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  1. khajiit

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    1. Lucan already said pretty much what I was going to say, but ingame, how many weapons do you carry? I know I can have up to four at any one time, and that's with a 70kg limit! If mobility is truly a issue (and I agree it should be) then perhaps something should be done to give a player a reason to only carry an AK with two clips of ammo. Probably goes beyond the breadth of this mod but cutting down NPC spawns and lowering endurance would help greatly. 2. I was just pouring over some config files and saw something I thought related to it. Ill have a play around and see what can be done. 3. Yeah I've seen those mods, but look more at place in a C&C game than stalker. I'm talking down and dirty, totally illegal "homebrew" bullets. The notched bullets is one example, where they fracture almost instantly upon hitting a target doing massive unarmoured damage. But yes I see what you're saying about already having enough ammo types
  2. khajiit

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Hey, I been following this mod for a while and it's certainly going well, I'm just about to try 1.31 which should make it even better. Just a couple of things I had been thinking about though. 1) Only one character (that i know of) spawns with a pkm. Now the pkm is a powerful weapon, but in real life every military squad would have atleast one, correct? So is there a way to implement that into stalker without unbalancing the game? Same with RPGs as well now i think of it. 2) Someone said something about wanting a third weapon slot for a pistol. Would it be possible to make pistols go into the grenade or perhaps even binocular slot? There would of course be problems putting it in the binocular slot, but i don't see why it couldnt be done. 3) Would you consider implementing "custom" ammunition? What I mean is say, rounds that stalkers have notched to fragment more easily, or even incendiary or explosive rounds. There's a million different things one could do to make a standard bullet more powerful in certain situations, and in the zone especially, i would assume all sorts of ammuntion would be found. And as far as the inventory screen problem goes, I get it too, but my resolution's only 1360x768! Also it happened with oblivion lost as well, so i assume it'd be a AMK problem (since oblivion lost was based on amk for certain parts i believe) keep up the good work skullhunter and co.
  3. Oh for the love of everything good and holy PLEASE include this mod! It breaks atmosphere to have to grenade the guards or "slide" the gate open yourself and jam it open with a weapon
  4. The 'heal enemies' mod is a must! I had been waiting for a mod like it for months now
  5. khajiit

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Wow this mod is sounding really great so far, I can't wait till the next release And I need to learn russian, this site is giving me a headache >.<
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