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  1. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    thanks dude
  2. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    hey shadow tony, is there any other mods that make all the npcs spawn with random weapons (based on skill) and better random stashes? What other cool mods are there for amk in russian?
  3. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - Add-ons

    thanks shadow tony, i was really looking forward to this one!!!
  4. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    In one of the dynamic news, the one that is about poetry, the first line says "ItsIt's", instead of "It's"
  5. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    In the agroprom research facility, (in the mission where the military raids it), the soldiers that get spawned after you help out the stalkers don't show up on the minimap when they are dead as white dots. also when trying to load my savegame in the agroprom underground i got this CTD FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error [error]File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp [error]Line : 73 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : LUA error: ...ow of chernobyl\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker.script:1: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value) stack trace:
  6. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    your the best vizzy!!!
  7. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    do we have to start a new game to see these changes?
  8. Something else I remembered that was on my wishlist: Completely random stashes Now I know there is random stashes implemented, but to my knowledge you can only choose between regular random stuff and having rare random stuff spawn. It would be neat to have a setting that includes all in game items that exist be able to be in the stashes. This of course would be based off the guy you killed to get the stash info. By this I mean his experience level (already implemented I believe). So you could find cool unique items on rare occasions such as a storming Abakan or something etc (use your imagination lol).
  9. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    it still says very good for my reputation when i did this lol
  10. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    i got a problem with the friendly npc stalkers all turning hostile if i accidentally shoot one in the rookie camp, if i do this they all turn hostile all over all maps, any way to change this? cuz now i have to friggen restart the game...
  11. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    there is one untranslated part in this screen shot, also, the first and second messages are grammatically incorrect.
  12. oh okay well maybe someone nice will adapt it to this mod cuz it sounds like it would make the game more "complete" if you know what i mean
  13. thanks for translating the post, hey vizzy, maybe this can be the next amk addon?
  14. so vizzy where is the link to your post about the maurader mod? =)
  15. skylindrftr

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    Yeah great mod guys, I appreciate all the work, testing etc that you guys have done, this is THE BEST mod for Stalker!!!
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