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Sgt Doom

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  1. Sgt Doom

    AMK Weapon Add-on - WIP

    With regards to the repair kit not reliably repairing armour, the fix for that is: In bind_stalker.script, go to this part function actor_binder:on_item_drop (obj) level_tasks.proceed(self.object) ngc_mod.itemuse(obj) --NGC_MOD ADDITIONAL amk.on_item_drop(obj) end And move the ngc line below the AMK one function actor_binder:on_item_drop (obj) level_tasks.proceed(self.object) amk.on_item_drop(obj) ngc_mod.itemuse(obj) --NGC_MOD ADDITIONAL end I'm guessing AMK does something to armour that messes up how the repair kit works.
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