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  1. knowledge123

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    I agree with that When i first tried to play AMK it was all in Russian, and that put me off, because not understanding it takes a lot away from the atmosphere of the game. The voices and none-gameplay-centric parts I'm ok with, because it does need that localization to ground it in reality. Well done Vizzy (and all those that helped him)! Also a big thank you to AMK for opening up an English section, and doing a lot of translations for buttons etc ( i see it changing ) I hope we can all work together to raise the bar so high for mods (for S.T.A.L.K.E.R esp) that there is no bar.
  2. Thanks for that, will give it a whirl Also thanks for mirroring it, I have it mirrored at the following address http://www.mediamax.com/knowledge123/Hoste...ightVz_0.99.zip
  3. I'd really like to see darker nights,as they just aren't dark enough, imho. I'd also like to see items in the stashes that are around all the levels, as they always seem to be empty.
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