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They were misaligned in Final release, and they're still misaligned in the 94 patch, even though it claims it fixes them. I mean hell, the AMK .dds files are all 2048 x 1536. How is that supposed to be 5:4? Can someone with Gimp/Photoshop get the .dds plugin and fix it? No fancy stuff, just resize them to 2000 x 1600 or something. It'll take you ten minutes including getting the plugin and uploading them somewhere.
I do mean radius, sorry for the confusion. I believe that yes, you do need to start a new game.
Hey Vizzy, how is the latest nigtly build? I played CoS so many times I don't really care about the dialogues themselves, but I can't remember the position of all the dialogue lines, so how much of that is done? In short, is it playable?
Awesome. I didn't want to start a new game with another AMK near a corner. I heard that "random, rare" mode is no longer so overpowered - i.e. no more several level 4 artifacts and FN2000.
Your time is running out What changes are there in new AMK? I didn't see any new artifacts or mutants in the files.
As I understand it, the AI simply checks the NPC's inventory for a weapon, picks the best one with ammo, and equips the NPC with it. So yeah, NPCs with pistols will still use them, and NPCs with bigger weapons will revert back to pistols if they lose their main weapon.
So how complicated is it? Do you need to re-code stuff, or is this 100% pure text tranlation job?
You have to change it for all weapons separately.
What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod
Koki ответил на тему форума автора Vizzy в AMK English Version
STALKERnet? The traders have them. You will get a message from either Barman or Sid that there was a guy and left something for you, then you just visit one or other and there should be "You have something for me" option available. I didn't get anything all the way up Dark Valley though, so it might be that you need to do Agroprom - or maybe it's based on your reputation. I dunno. -
You mean you don't want them change to pistols at short range? Just set the min range for all weapons to 0.
Sorry, when it comes to fixing crashes I only know how to rename texture files. Anyway, it seems I'm fed up with SoC for now... so if anyone's interested, here's the realistic weapons mod for AMK I've been making the entire time. I guess you might even say it's finished. List of full modifications is in the readyou. http://www.mediafire.com/?kgd944ll0ft Now what to play next...
What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod
Koki ответил на тему форума автора Vizzy в AMK English Version
They do. As I understand it, you get gifts for killing Controllers and the better Chimeras. They're randomly generated, so you might get something idiotic like 3 Rucksacks, or you could get something great like Glassbeads. -
What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod
Koki ответил на тему форума автора Vizzy в AMK English Version
Well, making running in exosuit possible is twenty seconds: /gamedata/config/misc/outfit.ltx; search for "sprint_allowed"; change to "true"; close and save. More mutants, less people. Vanilla SoC was ridiculously crowded, AMK isn't much better, even with 30h NPC spawn. It's so goddamn tiring when you have to kill these goddamn bandits every time you want to go to Agroprom, or these fucking mercs in Wild Territory. Just for once I would like to come back to a map after 10 minutes of absence and not have it crawling with all kind of baddies again. Maybe include a simplified version of Clear Sky's faction system - every major group(Stalkers, Military, Mercs, Bandits, Duty, Freedom, Monolith) would have a "strenght" value, from 0 to 100, with Stalkers being 1-100, Military 101-200, Bandits 201-300 and so on. Now every time when the game decides what to spawn, it would simply generate a random number between 0 and 700, and whatever it is, that's what spawns. The main script is, every time a member of a faction dies, the faction loses one "ticket", and that ticket becomes a mutant ticket. So if you kill 100 bandits in Garbage, they will never spawn again; or if you never help your fellow Stalkers and watch them die just to get their equipment and stashes, you will end up with de-Stalkerified Zone. And, let's say, after every Blowout, all factions would get +10 tickets. Of course there would be different values for all the areas(Only Stalkers, Bandits, and maybe Duty in Garbage; Only Freedom/Duty/Mercs in Army Warehouses; etc.). Man, I'm rambling now. An option to turn off random quests(The quests you get automatically when you enter an area) would be nice. OR make them without a time limit. OR make the reward receivable at both Barman and Sidorovich. Backtracking three maps(And getting MORE random quests in the process!) just to get a 3k and a vodka is not my idea of fun. -
It's min_radius and max_radius in ltx. I changed it all for myself, but I also changed a shitload of other things so I don't think you'd want the files. And I feel like it's a stupid question but... what's so great about that screenshot? Except for the amount of bodies.
So AMK doesn't change the time flow of the game. It's the default x10 multiplier(One IRL second is ten seconds in the game). So I unpacked alife.ltx and changed the value to 1x. I got to Garbage, I repelled the bandit raid, and then I suddenly fell asleep and woke eight hours later. I quickloaded and same thing happened. So I figured, the sleep factor works independetly of the time factor; Since I played the game for about three hours, if the 10x multiplier was on, I'd be awake for 30 hours which would cause Marked One to drop asleep where he stood. At least I think that's the cause. So the bottom line is, where can I edit the sleep deprivation factor?
- [ЧН] OGSM CS 1.8 CE Fixes
- [ЗП] The Long Road
- [ЧН] New vision of War
- [ЧН] Old Good Stalker Mod - Clear Sky
- [ЗП] Unofficial Patch
- [ЗП] Смерти вопреки
- [ЗП] Контракт на хорошую жизнь
- [ЗП] Shoker Weapon Mod 2.1
- [ЗП] Hardcore pack for SGM 2.2
- [ЗП] Контракт Синдиката
- [ЗП] Клондайк 2.0
- ...и другие моды