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    Skopje, Macedonia
  1. ahilej

    Локация "Предбанник" от АМК + Софт

    Одлична локација, ми се допаѓа! Боите на текстурите (Гама) помалку наликува на Сенки од Чернобил, не соодветствува на Повикот на Припјат, но, тоа се поправа. Особено е убаво малото гратче... А сите што ве критикуваат, изгледа не знаат како изгледа да се прави мод беспари. И многу брзо го заборавија АМК 1.4.1 за првиот Сталкер! Продолжете! И извинете што не знам Руски :-) Great location which I like very much! Ingame colors - textures - look a bit like imported from Shadow of Chernobyl, they doesn't fit into the Call of Prpyat look, but it can be fixed, I guess. The little city is exceptionally nice... And for all those who are criticizing, presumably they do not know how it is to make such as mod for free. They have forgotten very fast AMK 1.4.1 for the first Stalker! Go on! And sorry for I do not know to write in Russian :-) Ахилеј
  2. ahilej

    Confused about starting new game and lack of artifacts

    Try hiding stuff in stashes, regular or made by throwing that backpack given as a reward for a 'night star quest', that are placed near the 'level changers'. Example of that is a stash under the bended tin plate at the entrance to the Wild Territory. NPC's have other 'level changers', so stashes near 'level changers' used by the player, or, by you and you only, are more likely to be keep intact and safe.
  3. Hi, I read and write both English and Russian as well, although not with the same extent of efficiency. But I was able to read, and sure to understand that the development of the AMK 2.0 for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl officially stopped. The mod will be continued to develop around the new GSC game named 'Call of Pripyat', which is available for sale in Russia only for now. English (International, Multilanguage) version of the third game in the sequel is officially announced for sale in Europe not earlier than November 2009. American (USA and Canada) version will come up even later. The reason is more than obvious, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is in fact a very old game and clearly incompatible with today's software and hardware. The development of the Shadow of Chernobyl had begun as early as march 2003, and was cancelled and restarted several times until the official release in 2007. I didn't said that I am not sorry for the fact that we will play AMK with ShoC no more... :-( I am not sure how this will reflect on the English players, will we have a translated release of the AMK 1.4.1. patch 2, which is only Russian for now, and very polished and stable, or will we have to wait the new all-English AMK 2.0 for the Call of Pripyat, I still do not know. But I will keep reading the developper's (Russian) news and will continue to post translations on this forum. Here is the link from the developper's site, alhough in Russian only: www.amk-team.ru Good hunting, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  4. ahilej

    How to fix Electro-Chimeras?

    Lum4r, I do not read ingame code, I simply do not understand it. But have discovered also that the Electro Chimeras are invulnerable to rocket launcher projectiles as well! The shell that will clearly tear up nearly every tank armour, except maybe the heaviest ones, does nothing to them. So climb up to the highest point around, carrying a scoped assault rifle with 500 rounds, measure the electric shock distance carefully, and... make yourself several cups of cofee, or byu at least three Cola or beer cans, put a largest pot full of popcorns at the table where your monitor is... And finish the shocking bastards :-)
  5. ahilej

    Wild Territory - A level that needs to be fixed

    Mazuroth, I am certainly bored of Mercs and Bandits at the same places. Eliminating them is a routine. To be even worse, they - the bodies, or 'virtual bodies' if you like, are not cleaned up even if AMK developpers claim 'body removal time decreased to a day'. So I play AMK 1.4.1 now (Russian, but it is the same, as for the Wild Territory at least) and have to jump over twenty or so bodies to fight with the-new-spawned four alive enemies. :-( And due to a bug in game AI, dead bodies have over and over new and different stash info, even the already checked ones. But I seriously doubt that this can be fixed, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is in fact a very old game, developping began as early as 2003 (did you know that, I am still keeping a computer magazine from that year where S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was introduced and claimed to be in sale just six monts later!?) and release date was delayed as much as five times. Until 2007. Sometimes is easier or faster to develop new routines from scratch, and the hardware and software for which S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was originally intended is now far away from us. Sometimes the things wanted are simply the things impossible. Or incompatible. For example, even you will agree that the most obvious, graphics engine, is the worse around, I mean, in the present time. So when this will be fixed? As soon as possible, but... In the Call of Pripyat, maybe. Or if someone tries and succeeds to remake S.T.A.L.K.E.R. completely, having from old GSC game just the storyline. :-)
  6. ahilej

    Interesting Experiences

    Yes, that's the way the things are going in Ukraine... in the Zone, I wanted to say. :-) Anyway, what kind of a bussines could have elite army men, every one of them having 12 or so years of combat experience, with a bunch of a Rooike stalkers... they just didn't knew whom they will fight with. :-)
  7. ahilej

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    Hi, :-) all of these weapons argues are correct, HK MP5a5 or whatever is a police waepon, P90 is designed to penetrate body armor class I to III and nothing more, AKSU is a 'Spetsnaz' and, maybe, O.M.O.N. weapon (altrougth elite army units are always trained to use whatever they can got)... but there is something like, let's say, game plausability. If weapon is in-game-plausable, both for me AND for NPC's, not too harsh and not too easy to win, then there is ingame balance. I can play wthout feeling frustrated. If it is not... 'Arsenal' mod have tons-of-Kalyashnikovs and they are all the same. Thus they are unusable, or just overcomplicating the game. Altering power and accuracy without altering ammo spec's and bullet balistisc is ridiculous. Why? An Abakan, for example, can be accurate as sniper rifle but at distances under 100 meters. Still they do not have same bullet/rifling/gunpowder etc. and the result is different. MP5 A5 is, probably, very accurate, but complete useles at distances over 100 meters. The 9mm has its material limitations. I do not want to say that I am ballistic expert or ex. spetsnaz, I just want to say that EVERY game is prety much limited in options when it tries to recreate 'real' world conditions. And it will be always like that. Some things cannot be done, and will never be able to achieve JUST because tihis is game. I think that there is a thin line which cannot be crossed, and this is game plausability. Why I am writting this? I have played 'Arsenal' for AMK and, besides a hundred or so weapons, there is nothing there. Ingame plausability is, IMO, comletely ruined. Just another mod to make me feel bad. Why should I play it then?! :-)
  8. ahilej

    Why doesn't Sidorovich offer these two quests?

    I just think that the missions (hired killings) are cut off for moral reasons. And I agree with that, if it is so. If you (your's Marked One) prefer to work like a hitman, then there is a mission 'kill stalker from Freedom', by col. Petrenko. You can get PSZ-9 suit (Duty 'Sewa' suit) for it, it is much more challenging, the man is inside the Freedom base, and it has real use - Duty simply doesn't want to share military Pripyat maps with Freedom, and the poor gyu has them. :-( I personally never have killed anyone in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. just for money or stuff. There have to be some other, 'higher' reasons, if it is ever, and can be, really justified to kill one for something not connected with yourself. And ingame this is hardly possible. :-)
  9. ahilej

    Wild Territory - A level that needs to be fixed

    I am an really old stalker, I would like to see a switch for random blowouts at the AMK installation. Let's see how many of us will survive that... :-) High number of monsters is corrected in AMK 1.4.1. patch 2. But this is a Russian release only. They finally realized that not everyone can buy NVidia GTX 295 :-) but if one DO HAVE GTX 295, the Flamethrower is the solution. You know where to find it, dont you?! :-) Wild Territory is enough wild without monsters, IMO. Jus those tushkanos maybe. Where the big monsters came from, this is a factory, isn't it?! But it can be properly cleaned before saving Kruglov anyway. Flamethower... :-) Or a scoped rifle. And go for the crane as the highest point. Though normally electrochimeras should not be spawned there before saving Kruglov, this is even earlier AMK, maybe 1.3, thus it is obviously an error. But I really think that main enemy in the Zone could be people and their greed. Monsters can be solved with proper equipment. People can not... one must think first, act later. :-)
  10. ahilej

    How to fix Electro-Chimeras?

    Bates, :-) yot really do not need to finish every quest ingame, like you would not in real life. And Bullet is a sidequest. If you are eager for a PSO-1 for your AK-74, then, before Dark valley simply go to Screw at the Freedom base, he will give you PSO-1 for a bottle of vodka. Or alternatively you can shoot only the snipers at Wild Territory (the first line of Mercs positioned in the narrow passage on the first floor), and without the need to proceed for Kruglov you will have several PSO-1 scopes, AK-74 rifles and a free Stalker suit. Or you can go for Kruglov, it is really of no importance whether you save him before Dark Valley or after. You can even go to the Sakharov's bunker and see what he has for sale. He offers best prices for monster parts too. Only you will not be able to get the task for X16 lab, this is possible after X18 documents. And equip yourself with a flamethrower if you hadn't done so, it will be given to you as a reward for defending the Monolith attack squad at the Barrier, alongside with Freedom soldiers. With a good suit, and an Battery artifact (you can find it in Garbage, on the way to Dark Valley) you can burn Electrochimera and receive only a minor damage. It is likely that electric discharge when burning them is set to minimal possible. But I agree that something should be done with Electrochimeras, they should not roam in packs as first, because they are very unbalanced then.
  11. Hi, 'Oblivion Lost" team got what they have got from AMK team in exchange for some weapon textures and 'ragdoll' physics correction, etc. AMK never had proper English translation. Filefront users do like mods... well, easy to play and pretty to see. IMO. Most of them. I just downloaded mod from there, for ShoC 1.0005 with best textures I have seen, I play ShoC from 2007. And mod was awful to play. Why? After hundreds of hours of work with graphics, weather, paralax mapping, AI, spawn etc. etc the author didn't realized that weapon's ballistic, accuracy and ammo spec's in "vanilla" are ridiculous. So for Filefront. Maybe they will accept AMK 2.0, we will see. But, in my oppinion, they did not payed due attention to AMK 1.4.022 EN intentionally. I cannot confirm that, but I can guess that there was some unofficial request from OL team. OL is a big circuss, as I can see it. Lots of monsters spawned in tight ingame locations, hordes of bloodsuckers in unbeleiavble places, controlers and Burers visiting Bar and making stalkers kill each other every evening, quests like "kill the main Burer from which every Burer in the Zone takes orders", and, yes, final fight with the Boss after the fiveteen teleporters, the poor Boss is Controller with-a-ton-and-a-half of health, you can kill him only if you spawn specific anomaly in his way, by throwing an artifact. What is this? Nintendo... I do not want to offend anyone, but this is not S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as I see it. I have read the Strugatski's book, looked Tarkovsky's film, played ShoC with many mods, and still think that OL is the worst of them. And, of all the mods I downloaded I play only AMK now. I agree, and I understand, because I am living in a post-communist country, it is a bit hard to understand how one can manage only with Makarov etc. As you can maybe guess the point, this is a way how we LIVE here. On the first 'job' Marked One is probably sent to die, they simply do not want him or do not believe him. Or have sent several men before him, and they didn't return. In my way of thinking. The idea with a starter pack is good, but maybe a little later, just before job with Army documents from Agroprom. And yes, he could keep his old and worn stalker suit, with 10% bullet proof, or so. The one he is wearing in the start movie. Nevertheless, I often manage to get AKSU from bandits spawned at ATP later ingame. And, as you sure know, there is ammo box at the old Mill roof with 120 5.45x39 rounds. So I do not leave Cordon unarmed. Ammo box with 20 12x70 slugs can be found at the ATP roof. But I do like the idea with additional armament and artifact(s) from Sidorovich, Marked One is working for him and he has proved himself useful. :-)
  12. ahilej

    How to fix Electro-Chimeras?

    Briliant. I just had very, very bad times with packs of Electro Chimeras, not that they are unkillable, but their ingame appearance lacks creative sense. I think that this is one must-to-have solution, if not in the first release of the AMK 2.0, maybe as an addon or patch.
  13. ahilej

    Wild Territory - A level that needs to be fixed

    Hi to you both, I do have the same problem with Kruglov who dies in different types of anomalies, most often Springboard, Vortex, or Whirligigs. Once at a time, an interesting solution came by itself, between two tries to get out of the Wild Terrirory altogether with Kruglov, who was constantly ripped appart by an anomaly, blowout came. He went back into the tunel with "Burners", and kindly waited for the blowout to end. So did I (the Marked One). It costed me several antirads and a lot more medkits, despite the strong artifacts I had on the belt. At the end of the blowout anomalies respawned, and a safe path opened to both of us. It could be possible, although I haver never tried, if one encounteres the killer anomaly problem, simply to sleep in the "Burner" tunel, Kruglov will wait, blowout will came... and then will be easy to go. But I agree that something must be done ingame, by AMK team. Both of the above mentioned solutions are reasonable to me. :-)
  14. Hi, I am Ahilej, I am registered at filefront.com - stalker files - and at AMK group site as well. The reason is simple. There is a mod, as you already know, called "Oblivion Lost" or something similar, which was built, in it's essence, of 70% or more of AMK team files. There I mean scripts, sleeping, NPC looting, creative AI, and other most cool stuff that is really AMK team achievement. And no one's else. The developper of this "Oblivion Lost" added some storyline changes and sidequests, most of the added are not suitable for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in itself, more likely for a games like "Elder Scrolls" or similar. And claimed the mod as his intellectual property. Since the poor "Oblivion Lost" was entirely in English, the english-speaking gamers community, out of misunderstanding, did not intercepted the AMK mod 1.4. EN 2.0, which was also unfinished by translation means. "Oblivion Lost" is much more easy to play, it has shining suits and other textures, and useless cars (and other useless stuff!) and... most of the gamers registered at FileFront really do not cared for real S.T.A.L.K.E.R. gameplay and creative achievements, just for mere fun. IMO. Here I do not want to say that PC gaming should not be fun, here I just want to say that there is a thin line in gaming, when it is crossed, I know that the game - or mod - is made just to offend my intelectual or emotional capabilities. Maybe not intentionally, but this is the case witn "Oblivion Lost", which is, in my oppinion, just a cloned mod built upon AMK base, and it's gameplay - "Oblivion Lost" gameplay - offends me very much. I have finished AMK, both English and Russian, more than ten times, and I have never felt offended. I am playing it again, and I eagerly wait for the AMK 2.0 release with new maps and script. If we want a proper and deserved place for AMK 2.0 english at Filefront, then we will have to... fight for it! Of course, if moderators at Filefront allow us to. Привет! Ахилеј
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