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  • AMKoin

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  1. Hi guys, Chuppa here - I've wondered the same thing about AMK En not being on Filefront - maybe it's as simple as no one's put it up? I've pondered submitting the latest installer and seeing if it will be accepted. The problem is that as I'm not the creator of the mod they might not approve it - might be better if a Russian speaker contacts AMK team and gets approval? I agree entirely about OL being a disappointment - it lost me when I had an Ak74u and about 300 rounds of ammo before I even left the village - then I was even less happy when Wolf's guys had run off chasing mutants etc. IMO AMK is THE original true "SoC the way it's meant to be" mod!
  2. Splatich

    АMK Mod - General Info

    I think that crash is happening because AMK is only compatible with 1.0004 - I think someone made a 1.0005 compatibility patch but I don't know where it is or if it works.
  3. My two big requests: 1. "Dead" looking corpses - as I've described before I don't think gradual decay is necessary - just make the visual model of corspes look like they are dead - ie. grey/black blotchy skin, glazed over eyes, tattered and stained clothes. Making them look that way immediately when they fall would not be a problem IMO and the overall good effect would outweigh the initial wierdness. 2. Economy system - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make money harder to come by and items much more expensive!!! The game allows for a very wide tolerance in this respect - because you can take on quests selectively and pretty much take as long as you like, the economy system can be made to be very tight without a huge negative effect beyond making us all work at side quests a bit more - and if you don't want to mess about so much, maybe make it a selective option (HARD or EASY Economy) - tho I think people can just try to manage with scrounged gear as an alternative to working sidequests for money to buy stuff. The amount of tightness can be easily compensated in this fashion so don't hold back - MAKE IT TOUGH!!!
  4. Splatich

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    What will the new release have that "improves" over the current RC1/7x or RC2/8x game? I'm not having a dig - I'm genuinely keen to know but tired of digging thru forums in several different places to find info - I'd really like to just come here.
  5. Splatich

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    I agree!! I think something along the lines of the SystemShock 2 / Deus Ex inventory would be good - where you can shuffle things around to make room and maybe even open up more squares according to various factors such as wearing exo armour or utilising strength giving properties from artifacts etc. - you could even have a system like Boiling Point where your weight carrying ability gradually increases as you actually carry more weight and over time.
  6. Splatich

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    I see RC2 is out and up to patch .87 I think? Can anyone tell me what going to RC2 from RC1 .77 gives us? I ask because I spent a LOT of time tweaking RC1 .77 - mainly just value changes such as rebalancing 5.45 and 5.56 ammo and touchups to npc damages - but also I made changes to environmental graphics etc. - so I'm very wary of starting again from scratch with RC2. I'm wanting an idea whether I'll be missing out too badly by just not going to RC2 or at least some idea how much of MY changes the upgrade will affect.
  7. Splatich

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    The yellowish glow of light from handgrenade explosion lasts way too long - it's visible gradually fading away for at least 10 seconds.
  8. Not really sure if this is the sort of thing for addon request or if it's more like a glitch in AMK: Invisible anomalies - I am a BIG FAN of this whole concept because if they are able to be seen, what is dangerous about them!! So invisible anomalies is the way to go - AMK offers this option but you still get those electrical arcing anomalies completely visible all over the place - and also the falling powder effect here and there. In short I would personally like truely and completely invisible anomalies - as wild and pretty as you like once they're activated, but invisible and deadly up till then....
  9. Splatich

    АMK Mod - General Info

    EDITED: Sorry - must b more tired than I realised - just re read the earlier stuff and made sense of it - am updating now - thx.
  10. Splatich

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    With that NightVz Weather mod - it is EXCELLENT!! absolutely no question - BUT, I found I've had to go thru and edit the weather_default_clear.ltx file - adding a zero in front of the ambient = values for daytime hours (ie. make 0.34 to be 0.034) else shadows are too dim and indoors are not sufficiently dark. I've also put slightly higher values as well as the zero in front for hours between 1100 and 1500 (just so it looks properly daytime). With those small changes it's all great! edit - had done the zero infront edit for all the weather_defaults but found the weather_default_clear.ltx was the only one that actually needs it.
  11. 1. A settings option for rate of time passing - ie. I find the time to pass a little too quickly. In Oblivion Lost I set the time figures to 6 which works really well. 2. A settings option to turn off Crows would be nice - I personally don't like them ( I find the shadows annoying) and I suspect they must be a drain on lower spec systems? 3. I think there are too many weapons available in the single player game - there should be PMM, PB, Colt1911, BM16, AK74SU, AK74, Abokan, Val (that you can attach a scope to), lr300 and arguably SVU and that's it. The whole range could be available as an option and/or once the ending has been reached. 4. I think traders should be paying less and charging more than they do. 5. Dead bodies that look like the living characters just laying on the ground is a big bust to atmosphere - full decomposition would not be necessary - just making dead npc's immediately have somewhat tattered and stained clothing and grey / black blotchy skin with glazed over somewhat milky eyes would give that nice creepy feeling of looking at an actual corpse. 6. Making all mutants have an edible part would be handy - so if injured and short on medkits / bandages / antirads you could with effort keep yourself alive and slowly recover - ie. all mutant parts would give some slight health level increase, but some could give you slight radiation poisoning at the same time while others actually reduce radiation poisoning - so for example you might find yourself low on health and bleeding out but with no bandages or medkits or normal food - so you would hunt mutants (being real careful not to get injured any more) to keep your health up until the bleeding self healed - and as part of that process you'd have to be selective or balance which mutant organs you consumed. I would for example make Dogs - the most abundant mutants - give quite decent health increase but with radiation poisoning - whilst maybe Boars gave a significant anti-rad effect but not much health increase. I guess the organs could be the current ones available from each - ie. dog tails, boar hoofs, flesh's eyes etc.
  12. Splatich

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    Me too! :-) I've had the same crash a few times (ie. same FATAL ERROR description) - it happened after about 15 minutes first time, then almost immediately when I restarted the game - then after the next restart it hadn't happened for over an hour before I ended my playsession and closed it down myself - ie. doesn't seem related to any particular event or action that I can tell. p.s. absolutely LOVING this mod!!!
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