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2О custodis
- День рождения 29.01.1977
Нидерланды [NL] zaanгород
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not exactly.. AMK EN is currently still 1.4 subtle difrence The way ALIFE responds and behaves differently in 1.4.1 (no more 60 meter grenade trows & sharpshooting while moving etc) another difference is erratic monster spawn. example the entrance to the garbage now never has more then one pseudo giant enemies spawning behind you when switching loadzones is also not present in 1.4.1 rus enemies really respawn at the rate you select during setup. the train-yard in the garbage is no longer a public cemetery littered with corpses due to infinite bandit re-spawn all these thing make 1.4.1 rus a lot more enjoyable and a lot less difficult.
AMK 2.0 will be clearly a Call of Pripyat mod
custodis ответил на тему форума автора ahilej в AMK English Version
here's the translation (google translate) from the post taken from the main site www.amk-team.ru "Call of Pripyat Категория: News | 2009-10-03 | Опубликовал AMK Team | Комментариев: (272) Category: News | 2009-10-03 | Posted by AMK Team | Comments: (272) Today, it was decided that the Next version AMK mod will be created based on the Call of Pripyat. That decision was hard for us, it was difficult to part with her beloved PM, over the years it has become for us a truly native. But we must go forward. Our programmers write tools and programs to work with the resources of The Call, invent new quests and the plot moves to new locations. Work is proceeding, we will keep you posted. " my personal opinion is a mixed one while it makes sense to choose Call Of Pripyat as the new platform it also means i have to wait longer i think the reason they made this decision is because all of the core elements that were made and loved by the mod community have already been included in Call Of Pripyat by the game devs GSC so it makes for a much more stable platform then S.T.A.L.K.E.R SoC Call of Pripyat features: * Photorealistic exclusion Zone – Pripyat town, Yanov railway station, Jupiter factory, Kopachi village and more, recreated by their true-to-life prototypes. * New story, a number of unique characters. * Extended system of side quests. * New monsters: Chimera and Burer. New behaviour and abilities for all monsters. * Stalkers will search for artifacts and other items during the day while at night they stay at their base. Monsters will now come out at night and hide during the day. * New A-Life system, created using the players' best-liked elements of the first two games in series. * Emissions considerably influence the world of the Zone. * Sleep function added into the game. * New player's interface. * Possibility to continue the game after completion in a freeplay mode. * The game is developed on X-Ray engine v.1.6 -
It takes a little getting used to, it happend to me when i first played AMK EN you have to drastically remap your approach and tactics. check the damage stats for you current equipped weapon and it all makes sense.. you are no longer the tank you were in vanilla, ergo a bandit with an AK47SU can kill you even if your'e wearing a s.t.a.l.k.e.r or Seva suit so don't get into his direct line of fire set the difficulty to: "stalker" first time round then when you get the hang of it switch up to veteran mode.. actually AMK EN it a lot tougher then AMK RUS... since NPC'S don't throw grenades in the Russian version. (is there any way to turn this back on in AMK RUS 1.4.1?) also the spawn rate isn't as ridicules as it was in AMK EN which is a blessing. after playing AMK EN for so long i find AMK RUS a bit to easy. is there any way to edit the the ALIFE so NPC's trow grenades again? im playing 1.4.1 rus patch 1&2
World Wide version + AMK 1.4.1 rus
custodis ответил на тему форума автора godmod в AMK English Version
dont unpack the AMK en release.. run the installer and point it to a separate location, that makes them easier to find. Make sure you select: "More Frequent News" in the options menu during installation also install the AMK EN patches on top of that. Once that's done go to location you installed the AMK EN files to in my case thats: E:\TEMP\gamedata\config\scripts now there should only be 1 instance of each file in the scripts folder. copy those over to your AMK RUS \scripts folder overwriteing the existing ones. you might want to back these up before you replace them. -
World Wide version + AMK 1.4.1 rus
custodis ответил на тему форума автора godmod в AMK English Version
YES! it works... if you want dynamic news in English in 1.4.1 RUS version replace the following files with those from AMK EN 1.4 news_main.script news_manager.script news_data.script no new game required.. (back them up just in case) -
“Let the wise guard their thoughts, which are difficult to perceive, extremely subtle, and wander at will. Thought which is well guarded is the bearer of happiness.” (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)
thanks dude! ... i got it god, i feel like a n00b sometimes
Another challenge, Ive tried to add the treasure item "backpack" or ruksak to the traders inventory.. so far without any luck (and YES! i'm a packrat that collects and stockpiles: ammunition, food, vodka, bandages, medkits, monster trophies and guns!! Not being able to move up my supply line as i advance through The Zone makes me a very nervous S.T.A.L.K.E.R) FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 342 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'amk_ruksak' what i've done is set a price for the item in the: gamedata|config\|misc| matras.ltx and added the line: "amk_ruksak = 1, 1" to the traders supl.ltx & trade.ltx files if anyone could give me pointers or smack me in the head and tell me what i'm doing wrong it would be greatly appreciated [EDIT] as with most things, and this is becoming sort of an annoying habit of mine.... i spend two friggin days trying to figure out how to get this to work!! then when i'm ready to give up in an act of desperation i post the question and 20 minutes later i find the solution. Message # 581 [/EDIT] ill sum it up for posterity gamedata\config\misc are 5 shop folders go to the folder of the trader you want to edit. in this folder you find 3 ltx files buy.ltx trade.ltx supl.ltx open the trade.ltx file and look for the line: treasure_item ;NO TRADE change this to: treasure_item =1, 1 open the buy.ltx and repeat as above. open the supl.ltx and look for: [supplies_start] ;AMK (press enter) and add: treasure_item = 10, 1 all done!
World Wide version + AMK 1.4.1 rus
custodis ответил на тему форума автора godmod в AMK English Version
If you don't want to use the nightly builds or cant because of random crashes but you still want to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R 1004 with AMK 1.4.1 RUS + amk patch 1 & 2 you can replace/overwrite the EN text files in Vizzy's WW patch, with those from your AMK-EN installation this way you can play AMK 1.4.1 RUS with updated text files from the AMK EN 1.4 mod. i've tried it and it works beautifully!! i imagine this could also work with the files that control the dynamic news. as far as mods go you should be able to install all mods that are compatible with AMK- RUS 1.4.1 -
i know i should have patience... but waiting is pure torture! thx for your swift reply though i've waited this long might as well wait a bit longer
Vizzy, WodkaGT and others its been a while since the last nightly build. and since i am very very VERY anxious i was wondering if we could have an update on how things are coming along. in the mean time i tried OL 2.2 but its just doesn't feel... right so please please please make me and many others happy and don't give up on this idea did i mention i am very much looking fwd to AMK 2.0 ML
true! but if you open at the w_ak74.ltx and look for the "scope_texture" line you'l find that its not there. so because i was unable to find it i looked at the weapons.ltx file were is says #include "w_ak74.ltx" so i figured the reference to the correct scope texture would be in there somewhere. and i was right. scope_texture = wpn\wpn_crosshair_4-Dot ; wpn\wpn_crosshair_4-Dot-N ;50-70_x8_1680 i dint occur to me to rename my new scope textures and replace them with the old ones until later.
Hi all First of all i would like to thank the AMK team for a great mod. But as great as it is there are some things that i wanted to change like weapon and prop textures sounds etc. to fit my personal taste and gaming needs So far Ive had little or no problems whatsoever, the game runs perfectly with all the re textures and custom shader (included in the AMK weather addon) until now... i want to change to weapon scope textures so far without success the scope pack i want to use is Gnomus's Scopes V2.0 (V 2.0) it can be found HERE! first i tried to modify the weapon.ltx file to use the new scope textures it gave me an error Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::r_section File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 342 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't open section 'delayed_action_fuse' the delayed_action_fuse.ltx is a file common game version 1.0005. i'm running patch 10004 and since i couldn't find the file anywhere i removed all references to it from the weapon.ltx file. ( yes i made a backup) so far so good the game loads but CTD when i load a save game with a new error Expression : fatal error Function : CInifile::r_string File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp Line : 352 Description : <no expression> Arguments : Can't find variable condition_to_explode in [amk_kanistra] okaaaaay now let it be known that I'm not a mod wizard, i just tried to use my common sense in trying to get i to work myself before making an ass of myself but I'm at a complete loss here. maybe i got it all wrong and the solution is really simple. if anyone could help me out with id verry much depreciate it [edit] got it to work for PSO scopes i just renamed the Standard Def texture wpn_crosshair_red.dds to wpn_crosshair_4-Dot.dds ridiculously simple [/edit] i hope i can get the other textures to work as well
hi while playing the game i noticed some more problems.. after installing amk_en_2.0_rc2_rev87_patch over AMK 1.4.22 with AMK-EN 2.0.81-RC2 - Full Install * elite anomaly detector doesnt work in the underground tunnels at Agroprom * in the cutscene with doc in Streloks hideout doc isnt visible (you can hear him) * after removing the patch starting the game results in a crash to desktop. * after re-aplying the patch the game loads (i wanted to uninstall the pacth to see if if it would effect the problem) hope this is usefull info [EDIT] renamed gamedata folder to ;gamedata did a new fresh install of AMK-EN 2.0.81-RC2 (no patch) started the game: OK reloaded the savegames: OK problems remain..[/EDIT]
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