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  1. 300000

    AMK-EN sources

    is amk 2.0 still going to be release i english too?
  2. 300000

    Game balance

    Hello dear AMK players! I have been playing for quite a long time with this mod now. My problem is the following: the game is very unbalanced. I mean I die easily even in n00b level. Npcs can kill you with only 1 pistole shot! Not matter what suit are you wearing... Is there any fix which makes the game balanced?
  3. 300000

    AMK Mod - Bug reports

    Mazryonh, what version of amk are you playing with? i cannot load your savegames
  4. 300000

    World Wide version + AMK 1.4.1 rus

    which one of these? if u unpack the amk-en release, you got 2 of each files. which 1 are u using?
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