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  • AMKoin

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  1. Lum4r

    Interesting Experiences

    Is that what it is? When I saw the scientist giving Sakharov the measurements after the mission, I assumed it just a feature to make the ecologists seem busy (That is until I heard Sakharov say "Let me adjust the prototype").
  2. Lum4r

    Why hasn't this mod been posted to stalker.filefront.com?

    It's the variety of mods that keeps S.T.A.L.K.E.R. interesting to me. I played through vanilla the first two times. I loved the game but was disappointed with the ending, it wasn't until a few months later that I learned the Wish Granter wasn't the "real" ending Next I tried OL because it had the most downloads and highest reviews. I remember thinking how strange it was that he took credit for the project even though so many of its features were credited to AMK. I didn't like getting that extra help starting out. I think it makes everything less rewarding when you can't say to yourself "To think I started out shooting Bandits with a Makarov, and now I'm like the king of The Zone" And then there were the cars. After the first time I saw a Bloodsucker and thought 'Oh my God, get in the car!' I realized that something was wrong. It also made me wonder why Marked One was the only one with his own, personal vehicle and everyone else had to walk everywhere. It just didn't add up. The whole mod turned a survival game into an big joke. AMK makes The Zone a rougher place. There's no cars, no tightly controlled groups of monsters that can't leave an area, no mercy for newcomers, and no combination of artifacts that makes you invincible to bullets. Every time I get killed in AMK Mod, I'm either laughing because I know I wasn't being careful enough, or I got killed by an Electro Chimera. One good thing about Electro Chimeras though, they definitely scare the hell out of me.
  3. Lum4r

    How to fix Electro-Chimeras?

    Actually, when I made it to Pripyat, there was a group of about 8 or so Electro Chimeras. After failing a few confrontations I went back to the bar, gathered up all of my Urchins, made Stone Porcupines out of them (took about an hour and a half), and went back to face them with my 100% protection to shock. When I started attacking them however, I couldn't help but notice that the discharge was still inflicting damage. So I looked at the script... once I could find it, that is. h:bone("bip01_spine") -- ÷òîáû ó÷èòûâàëàñü áðîíÿ h.power = 1/dist h.type = hit.strike --chemical_burn db.actor:hit(h) h.power = 15/dist h.type = hit.shock db.actor:hit(h) end It seems the "electrical" discharge from the Electro Chimeras also inflicts a small amount of chemical damage (strange how that's the only English comment in the whole document). Guess it's time to whip out some Pellicle.
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