reffering to.
  4. marlin

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Hey how about a satchel charge and the russian equivalent of claymores? We also need an RPG-18.
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