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  • AMKoin

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  1. Yeah, I see your point. But I still think something has to be done concerning death. It just isn't realistic as it is now... Death should be implemented into the actual gameplay, e.g as in PREY, where you were sent into another world and you could reappear in the "real" world. Of course this wouldn't fit into Stalker's setting, but it's not good as it is now...
  2. Of course 1 day ingame time (Same system as the sleeping bag, just longer) You'll wake up 1 day after your accident... Maybe not a fixed timeframe, but depending on the degree of your wounds (caused by mutants, gunfire or anomalies)
  3. It's me again... AMK is great, no arguing, but here is something that regularly pulls me out of the immersion: death. Would it be possible to change the files, so that if you die, you're rather sent to a nearby doctor (which had to be added to) and you sort of respawn there? It's not really realistic if you die, reload and you can do the mission again. The player must at least spend 1 day or so at the doctors as some kind of punishment for dying, money is taken away for the treatment... Would that be possible to do?
  4. Roflcopter

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    I don't think STALKER supports Mobile versions of GPUs...
  5. So, prove it and give me a screenshot...
  6. Only in DX8. If you use DX9 renderer, the first person shadow disappears
  7. Roflcopter

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    I'll post two entries from the GSC forums concerning the scope textures: Hmm, I just reinstalled AMK with the latest files (latest installer) and I have encountered a few bugs: (Some of the) Scope textures are not widescreen although I selected that in the installer, also I got a CTD: FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : fatal error [error]Function : CRender::texture_load [error]File : E:stalkerpatch_1_0004xr_3daxrRenderTexture.cpp [error]Line : 295 [error]Description : <no expression> [error]Arguments : Can't find texture 'wpnwpn_crosshair_4-dot-n' I checked whether the file exists, and it doesn't. The only similar files: wpn_crosshair_4-Dot-T and wpn_crosshair_4-Dot-W. Solution anyone? Also the thing with the invisible anomalies is still not fixed. They are always invisible, no matter what has been chosen in the installer... EDIT: I checked the weapons ltx files and the corresponding scope_textures. Something is really messed up: Some widescreen textures aren't even widescreen (they are ment to be widescreen). Sometimes the 1680 version is not widescreen, but the 1440 version is. I will reinstall the whole thing and check again. I'll post my results later... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry for double post, but I don't want to squeeze this into the above post for better readability. I chose in the installer: 1680*1050 widescreen now in w_fn200.ltx: scope_texture = wpnFN2000-ÀÌÊ-T, which is the 4:3 version. It should be FN2000-ÀÌÊ-W. Or PSO1M1-AMK_1680-W is not widescreen, but PSO1M1-AMK_1440-W is. The same with PSO1M2-AMK_1680-W (not widescreen) but PSO1M2-AMK_1440-W is. This doesn't make sense since the textures should only differ in size, and not aspect ratio! In w_vintorez.ltx: scope texture = wpnPSO1M2-AMK_1280-T which is the wrong size (resolution) AND wrong aspect ratio. I did not check every weapon ltx file but it seems that something is really messed up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hope this will be fixed asap. I think I can change it so it works for me but not in general (with the installer)
  8. I always wondered where the reinforcements (be it the army or someone else) comes from. Would be cool if maybe a helicopter could appear in the "drop in"-zone so that everyone knows, yeah, reinforcement has come. I would also welcome a total overhaul of the stealth aspects of the game. I know that X-Ray is not really capable of doing stealth-things like for expamle in Splinter Cell (Measuring Brightness....), but the current situation does not let me play stealth style... One thing which is maybe impossible to do: The whole zone is one big level, no levelchangers, no annoying loading times... Yeah, I know, I should keep dreaming since Clear Sky is confirmed to be little levels too...
  9. Roflcopter

    AMK Mod - General Discussion

    Hey A big "thank you" to the whole AMK Team for supplying us with the greatest mod ever (for Stalker). I am from Switzerland and I am very excited about the new English forum. Although we can speak English now I think I should have chosen Russian as my 3rd foreign language rather than "Latin" -.-
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