Hey AMK team! Fellow STALKER from Canada. Was just going back and looking at different mods for SoC for a new play through and found the AMK mod. After finding many helpful posts on installation, I found this thread. I was having trouble finding the newest patch for AMK Mod 1.4 EN, that patch being the AMK-EN 2.0.94 one. The download link you have posted, and many others are using in other forums instructing people on how to install the mod, is broken or the file has been removed. Luckily, I have found a new link for the download that someone has posted, but others might not be so lucky.
Here is the link I have used to download the AMK-EN_Patch_2.0.94_for_FINAL.exe : http://www.mediafire.com/?6nkfqng3j3z81fh
I shall look around and try to get this link out there for others to use. I just wanted to post here, at the source of the mod, so others that are looking for this file will find this download link.
Thank you all for the wonderful work you have put into the STALKER world. It wouldn't be the same without amazing modders like you people!