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  1. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    That one is all ready in. The total of AK-74 variants is four, two folders and two solid-stock models.
  2. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    There's a problem with the new textures in static lighting that causes objects to look like they're covered in plastic wrap. So far it looks like we've managed to fix it. Also, I've just finished adding a few more AK-47 variants including one of the stamped-steel receiver ones and one with a folding stock and two more AK-74s with folding stocks. I won't be able to get much more done today because I have to work at 5:30AM tomorrow
  3. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    silver's doing some testing for me, trying to iron out some texture issues with static lighting. I still need to add a few more weapons, mainly the Tokarev pistol and the PPSH smg. Random loadouts seem to be working really well and silver says the guns feel really good in-game plus she's having fun trying to track down all the new uniques.
  4. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    That's because I'm busy working on stuff. Finished adding the SR25 and Galatz sniper rifles as well as the 7.62x51mm ammo for them. All that's left as far as weapons that need to go in are a few AKM variants, the Tokarev pistol and the PPSh submachinegun. Cordon, Garbage, Agroprom, Bar, Dark Valley and Army Warehouses have been converted over to the new and more efficient randomization scheme and the respawning NPCs are covered as well. Yantar, Brain Scorcher, Pripyat and Stancia shouldn't take too long to set up. Descriptions for the new guns and ammo also need to be done. I discovered a few more textures that need fixed bumpmaps and parallax maps, but not many of them. Eventually I'm planning on using acdc.pl to dissect the all.spawn so I can have some REAL fun with you lot And that's the state of the mod right now. As usual, I will get in as much work as I can before I have to go back to my real job. Hey, the DPMS AP4 carbine I have on lay-away ain't gonna pay for itself you know.
  5. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Remember, there are no Skorpions just yet. The Vz58 is fairly common, since it's pretty much just a dirt cheap AK clone. I have completely reworked randomization and I've actually managed to make it easier in the process of trying to create group-specific loadouts. Loners have crappy guns at lower ranks (rookie, experienced) but they get much better gear and a wider variety of it at higher levels (veteran, expert). Bandits have similar loadouts, but with a lesser variety since they're scavenging off everyone else. The military and Duty have fairly similar loadouts. The Mercs have more Western weapons this time out with a few exceptions; notably missing from their loadouts are any weapons manufactured by HK. This was a creative decision to reflect a real-world falling out between HK and the mercenary, excuse me, security contracting, group Blackwater USA. Freedom has a much nicer selection of weapons than just about anyone, to reflect their looting of the Army Warehouse area as well as their close proximity to the more dangerous areas of the Zone. Lastly, the Monolith cult has many of the better weapons, likely added to their stores by those who've managed to fight nearly all the way to Pripyat only to succumb to the call of the Monolith themselves. The AK-10x weapons will only show up in the hands of higher-ranking NPCs, usually Spetsnaz. The RPK, PKM and MG36 LMGs will also be pretty rare. Also, following silverpower's advice I've converted the RPK-74 into an RPKM chambered for 7.62x39mm, due to the fact that there never was an RPK-74 manufactured with a drum magazine. And I've completely redone the hit power, bullet speed, fire distance, silencer hit power, silencer bullet speed and silencer fire distance for every single weapon in the game as well as reworking the stats for the majority of the ammo. Now if you decide that you're going to use AP ammo, understand that you'll be sacrificing damage for the ability to penetrate armor. Hollowpoint ammo will increase damage but at the expense of armor penetration. I've used the statistics of each weapon's real-world counterpart wherever possible. I should also be done phasing out the vanilla Stalker silencer in favor of caliber-specific suppressors relatively soon. I'll give you folks some more updates as I can.
  6. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Lucan, if you can track down the exact name I'll see if I can fix it as well as trying to figure out what's causing it. As far as the AK series guns, they are all pretty different; though some have similar calibers and looks, some are short carbine variants for those trying to economize on weight, some are chambered for 5.56 instead of 5.45. Plus it adds more variety over the predictable vanilla loadouts.
  7. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Not a problem. The guns currently added to AMK-A are as follows: AK-47(SVD-style stock) APS Stechkin RPK-74 AK-101 AK-102 AK-103 AK-104 AK-105 AK-107 AK-108 Steyr AUG 1 Steyr AUG 2 FAMAS G2 FAMAS P3 FN FNC SIG 552 Commando HK G36C HK G36K HK MG36 Galil AR Galil MAR M16A1 Colt Commando XM177E2 M16A2 M16A3 M16A4 M4 Carbine MP444 Glock 18c Glock 18c Expert Saiga 12K Valmet RK95 Vz58 Also, the following guns from vanilla have new models: AK-74 (2 versions) AK-74U (3 versions) AN-94 Abakan Colt 1911 HK G36 SIG 220 HK USP Compact SIG 550 Beretta 92F Walther P99 Browning Hi-Power PB Pistol PM Pistol Fort12 OTS-33 Pernach SVD I'm also working on phasing out the generic silencer that magically works on all weapons in favor of the caliber and weapon style specific suppressors from Arsenal RC1. The new SVD has the option for iron sights or a scope that uses the original AMK scope texture. As far as I know, no one's done a replacement for the SVU just yet.
  8. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    I actually don't even have Clear Sky yet. Also, it would depend on whether or not the new models from the Arsenal team can be directly dropped into CS or if CS requires something for models that SHOC doesn't. But, having a complete version of AMK-A would probably make transferring it over to CS a lot easier if it's possible. Right now, I just finished all the new icons I need, so now I'm heading over to Sid's to test 29 weapons.
  9. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Good news everyone. I'm not dead. Sorry I've been away for so long but real life stuff has been a bit crazy. We're down three people at work, I've only got a few weeks to get my apartment in shape before cold weather hits, I'm trying to get up enough money to afford a space heater and a dehumidifier, plus I've had some relationship issues happening. I've been a bit on the busy side. But I've finally gotten a bit of a breather so I've spent almost all day working on AMK-A V2. I've managed to do the preliminary coding for 29 of the new weapons and right now I'm taking a little break before I start working on all of the textures. There's about 126 of them that need to be moved, annotated in textures.ltx and then half of them need bump#.dds files to go with them so your computers don't choke when S.T.A.L.K.E.R. tries to create them all on its own. Then there's weapon descriptions, randomizing, inventory icons and trader placement. After I've got all that done, I'm going to dig into the code and rework the ballistics and pricing for all the weapons in the game. silverpower helped me solve the pistol problem Hamish mentions; I accidentally used an ef_weapon_type number for the Fort12 and some other pistols that causes NPCs to favor them over every other weapon type in the game. This has been completely corrected in V2. I've also made some improvements to the new weapons that should eliminate the problems others have encountered with Arsenal RC1, like the previously mentioned bump#.dds files and also the "shooting at the sky" bug some people have encountered with NPCs that are using AK-platform weapons. I'll try and keep you guys more regularly updated when I can.
  10. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    That's the ltx file for the AK-47 rifle. If you've installed the previous versions, it should still be there. If it isn't, you should probably download V1, V1.2 and V1.31 and install them in that order.
  11. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    I think I've seen some stuff about the resolution incompatibility affecting other mods and their inventory setup. Not sure how to fix it though. I'm glad we've managed to hammer out all the problems with weapon selections. I've noticed in recent playtests that they are a lot deadlier, not perfect, but definitely more dangerous than usual. Hopefully the new armor descriptions will help you make good choices for protection Well, if there's no other problems that pop up, there's only going to be one more patch and it will be a very small one; EggChen finished adding the P90 shells to the base AMK particle file so the next release will only be three small files. After that I'll bundle all of it together into a full download version and then I'll be working on V2 full time.
  12. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    V 1.31 update available: Randomization of weapons with addons (scope, silencer, grenade launcher) now working properly NPC ammo carry ammounts decreased Armor descriptions reworked and rewritten - now the protective value and addons (nightvision) for all the available suits of armor are listed right in the inventory descriptions. No more expensive guesswork or reloading of savegames when making your next armor purchase Weapon min_radius and max_radius has been fine-tuned further to encourage proper weapons discipline in NPCs Unfortunately at this time I am still unable to track down or replicate the random crash bug some people have reported. I apologize if this bug affects you but if you can, please let me know what version of the game you're running and post the last five or six lines of your error log on my thread either on the GSC or AMK-EN boards. AMK Arsenal Patch to V 1.31
  13. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    I actually updated it days ago, before all this crash business. Servalion, as far as the new ammo box textures, for that you do have to start a new game for them to look right. If you use an existing game, the paths for the world models are somehow locked in and you'll get weird stuff happening. I found this out a while back when I tried to change P90 models in mid-game and I ended up with my hands stuck inside the model in third person view. Well, I've gone through every single include file packaged with 1.3 and I can't find the source of any errors. I have cleaned stuff up a lot, made sure everything is using the same syntax and reduced the ammo counts so ammo isn't quite so plentiful anymore. Also, I've managed to fix the syntax for weapon addons in include files so now NPCs that are supposed to have addons will have them; this fixes the missing ACOG bug that Servalion mentioned a page or so back. For right now, I have to go in and adjust the x and y offset for grenade launcher icons in the inventory display. After that, if I can't get any more info on this crash bug or duplicate it myself I'm going to go ahead and release V 1.31 later tonight and hope I've fixed it without realizing it.
  14. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    I'm trying to locate the source of the problem but I've got about 313 files to look through. So far none of the bandit xml files contain any string that's even remotely like the one Servalion posted. I would've thought that it could be character_desc_simulation.xml, but I'm not finding anything in that either. I'm going to start a new game here and see if I can duplicate the error on my machine and maybe get a better view of what's going on. Also, if anyone getting the crash problem can post the last few lines of their log here, that might help also. Update: silverpower and I have thus far been unable to replicate this crash. She has a suspicion that it might have something to do with the syntax used in some of the include files for weapon randomization so I'll be changing it later today and then I'll re-release as Version 1.31. Also, I need to know what version of the game you guys are running, that might help too. Unfortunately, that's all we can come up with at this point.
  15. Skullhunter

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Patch to V 1.3 now available AMK Arsenal Patch to V 1.3 Fixes in this patch: P90 suppressor sold in Yantar now compatible with default gosuke P90 P90 temporarily changed to use default particles to prevent game crashing until EggChen fix is available for AMK Pistol max_radius decreased to prevent NPCs from thinking they can kill anything that moves with a pistol PB and PM pistols now can only use 9x18 FMJ ammo Army Warehouse and Bar randomization adjusted Bandit randomization adjusted to drastically reduce occurance of MP5s Changed PMM ammo to +P instead of +P+ General cleanup in weapon and ammo descriptions More weapon descriptions added/fixed .357 Magnum Desert Eagle damage corrected Features added: +P+ hotloads for 9x18mm guns new inventory icons and new ammo box textures for all new ammo types by IceBurner respawn character randomization added to Bandits, Duty, Mercs, Loners, Freedom and Monolith Instructions: Unzip this archive into your S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl folder. Okay any overwrites of existing files. It is possible that the patch may take effect immediately without the need to start a new game but I cannot guarantee this 100%. If you wish to use/update Weapon Randomization, remember to copy the "gamedata" folder in "Randomized Weapons for AMK" to your main S.T.A.L.K.E.R. directory. Additional info: Disable healing with food - unfortunately this mod does re-enable healing with food, but it's easy to fix. Go into gamedata/config/misc/items.ltx and find the following items: [bread], [kolbasa] and [conserva]. Under each item, find the line "eat_health" and change the value to 0. Scope textures with different resolutions - If you installed the previous patch to 1.2 (which you should have, if you haven't, stop reading this and install it first), you will have every scope texture in every available resolution. Now some of you are on widescreen, or maybe you just want the best one for the resolution you run S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in. So, I'll explain how to set that up properly (in the patch readme of course).
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