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  1. Scarecrow

    Clear Sky

    Wait, the max weight limit is 80 Kg? Are there any mods that decrease this? Even 50 Kg seems a bit too much for a survival fpsrpg. Nice screens though. I especially love the new inventory screen.
  2. Scarecrow

    Clear Sky

    Agh, can't wait for the game! I wonder if they release the game earlier for you because they want to make you feel privileged, or because they want someone to find the most obvious bugs before they release the international version? Anyways, would it be possible for a mod to add Rostok and other levels into the game? Oh, and by the way, according to Wikipedia the release date is September 6.
  3. Scarecrow

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    I've never played without random, rare stashes. I figured it had maybe too good stashes, even though there are only a few of them, so I thought I should try out the normal random stash. But as I heard, you can't get a sniper AS Val in that mode! This gun is absolutely invaluable! I got through the brain scorcher, Pripyat and all through to the end of the game with only that, a few grenades and a few medpacks in my backpack on highest difficulty without ever breaking a sweat! Best gun it the game, imo.
  4. Scarecrow

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    If it weren't for the amount of work required and the reportedly poor quality of some of the models, I would say that you should add all of the Arsenal guns, if you made some of the NATO rifles and AK-100's really hard to find. After all, we already have some rare upgraded guns in vanilla (like the Groza that shoots AK rounds, all those sniper versions of NATO guns etc.). As it is however, I guess it will be best to use only a select few of the Arsenal guns.
  5. Scarecrow

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    http://www.gsc-game.com/main.php?t=communi...ec_id=16#217814 Holy crap! Seems like you guys won't have to worry about running out of work. EDIT: I suggest you proceed with your plans to release the weapons you have already converted this weekend and then start making an AMK Arsenal++ pack or something. But that's just my opinion and the final decision should be made by the team, what will be the easiest/most rewarding course of action for you.
  6. Scarecrow

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    Just a quick question: is the artefact "kolobok" known by another name? Because I don't seem to recall ever seeing an artefact called so.
  7. Scarecrow

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    Didn't think of translating before. Turns out you need to follow a small link under the big download button and watch some ad site for 30 seconds before you can download any files. Oh goody, can't wait for it! Yet another question though: are you going to implement the PLR realistic weapons mod with your new weapons? Edit: Nevermind, I somehow missed your last post in the AMK Arsenal thread.
  8. Scarecrow

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    I'm having the same problem as odugen, I can't figure out how to download IMM with AIpack from ifolder. Clicking on "Скачать файл" (which looks like the logical choice) doesn't do anything, it's not even a link. A mirror would be greatly appreciated. Another question: suppose I get IMM+AIpack+weathermod, will I be able to also use AMK_Arsenal mod without any conflicts?
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