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Russain Specialist

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  1. Russain Specialist

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    i would really like to see a diffrent inventory screen. like the beta biulds of stalker where you have to put the ammunition and items on to the belt in order to use em. also with the ammo boxes and items. i really dont like what gsc did with em where one box holds thousands of rounds. or 10 grenades taking up one grid. i beleive going back to the beta biuld would make stalker or even amk a bit more immersive. where you need the space, you need to think about the space and what you should carry. cause this whole magic back pack is really not cool.
  2. Russain Specialist

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    awesome! anyway i love this idea especially new smg's. my question is about the reloading. can you change em for all the weapons that have the charging handle on the right side. i was thinking COD4 style. that game has some of the best reload animations i have ever seem. the sfx too. if it's not too much of a problem. the galil assault rifle should be changed anyway since the charging handle has an extension that allows the user to simply reach over the top of the rifle and chamber the weapon. the m16 style weapons yeah that thing with the t-handle is complete crap. you only pull the t-handle once to combat prep the weapon. after that when you pop in fresh mag's you hit the button on left side to chamber it and hit the assist to make sure the bolt fully locks. anyway i cannot wait for this to come out. i would love to test out this baby. how many weapons are being introduced?
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