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  1. ClaySoft'65

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Hi Skull... in the FIX PACK I made some changes to the weapon config files (it's just the line about the scope texture) so that it will be much easier to make no weapon addon (or just rebalancing weapons config files) without having to get mad with the different crosshair's name that the original setup was using during install. So now there's only a single .LTX file good for all resolution (it's the Setup that it's renaming the right set of crosshairs using the names that are written in the config files). scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK ; wpn\G-36-AMK_1024-N This is just an example of the kind of lines that i used in config files, while on the contrary, till now we could have : scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_800-N scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_1024-N scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_1280-T scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_1440-W ... and so on... 8 different line , 1 for each resolution... and that's why it was hard to use a side-mod working for rebalancing. So it will surely be much easier to work on them. C U Clay
  2. ClaySoft'65

    АMK Mod - General Info

    Hi guys... i'm pretty sure that i've been able to fix all the little problem that the Setup was still having (and even something more then that ) In the FIX PACK I made some changes to the weapon config files (it's just the line about the scope texture) so that it will be much easier to make no weapon addon (or just rebalancing weapons config files) without having to get mad with the different crosshair's name that the original setup was using during install. So now there's only a single .LTX file good for all resolution (it's the Setup that it's renaming the right set of crosshairs using the names that are written in the config files). scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK ; wpn\G-36-AMK_1024-N This is just an example of the kind of lines that i used in config files, while on the contrary, till now we could have : scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_800-N scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_1024-N scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_1280-T scope_texture = wpn\G-36-AMK_1440-W ... and so on... 8 different line , 1 for each resolution... and that's why it was hard to use a side-mod working for rebalancing. AMK-EN 2.0.94-FIX for FINAL version This is a fix add-on for AMK Mod 1.4 English translation FINAL. It HAVE TO be installed only after AMK 1.4 (English version - FINAL). As soon as we can it will be added to the official Setup. YOU NEED TO START A NEW GAME TO HAVE ALL FIXES WORKING. Here to you the fixes and addictions that you'll have : -Fixed the problem with different crosshairs resolutions ; -Fixed the weight and AI Pack issues when choosing the "Ragdoll" option ; -Fixed option for binocular's frames showing enemies ; -Fixed the right binocular icon ; -Fixed issues with anomalies visibility option ; -Fixed the Russian Bar dialogs ; -Fixed the option for weaker mutants (Flesh,Bloodsucker and El.Chimera) ; -Fixed some vanilla's error in task_manager ; -Fixed (Finally, I hope) recipes texts for anomalies used in transmutations ; -Fixed the mission "Eliminate the duty squad" (By NatVac's ZRP) ; -Fixed bug with mutants receiving damage from Blowout even Indoor (By Kanya) ; -Added option to remove corpses after 12 hours (default 36) ; -Added option to change the Sleep-time selection in-game to 2-5-9 hours ; -Added WIDE crosshairs for VAL and RPG . Realized by ClaySoft'65 (with a lot of thanks to Kanyhalos) PATCH 2.0.94 for AMK-ENG FINAL SETUP http://www.mediafire.com/?jlyhnu9ygmy -= MIRROR =- http://www.sendspace.com/file/14114s Clay P.S. Vizzy... i'm working on fully integratng what i did into the original Setup script and i'll let you have asap.
  3. ClaySoft'65

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    Thx a lot, Shadow.... i'm just repackaging the Weather mod for the AMK-EN modification of the AMK_MOD.SCRIPT, that is a little modified, so there souldn't be any problem with the old news that we removed from the script, while the files that are in the mod itself still contained those lines, cause they were based on the script from rev. 22 Russian. I'll add here the link for the download ( if i can find the right Russian button for edit ), or maybe i'll write another post . See you later. Clay EDIT : here it is the link : AMK Weather Mod 0.99 - Modified for AMK-EN release http://www.mediafire.com/?se0ny2e8snw Well, guys, i forgot a couple of little things too : 1.- In my Repack there's a translated English Readme by Shadowtony. 2.- I changed the Sky4CE included in the release and now you'll have in the archive the newest release of it, version 1.78.
  4. ClaySoft'65

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    PLR's Realistic Weapons for AMK by PLR, made compatible by diehard2222 Guys , this is not "compatible" at all... it only have one of the different "set" of files that are different for each resolution You could choose in the setup, so using this files, if you haven't the same exact resolution that diehard2222 was using you'll get CTD cause the game cannot find the scope texture that is linked into this files. I have a request... is there anyone that could translate in English the Readme.doc from Weather Mod by NightVz, pls ?
  5. ClaySoft'65

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    Hi all guys I wanna just remember , about this MOD, that about me it's "Compatible patch" is not compatible at all. It's going to disable the random weather feature in AMK Mod , so i don't see anything about compatible in a thing like that. If, and when, it will be really compatible, it could be a nice addon, but for the moment remember what i just said about it, so that you know what it's really doing when you install it over AMK. Bye Clay65
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