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Absolute Nature 3 SDK Level Pack http://www.moddb.com/mods/atmosfear-for-ca...-sdk-level-pack All levels from AN3 (full, lite and SGM addon) in SDK format.
It may be a stupid question but do you have atmosfear_parameters.ltx in a proper place (\gamedata\configs\atmosfear_parameters.ltx)? Does it happen without adding the levels to it? I mean with the files unpacked directly from AF3.01.zip without editing them.
It looks like 'parse_ini_section_to_array' (in line 154) function can't read [atmosfear_default_parameters] section of atmosfear_parameters.ltx properly. But I can't find a reason why. It seems everything is ok. Try to add one level at a time and check if game starts.
self.boundaries are for distant storms to appear on the levels. If they're not defined the storms will be disabled on the levels missing in that list. It won't cause the CTD. You need to properly add all the levels to AtmosFear configs and scripts. Changing game_maps_single.ltx weathers to atmosfear is not sufficient. Full tutorial how to add new levels to AF3 is here: ModDB
@student91122: it is available already: http://www.moddb.com/mods/atmosfear-for-ca...sdk-object-pack @S.t.A.l.K.e.Z: there is something wrong with that particular SDK model. I've ovelooked that when I was exporting that tree to .object. To fix that I would have to recompile all levels. IMO it's not worth doing that so get used to it
Lite version (will be available in a week or so) Limitations: Less vegetation as there are no new trees/bushes added. The amount of trees is almost the same as vanilla only the models have been replaces with hi-poly ones. Some new trees has been added on the edges of the map. Benefits: Slightly better FPS (less polygons to process). No need to start new game. Compatibility with almost every mod.
@Тартусин: 1st June 2012 for full version. Lite one will be a bit later. @fox6666: I didn't know we have a botanist here But seriously, you're right, they are plantago leaves (подорожник) and they don't grow in water. Truth is I was looking for something like water lettuce but I couldn't find a good photo of it. So I've decided to use plantago leaves instead as they are quite similar. @*Shoker*: It is very hard to make a texture without noticeable tiling in the distance. I had to find a middle ground between visible features in the distance and tiling. I'll try to fix that but I don't promise anything. BTW, here is new trailer that shows some differences between vanilla and AN3: Absolute Nature 3 Trailer
The grass is denser but the draw distance is the same. Changing the draw distance would require hacking game ddls.
Some mode screens from AN3: * can't edit the previous post so sorry for the double one.
Hmmm... I don't know what's wrong. I've just checked and the options work (I've added jupiter_underground) Download latest patch from my post above and do all the changes again. Follow this updated tutorial: applying-atmosfear-3-weather-to-new-levels
RE1: Looks like there is a problem with AI map or spawn files but I'm afraid that this is not my area of expertise. RE2: The latest patch file is here: http://atmosfear.crommcruac.com/download/AF3.01.zip RE3: AFAIK all the covers have the same status. To make the difference between the fallout/surge/psi storm covers the list is needed for each event. Fallout uses the list from configs\misc\fallout_manager.ltx while psi storm and surge vanilla configs\misc\surge_manager.ltx. You can create separate list of covers for psi storm (i.e. configs\misc\psistorm_manager.ltx) and change the line in psi_storm_manager.script to self.ini = ini_file("misc\\psistorm_manager.ltx") That way all the events could have separate covers. E.g. you could create new covers for fallout under all roofed buildings, bridges etc and put them in configs\misc\fallout_manager.ltx list. Fallout cover could be wherever the rain is not falling while surge and psi storm would require going underground.
Make sure that you defined surge covers for that level. If there are no surge covers the surge won't happen (same was in vanilla). As for lack of rain I don't really know why it doesn't. Try to use the default AF settings as Zaton to check if you can see the weather changing from good to bad.
Аномальный, it's not your fault. There were leftovers from development stage in atmosfear.script. I've updated the zip again. Download it and use atmosfear.script from it. I hope it's gonna work this time.
@*Shoker*: Yes I compile them in high quality. @SibireaStalker: Rotten and autumn styles are a bit different. Check out the screens below with all of them. From left to right: vanilla, green (summer), default, rotten, autumn (golden), dry, dead.
Download updated file here There is one more step missing:
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