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  1. First off I would like to thank and congratulate the whole AMK team for this fantastic mod, it has single-handedly made S.T.A.L.K.E.R. more frenetic and addictive than ever for a growing number of fans. I have a couple of suggestions for your mod. One issue the vanilla game or any mod I have encountered thus far is the issue of water. A simple thing, but completely essential to human survival; especially in high-stress combat situations. How do STALKERs gather and store water? When you think about it, battles could potentially be fought over such a resource in an ecological disaster area such as Chernobyl. Sure, there are plenty of energy drinks and vodka around, but you definitely couldnt keep going off just that. Adding some sort of hydration / dehydration system to the game would be a good way to enforce the "survival" aspects of the game. Maybe each "habited" area (Rookie Camp, Bar, Freedom Base, etc.) has a cistern to gather rain water for consumption. While it is possible that outside merchants could ship water supplies into the zone, you just dont see evidence of any sort pertaining to this fundamental part of life. Something to think about. Secondly, refinements could and should definitely be made to the weapons-handling practices shown in the default animations for reloading, etc. I am an Infantryman in the U.S. Army, and have observed the way STALKERs handle and utilize weapons in-game is at times bafflingly ineffecient and occasionally outright stupid. Simple things like fixing the animation of charging a weapon every time you get it out would immediately fix some "immersion-breaking" problems in the game currently. Reloading a weapon that has a round chambered 99.999% of the time does not require you to manually charge / cycle the action again to ready it. Im not saying every STALKER should be a Tom Clancy-grade tactical badass, but some common sense could be applied to the way weapons are implemented in the game. Dont get me wrong though, youve got a great mod going and I cannot wait to see where it goes in the future. I have already recommended AMK to everybody I know that plays STALKER. Let me know what yout think, I appreciate feedback! Good Hunting, STALKERs.
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