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  1. silverpower

    AMK-EN sources

    Why is it 1.0006-only? I thought 1.4.1 was still dependent on 1.0004, and besides, the 1.0006 patch got withdrawn as I recall.
  2. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    PLR hasn't touched this; we just used it as a base at one point. 1.3's kind of a mess - sorry. To be honest, I don't remember how we balanced 1.x, but it's all over the place.
  3. silverpower

    Disabling blowouts/anomalies?

    Thanks, that should stop blowouts nicely. Hopefully nuking the table in amk_anoms.script will be safe. *runs off to test*
  4. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Lucan, no hard feelings; I just got annoyed at you and bit off your head. Sorry about that. To everybody - I haven't seen Skull online in a while - this is probably because I'm no longer awake when he is, and his schedule got sent all out of whack. I do, however, have some good news. Arsenal Mod is being ported to X-Ray 1.5, which means that our mod can tag along. We will, however, still lose some of the weapons currently in our SHOC version, specifically the remaining Zenobian weapons and the Gosuke weapons. In practice, this means that the machine pistols and some SMGs we have will be MIA, and so will the Mosin-Nagant, PKM and P90 (at least, until Gosuke does a rebuild for STCS). The Benelli entry gun will also be missing, as will the sawn-off '34 and full-length TOZ-66. The Saiga-12C has not been ported either - yet. Losing the machine pistols isn't as bad as it sounds, as they were badly scaled and animated to begin with - even the MAC-10 pistol design is not as small as it's depicted, and the mag's completely wrong. The TEC-9 also suffered from a bland and badly done model, as did the TMP. The MP5K and OTs-33 had flaws, too, but have already been replaced with superior models. (Hint: We'd like a port of the MAC-10, especially if they could do a carbine variation and/or port one with a proper two-stage suppressor unit. Same with the TMP and a better TEC-9.) Work on AMK Arsenal V2 is proceeding, but slower than I'd like. And unless and until it's finished for SHOC, you can forget about it being ported to Clear Sky.
  5. Just like the OP says. I'm trying to kill off the anomalies, but the dynamic anomalies feature is screwing things up. In addition, I really don't want blowouts anymore. Why? Because neither belong in my mod, which I'm setting outside of the Stalker scenario. Since I'm using AMK as a base (to enable certain desired features like the offline alife, AMK script spawner, corpse looting, NPC weapon mode usage), however, these features are being a tad stubborn to remove. I've purged all.spawn of all but a very few anomalies (campfires and mines). However, the anomalies are now spawning in places where they don't belong. The point was to be rid of the damn things!
  6. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Once again, AMK Arsenal DOES NOT INCLUDE AMK. You install it OVER AMK. Just because you have a clean AMK folder lying around doesn't mean that you actually installed AMK into the folder you're USING. The reason why it crashed on you is because AMK Arsenal cannot be run on its own. It NEEDS AMK to be installed FIRST, in the folder you're using. And once again, how the hell can unpacking an archive delete files?
  7. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    It's called "not reading the directions". We don't ship all of AMK with the mod, just what we change. Install AMK+AMK-EN with the 2.0.92 installer, patch to 2.0.94, and *then* install AMK-A over that. Seriously. Shouldn't this be blatantly obvious that you've installed it wrong? You're getting a bunch of errors that basically show that you haven't actually installed AMK yet, because if you *did*, the data files for these objects would be present.
  8. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Yes, the Mosin is in, and it is <3. We're implementing a bunch of things - so many I can't even remember them all!
  9. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    After playing the beta version you sent me, some notes, just in case I don't see you online tonight: - The Zenobian weapons *badly* need the Dester/Zereset Static Lighting textures. They look *horrible* in static lighting - but Dester's texturing skills fixed this quite nicely. - I'd forgotten how *slow* AMK made Stalker. Especially since randomized weapons are going to make for more work for the offline alife manager. - Some of the prices seem a bit odd - the TOZ-66 full-length is more expensive than the TOZ-34 full-length, among other things. Sid's inventory looks a lot more sane, though, and I have to give you due credit for that. - Please, please, *please* use the TOZ-66 from Zenobian's pack. Gosuke may have fixed the TOZ-34, but he didn't fix the TOZ-66. :/ - On that note, the TOZ-66 sawn-off should use a hacked model with a different skin - Teh Snake has a really good 'nasty sawn-off' skin, and I have a special-request skin I got made for me once, that puts lots of scratches and vise marks and shit on the sawn-off's barrel. The one you've included looks good on the full-length, though. I'm going to go add the fixed skins and keep playing - I have no complaints about the current randomization so far, though. This is shaping up to be a very nice mod. (BTW, it works on 2.0.94, though you might have to recheck some of the new weapon's settings to make sure that ragdoll behavior still looks right.)
  10. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Well, what you could do is create configs for them, but dummy them out - use the PKM model for the MG-42, a Colt for the TT, and the AK-47 for PPSh-41. (I forget if you have this integrated or not...). You'll need to include renamed/hacked models, obviously. If people want to use these ports, then they can drop the models straight in (unless, of course, they renamed the bones; that might pose a problem). If they don't, then they can play with the placeholders instead. The models are from Red Orchestra, by the way.
  11. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Yeah, the ballistic model isn't all that great - better than most games, but still needs work on GSC's end to approximate reality closely. You can approximate fragmentation/expansion behavior, armor-piercing ammo and relative damage, but it's highly abstracted. Oh, and Sasha, the 10mm+ calibers (10mm Auto, .40S&W, .45ACP) aren't one-shot stoppers, either. It's shot placement that gets you your one-shot stop, not necessarily the caliber (though a 9mm+ caliber usually helps get you the expansion required).
  12. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    This isn't *quite* accurate, either. Ever heard of 7N31? Granted, it's super-high-pressure shit you wouldn't dare fire from the majority of 9x19mm handguns. It's good enough to penetrate the sort of body armor you're referring to, though. And most Western armor isn't 'Tokarev-rated' anyway, until you get to the really good stuff that can stop 5.56 or 7.62x39. Then again, there haven't been all that many deer wearing Tokarev-rated body armor (so scratch the 'for sporting purposes' shit). It's lack of demand by the police and military that ensure that there's only been two semi-autos sold (at least, in the States) that can take AP rounds. One is usually classified as a C&R (most Tokarev-family handguns - doesn't include stuff like the new-production Zastavas and Noris), and the other is the FN Five-seveN. In the Zone, you'd probably be able to find at least a few MP-443 "Grach" handguns, or the SP-1/GSh-18 (9x21mm SP-10/11/12). .357/.44 Magnum can do a number on armor, too, but we're discussing semi-autos, not revolvers (which are far easier to build to tolerate the sort of pressure that Magnum rounds tend to generate - look at the Desert Eagle for why .357/.44Mag semi-autos aren't very popular). That said, all these rounds (9x19 7N31, SP10/11/12, 5.7x28mm, 7.62x25mm) are best suited to good-quality SMGs - they just happen to be usable with certain handguns. Besides, the one-shot stop is a myth, as well - a true one-shot stop would require significant destruction of CNS tissue or destroying/heavily damaging the heart. AP rounds don't tend to expand very well, by their nature (the idea is to get the bullet through the armor without slowing it down too much or fragmenting *inside* the armor - you want the bullet intact until it gets into tissue, where you'd want it to start breaking up), though, so it should be more that hollowpoints cause the victim to bleed out, but can be defeated by armor. AP rounds negate that advantage of armor at the expense of not allowing consistent fragmentation/expansion (since you can't use hollow-tipped bullets), so unless it hits something really important, in a way that a clean hole through or a keyholing bullet would cause incapacitation or death, it's not going to do that much damage. ETA: I should add that the American-180 does damage to armored targets through the armor dispersing the kinetic energy of the bullets into the surrounding bone and tissue. It doesn't pierce so much as it jellies the tissue. It's not going to stop an armored robot, but if you're having to use .22LR on robots, you're having a really, *really* bad day...
  13. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Sorry I've disappeared for a couple days or so - just got ahold of FEAR and Quake 4, and I've been playing the hell out of them. Could you send me your current weapon descriptions so I can work on them?
  14. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Skullhunter - check your PMs, the shotguns are done. And don't let your DDS plugin save ui_icons_equipment.dds with mipmaps - DXT5 is correct, having mipmaps isn't. It works for me, but that's because I'm running at max texture quality at the moment. Stalker assumes that items like this won't have mipmaps, and when they do, it doesn't know to scale them up to the correct size, so the icons look funny. mistaza - try reinstalling AMK, upgrade it to rev.87, and then try installing Arsenal over that. That won't fix the icon issue - unless you know how to strip mipmaps from textures (DDS Converter can do it - DXT5, don't build mipmaps), of course. The CTDs should go away, though.
  15. silverpower

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Looks good! I'm working on rewriting the weapon descriptions, do you want them?
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