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  1. Mazryonh, Yeah rare stashes is very very few stashes that will contain rare items, not the rarest of the rare but pretty damn good, I got that FT 200 while I was still in cordon, but never found ammo for it until I was in the dark forest. I couldnt figure out the flamethrower quest, I got it as a reward from a Freedom guy, I found a bunch of Fuel Canisters around the world but I never picked em up cause they weighed so much. Oh and where can I find Prototype armor? I can only get mine at Chernobyl NPP, and I can still run in it??
  2. I think you gotta help out the STALKERs when you get a Stalker Network message. I think I got one for saving someone after a blowout, one guy got stuck and got KO'ed and I saved him, then when I went to bar I had a "I heard someone left something for me" (or whatever it is) message in the menu.
  3. The lack of artifacts IS because of the NPC's. They've been picking them up as they go along. They're made to loot anything of value as they travel, so chances are there wont be many artifacts lying in populated areas, only in areas unreachable by the NPC's or areas NPC's never go near. This is why when you kill groups of people you will find a bunch of artifacts and weapons and all different kinds of loot on their corpses. The best places to look are areas off the main path, areas populated by mutants and areas that are full of anomalies. Trade with traveling NPC's and you will find that they have lots of artifacts because of the distance they travel. You can also set the stashes to rare finds only, this will give lots of nice artifacts when you find a stash. I actually love it this way, it gives you something to spend your money on and actually makes it difficult to find artifacts unlike vanilla which has them littered all over the world.
  4. Hmm, I never really realized that NPC's only equipted better stuff, but usually I'd only give stuff to Mission-Related NPCs, like at Yantar the scientist guy kept dying on me so I gave him a OC-14 Groza and some AP rounds so he wouldnt stand there with trying to fend of hordes of zombies with just a pistol.
  5. KewlCrayon

    AMK w/ Clear Sky Dynamic Music

    Mazryonh, Nope, its about replacing AMK's custom Dynamic Music (Half life 2/Quake/Unreal Tournament music) with Clear Sky Music. I couldnt find any mods that do this so I decided to create my own add-on for AMK. but I'm having trouble writing scripts for them, all I've been able to do is replace the old tracks with Clear Sky tracks, but what I want to do is create new scripts to play new "full" tracks, rather than just short looping tracks.
  6. Man it took me a while to figure out how to register, then I saw the "how to register thread" haha, I'm an idiot. Annnyways, I really love the AMK mod but I dont really like the HL2, Quake, UT, etc. Dynamic Music so I decided to try n get the Clear Sky Dynamic Music. There probably already is a mod out there for this but I couldnt find it so I'm making my own add-on. First I ripped the Clear sky Music outta Clear Sky then I tried to rewrite the AMK Dynamic Music script to play the clear sky tracks from a different folder and under different names (just basically changing all the "HL2_idle_1/U_end_1/etc". names to "CS_Theme_1_idle/etc." and changing the path from "gamedata>sounds>dynamic music" to "gamedata>sounds>Clear Sky DM" but the game kept trying to run the HL2_idle_1 sound files from the new path I set. So I decided to leave the scripts alone and leave it to the experts. I simply renamed all the Clear Sky Dynamic Music files to what the AMK Dynamic music files are named as and then just overwriting them with the Clear Sky dynamic music files. Turned out great, the Clear Sky music plays... One problem though, the tracks we're too short because in each of the 14 "track" folders for the original AMK DM there was only 8 or so different audio files, where as the Clear Sky Dynamic music had like 16-24 audio files for 3 different tracks. So I went back to the scripts and tried adding more audio files to the lists then I fired up the game, Dynamic music started playing but then when it tried to play one of the audio files I added to the script... CTD. So I reverted back to the old script and just used the original 14 AMK dynamic music folders with different combos of Clear Sky Dynamic Music. Here's what I've got so far also It sounds great, I think alot of people would like it how it is but I wanna try n get the tracks to play more audio files so they're longer instead of just looping the same 4 files over n over to make it more Clear-Sky-ish Anyone who's got any skill at writing scripts it would be awesome if you could do this for me because I'm stumped. Here's a link to my add-on of the AMK Dynamic Music add-on. Just overwrite the folder and it will play Clear Sky music instead of the HL2, Quake, UT music. http://rapidshare.com/files/241318147/AMK_...namic_Music.rar Also here's a link to the Clear Sky audio files that were ripped from the Clear Sky game for anyone who wants to help me write proper scripts with full tracks. http://rapidshare.com/files/241318148/Clea...namic_Music.rar
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