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  1. frx44mr

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    The problem of texture is easy to solve. l-85-amk-n should be the scope texture of L85. Now you have to check some files. 1. Go to the folder of texture to check weapon texture. Find out which texture name is correct. 2. Open the file called l85.ltx ( lr300 and sig550 may use the same texture, check them both ). Use serch to find scope_texture. You can know which texture name is correct. 3. Open the file called weapons.ltx. Use searh to find weapon_addon_scope_susat. You can check the texture name. ( scope_texture )
  2. I think each faction should show up in other map area, too. 1. Ecologists won't want to stay in the bunker in Yantar forever. They may want to go out to collect artifacts and mutants' body part for research. To protect the bunker area, it would be good to spawn some Duty experts with exoskeleton armor and SVD on the top of the bunker. It's a nice place for snipe. 2. Mercs shows up in Wild Territory and Army Warehouse only. ( I know they showed up in condon, but it just is a tiny mission. ) They may want to spread their force and territory. Additionally, they have no headquarter. Give them one. Maybe the abandomed factory ( X18 ) in Dark Valley is a nice place for them ( after X18 Mission ). Military shows up in almost every maps, but they have no headquarter, either. It would be better to make Agroprom Base to be military headquarter after Marked One complete his job there. I would be cool to spawn Military experts with military skat-10 armor and AS Val ( PSO-1 scope added ). Aprogrom will have real badass now. 3. There should be much less or no zombied stalkers after turning off Psi-emission. I suggest AMK Team to change the spawn data about this. They don't have much reason to show up. 4. Duty and Freedom are blood feuds to each other. They should have squads to assult each other's headquarter more frequently. 5. Each faction should have scout team to patrol nearby area of their base. Those scouts can use PDA news system to warn their faction.
  3. I compared the latest version of Oblivion Lost ( 2.0 ) and AMK Mod EN ( 2.0.94 ). Here is my evaluation and score. 1. Difficulty Oblivion Lost = child's play ( master difficulty ) 70 points AMK Mod = real tough 95 points 2. Texture Oblivion Lost = can be better 80 points AMK Mod = good 90 points 3. Crashes ( Stability ) Oblivion Lost = almost zero, never happened 100 points AMK Mod = frequently and randomly 50 points 4. Loading speed Oblivion Lost = fast 95 points AMK Mod = normal 85 points 5. Contents Oblivion Lost = similar with original game 70 points AMK Mod = news system is cool 95 points 6. Treasure ( Stash system ) Oblivion Lost = original vanilla only, very boring 65 points AMK Mod = random items and stashes is the best 95 points 7. AI Oblivion Lost = throw grenades and heal only 75 points AMK Mod = Just like everything Marked One did 100 points 8. Spawn setting Oblivion Lost = not bad 85 points AMK Mod = sometimes too many and cause crashes 70 points 9. Corpse remove Oblivion Lost = no problem 95 points AMK Mod = everybody knows it 70 points 10. Expectation Oblivion Lost = try to make it better 80 points AMK Mod = fan always 100 points Total Oblivion Lost = 815 points AMK Mod = 850 points I knew the next version of AMK Mod is going to add more utilities. I suggest AMK Team to solve those existing bugs and crashes first. That would be perfect. There are several random crashes. 1. Access violation 2. Lua error ( c ctack overflow ; script error ) 3. dBodyStateValide 4. controller ( lag seriously and crash. What a jinx ! )
  4. I tried all of artifacts transmutation. Mana's Beads and Droplets both have 3 advanced types. Others got 4 advanced types. I hope each kinds of artifact can have 4 advanced types. Additionally, I suggest to use Crystal to replace Droplets because Droplets is low level artifact. Crystal is more suitable. I don't know this is a good idea or bad one. How about to make the ability of those advanced artifacts more pure ? For example, the ability of Mana's beads is 5% of bullet proof. Its advanced types will increase bullet proof only. No other abilities such as health recover or burn protection. I placed 5 Elder glassbeads on my belt, and I am almost invulnerable, even in master difficulty. Maybe this should be fixed. Some high level artifacts have no advanced types. I hope AMK team can put them into next version. Put Crystal, Night Star, Moonlight, Mica, Spring, Bettary in. There are no artifacts which give explosion protection. this should be added into some advance artifacts. The Sunlight artifact is inexistent, and this fake receipt costs 30000RU. I think this should be deleted.
  5. frx44mr

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    Now there is something interesting. I just finished testing all artifacts transmutation of AMK Mod. There are 28 advanced artifacts in AMK Mod, but I got only 27 correctly. One transmutation receipt is incorrect. It is about to use Moonlight to make Sunlight. I never succeed. No matter put Moonlight into any kinds of anomalies. Is it necessary to obtain receipt before transmutation. Can I do it directly without receipts ? I saw all the data of weapons and ammo. I think the damage of 9x39 ammo is too high. I got killed several times by only one 9x39 bullet. Howerer, this type of ammo is rare. I think pistol in this game is useless. It is suicide to against enemies in close range or far away. I usually have a SPAS12 for close range and a SIG550 Sniper to eliminate foes far away.
  6. frx44mr

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    Man, Yantar become the place which got the highest frequency of crash. I can't get any closer to X16, even it's outside buildings. There always has a critical lag problem, and the game crashes. <usermsg>Expression : assertion failed Function : CSafeFixedRotationState::create File : e:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrgame\phvalidevalues.h Line : 81 Description : dBodyStateValide( Sometimes it shows access violation. I can't complete the radiation measurement mission because of this. Is this crash unable to be fixed ? Of course, AMK mod is the best of the best. I will keep trying and playing.
  7. frx44mr

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    There is a crash of the latest version ( 2.0.94 ) <usermsg>Expression : fatal error Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp Line : 73 Description : <no expression> Arguments : LUA error: ... shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\scripts\ph_door.script:88: C stack overflow Wierd , there is no file called ph_door.script in AMK mod. There is a crash of the latest version ( 2.0.94 ) <usermsg>Expression : fatal error Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp Line : 73 Description : <no expression> Arguments : LUA error: ... shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\scripts\ph_door.script:88: C stack overflow Wierd , there is no file called ph_door.script in AMK mod.
  8. frx44mr

    АMK Mod - General Info

    I think there is something wrong about 2.0.94. I installed 2.0.92 first and installed 2.0.94 patch later. However, the version information ar the bottom of the start menu is still 2.0.92. Is this normal ? Another thing : Added option to remove corpses after 12 hours (default 36) This feature didn't work. I spent over 12 hours in Garbage then I went back to Condon. Corpses were still there. Neither one of them were removed. I want to know which file that AMK team used to control body remove time. In other mods the remove time was controlled by stalkers.ltx and monsters.ltx, but I didn't discover either of them in " creatures " folder. P.S. I started a new game.
  9. 1. I think Marked One should know about himself more. 4 bars of health, armor, radiation, and stamina are not enough. I suggest AMK team to add bars to show hunger, sleepiness. It may be good to show telepathy bar, too. One more thng, It will be good to show the bar of drunkeness. Alcoholism sometimes kills Marked One. 2. Is there any methods to lock the scroll bar of inventory when it was loaded plenty items ? When I want to eat some bread or unload pistols. The scroll bar always back to the top automatically when I do what I just said. This original function is a pain in the ass. Totally useless and inconvenient. Waste lots of time. 3. Create more unique weapon inventory icons. Some weapons have no unique ones such as Gauss, Fn 2000, HK G36, and Vintorez. I saw there were data of unique Sig550 ( light 2.2kg ), SVD, and SVU in unique_items.ltx, but I never saw in game. Neither the unique RG-6 ( M203 grenade ).
  10. frx44mr

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    I have played Stalker for a long time, and I tried several mods such as Oblivion Lost, ABC, Rebalanced, AMK, etc. Of course, AMK is No. 1. In other mods npcs don't search corpses. This is pretty cool. I know a mod called Simbion ( ABC + AMK + сри ) . I installed this mod before, but the game crashed before I see Sidorovich's face. Therefore, I don't know this mod is good or bad. Another point that I love AMK mod is the ranking system on PDA. The ranking is random. It is hard to reach the top. Npcs increase their score, too. I think this is very important to enjoy this game. In original stalker or other mods. Npcs' rank never change and you become No. 1 stalker easily. There is no competition. You will feel bored soon. ( Can anyone tell me how do AMK team make the ranking system randomly ? ) One more, the random stash is essential and AMK mod includes it. The stashes show on your minimap and always load the same items ? That is not reasonable ! ( I also want to know how do AMK team do this ? ) Some problems are critical I think AMK team should fix them. 1. Dark valley looks like a mutant zoo. The amount and spawn rate have to be decreased. These problems sometimes caused crashes and lag. 2. The corpse didn't remove in many maps ( Agroprom, Dark Valley, Wild Territory, Yantar ). 3. Npcs' AI in AMK mod is higher than other mods, but sometimes their actions confuse me. I don't know what are npcs' standard to choose weapons and armor. I found almost every npcs prefer AK74, Abakan, Vintorze, and MP5. They seem don't like NATO weapons such as LR300 and SIG550. I gave some good weapon and armor to a friendly npc, and he kept using his MP5. This is unwise. Maybe AMK team can do something to force npc to show everything in his inventory while trading. This will be easier to help them upgrade their firepower. ( Except their armor, I can't image what they will kook like without armor. ) I turned Brain Scrocher off last night, and I found I can't use sleeping bag to sleep anymore. Blowout didn't happen anymore. Is this normal ?
  11. MP5 in stalker or reality is used as a pistol. I agree with that. However, I think MP5 should be able to add a scope. Check this link : http://stalker.filefront.com/file/MP5VIPER_Upgrade;78452 Unfortunely, It is unable to see the scope is added or not from those screenshot. When I was installing AMK mod, there was two binocular selections. I tried both of them, but I don't know what is their difference. Completely the same. In original Stalker any creature can be marked while using binocular. In AMK mod this function is removed. I tried to upgrade my artifacts ( put them into anomolies ) these days. There is no problem to put them into anomolies, but it's a big problem when the transmutation completes. Sometimes it shows their position on your minimap, but you can find nothing ( I lost two Moon Dummy !!! ) Sometimes artifacts fly to very very high position in the sky ( especially Pellicle, Skin, and Scale ). It's impossible to take them back. Additionally, I think there is something wrong about the PDA information. Moon Dummy can't be put into electro anymore. It should be another anomoly. One of the information Snitch sell to you is incorrect, either. I put Moonlight into burner, but nothing happened. ( Gee, this information worth 30000 RU ?! ) The problems of corpse still exist. Just like a curse. I think nobody would like to see corpses full of their map and screen to make their game lag. This is a critical problem.
  12. frx44mr

    АMK Mod - General Info

    Oops !! The download link has some problems. It's invalid. It would be better to fix it ASAP because this file might be necessary to patch rev.87 !!
  13. frx44mr

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    I got a crash recently, and this crash may happen at anytime, any place. I found that this crash happened when I was reloading m209 grenade to HK G36. <usermsg>Expression : fatal error Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp Line : 73 Description : <no expression> Arguments : LUA error: C stack overflow I think controller in AMK mod is always the trouble maker. Lots of crashes are because of this creature. Sometimes I also got some " Access violation " crashes.
  14. I tested all of the scope textures in AMK mod, and I think they are not good enough. I tried this scope texture mod. I suggest AMK team to put this into next version. Very cool and high quality scope texture with a little night vision effect. Take a look. http://stalker.filefront.com/file/AdvancedScopes_pack2;82058 I played Oblivion Lost before, and there is a interesting feature in it. Artifacts can be put to the first slot and used as weapons. ( Create a man-made anomaly at any position by actor. The size and power of anomaly is based on the level of artifact. For example, Dopelit = small burner , Fireball = medium burner , Crystal = Large burner. They are used as weapons, so other npc will change their attitude to enemy if they walked into the anomaly you made. ) Marked One's left hand in the hud is always the same, and it's really wired. How to show a hand like that if he wear SEVA suit or other heavy armors ? Maybe this is able to improve in next version.
  15. frx44mr

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    Another crash happened in Yantar, and it is caused by controller ( I guess, because this happened in past version of AMK mod before. ) Some players said controller made the whole game lag. All actions are freezed, almost stop. This is it. <module>D:\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl\bin\xrCore.dll</module> <address>001B:01047D15</address> <function> <name>xrDebug::backend</name> <offset>165</offset> </function> <file></file> <line> <number></number> <offset></offset> </line> </error> <usermsg>Expression : assertion failed Function : CSafeFixedRotationState::create File : e:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrgame\phvalidevalues.h Line : 81 Description : dBodyStateValide( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additionally, there is something I want to mention. Bodies in some area are never been removed. Really critical. ( The problem still can't be solved by putting stalkers.ltx and monsters.ltx into creatures document. ) 1. Yantar ( Zombied stalkers and Duty guys' bodies never disappear. ) 2. Agroprom ( Facility and the entrance to the underground. Full of stalker, military, and bandit corpses. ) 3. Wild Territory ( Merc, bandit, military, monsters' bodies never disappear. Plenty bodies are in the basement. Spawn rate and position should be highly decreased. 4. Dark Valley ( The northern bandit base always full of bandit and monster corpses. Basically I think the monster spawn rate and amount are too high. It would be better to decrease them. 5. Garbage ( Bandits' corpses didn't disappear at some original bandit spawn positions, but it's not so critical. )
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