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О Sasha

  • День рождения 16.07.1987


  • Город
    warminster PA USA
  1. OO1

    С днем рождения!:)

  2. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    not many but there r weight mods no weapon degredation mods on filefront.
  3. Sasha

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    OL uses ZRP wich is basically an unofficial 1.1 patch. thats why it's so stable. the other issue i have no clue about. never used tha5t P.O.S thrower.
  4. Sasha

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    thats the stuff from that CS mod? i want one in SHOC.
  5. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    i finally manage to get on this site and WTF! is going on here???? who hacked my account???
  6. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    oh wow you r definately on crack. go back to your halo world you P.O.S. have you even touched a firearm?
  7. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    prl stats turn stalkler in to an easy run&gun game. exactly what i was talking about.
  8. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    in less than a week we get two patches. good. anyway i hate prl stats. 1. they r unrealistic to begin with. 2. they break the rpg element of stalker.
  9. Sasha

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    bodies should go away if they have nothing on em.
  10. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    lovin the inventory shots. now my russian is crap, what are those blue icons below the stalker suit stats? oh and did you find artifacts in stashes? Please don't overquote. Vizzy
  11. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    15%. ok.
  12. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    bullet velocity and a scope mount. now convenience? i dont get that one. how much weight was reduced for the ak? ak74 empty weighs 3.10kg. edit; the inventory item images are a mod also? cause i like alot.
  13. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    wow modders are quick. so what mods did you do too the ak and colt?
  14. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    i love the new inventory screen. the item's look much better. is that 7.62x39mm ammo in the yellow box? you can costimize your suits remember. weight limit is one of em.
  15. Sasha

    Clear Sky

    i wish gsc team would have changed the look of the shell casings and the ejections. they look awfull and unrealistic. (goes to ply COD4) uuhhh much better!
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