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Oh they spam alright. They spam...
That is AWESOME!! I can hardly wait. Any chance there's a revolver in the arsenal?
I haven't played stalker for some time, because I had to fix my computer. What are the things I need to play this mod? The current version claims to be 1.4, rev. 22, but some of the other topics are saying it's 1.4.1. Are they the same, or are they different?
Haven't been here in a while. Looks like you've been working like a madman, Skullhunter. The screens that were posted looks very good. I hope you can finish this mod pretty soon. Sasha, that link you posted for the Weapons Mod, it didn't lead to the page, it sort of plunked me down at the main page of the GSC forums. Is there a specific place to look? I tried using the search at the bottom, but so far it has been unsuccessful.
This might be a bit off-topic, but what tools are being used to make some of these modifications? Where can I find some of resources about mods and modding for AMK? I would be much obliged if anyone has any answers to these questions.
Does anyone else have trouble trying to repair their weapons? I had to buy a new .50 to replace my damaged one, because there was no option to repair at any of the traders.
skulls and crossed guns. Nice touch .
Yeah, the frangible rounds are awesome against mutants. One shot from the .50 and it's over for most of them, but it seemed to only work that way by blind fire only, not by actually taking deliberate aim. The .44 magnum didn't really seem useful, and when I tried it wasn't really effective against much enemies. It could be me though, because I'm not a pistol type of person:rolleyes:. The new weapons I'm really looking forward to, but the P90 not so much, mainly because the last game I played with a P90 was 007: Nightfire. P90 = instant death to wielder. Not a good experience. Glorified staple gun, in my opinion.
What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod
mistaza ответил на тему форума автора Vizzy в AMK English Version
Is it possible to make drum clips? Like the ones on the classic mafia tommy guns? Those would be neat -
Just out of curiosity, what program are you using to mod the skins and such? Other than that, the mod so far is working really well. The Saiga is my new best friend, especially with the buckshot rounds. Clears a room in a jiffy. Are you still open to suggestions? If so, it would be really neat if you could make a drum cartridge, sort of like a tommy gun.
I love this mod because of the random world events. I mean, I have screenshots of some of them that includes observing large packs of animals that I thought I would never see together (15 snorks, anyone?) and harassing the military at the beginning of the game to get a decent weapon, only to RLH from a military chopper. This has expanded and elongated a fairly short game to a massively SWEET!!!! game. The English translation made it just that more awesome. Thanks for everything!!!
Well, here's the results. I tried it with the new UI_icon_equipment.dds and a fresh install of ARSENAL, and it works. Nothing froze, there was no crash to desktop, nothing. Loaded up and was ready to roll. Must have been me.
Skullhunter, When I installed the mod, it completely screwed up my inventory icons. I mean, really, really, screwed it up. I'm running the latest of the amkmod, which I thought was the problem, but nope, it happens when I install ARSENAL. Even worse, it appears to be crashing the game. "FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CInifile::r_section [error]File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp [error]Line : 342 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Can't open section 'wpn_saiga12c_m1' " This usually happens when it's in the "synchronizing" stage, then BAM!, straight to the desktop. Have any theories?
Sweet. This should be fun!
What do you want to be included in the next versions of AMK Mod
mistaza ответил на тему форума автора Vizzy в AMK English Version
That would be awesome, a melee function, instead of having to switch between the knife and guns. Sort of like how it's done in the Halo series
- [ЧН] OGSM CS 1.8 CE Fixes
- [ЗП] The Long Road
- [ЧН] New vision of War
- [ЧН] Old Good Stalker Mod - Clear Sky
- [ЗП] Unofficial Patch
- [ЗП] Смерти вопреки
- [ЗП] Контракт на хорошую жизнь
- [ЗП] Shoker Weapon Mod 2.1
- [ЗП] Hardcore pack for SGM 2.2
- [ЗП] Контракт Синдиката
- [ЗП] Клондайк 2.0
- ...и другие моды